Deelylah Mullin offers professional and thorough editing services for authors seeking to provide their audience with the best possible reading experience. She is currently accepting manuscript inquiries in most genres. Who are we kidding? Deelylah is here to make the editing process as painless as possible. Editing professionally since 2012, she’s got a book or two under her belt.
With twenty-four years experience in the classroom, two of which were at the collegiate level, she is able to leap verb tense agreement in a single bound. Use track changes like a pro, and ensure that elements are consistent throughout a story. Since retirement, Deelylah has been seeking the elusive Spare Time Fairy — even though she thought that little wench would be around a lot more.
It’s never a dull moment with Deelylah and her family. Happily married with six children who keep growing up — despite the fact Deelylah loudly proclaims they need to stop–they’re pretty much a Brady Bunch. Except there’s no Alice. I want my damn Alice! Three fabulous felines take turns tormenting and delighting the humans in the house. She actually deserves whatever she gets out of the two black ones — they’re named Puck and Loki. During winters, Deelylah is known to be outside as little as possible, as she lives in the frozen tundra of Michigan.
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