PhD Study on Post-Menopausal Women’s Sexuality

by | March 5, 2009 | General | 1 comment

Please take a moment to see if you qualify to partake in an important academic research study. It is part of a PhD dissertation on Post-Menopausal Women’s Sexuality. Feel free to pass this information on to friends and relatives who are post-menopausal baby boomers.

What is the relationship amongst postmenopausal women’s sexual desire, sexual arousal, sexual quality of life and experience with explicit sex videos?

You are invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of this study is to discover the patterns that may exist among postmenopausal women’s sexual quality of life, sexual arousal and desire
functioning, demographics, and experience along with benefits derived from viewing explicit sex videos.

The person conducting this study is Susana Mayer. She is a certified clinical sexologist and doctoral candidate at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. This research is being conducted for her dissertation.


Women who are naturally menopausal (last date of menstruation a minimum of one year ago), born in or between 1946 –1964. Women who view explicit sex videos (genitals exposed). Various types of films fall under this category- romantic, porn, instructional, with and without plots. Women who presently have at least one sexual partner of the opposite sex, and consider themselves sexually active (with and without intercourse).

Full details, qualifications, and on-line survey can be accessed at:

Adrienne Benedicks

I'm still a bit surprised to find myself administrator of a community that dwells in the sensual and the erotic. Who would have thought all those dirty books residing under my bed would lead to this? I have to say it is wonderfully liberating to realize the only dirty things under my bed are the dust bunnies; that my passion for things erotic is simply a healthy interest in sexuality. There's nothing quite like a community of like-minded people to light the way. I graduated from University with a degree in anthropology and live with my professor husband. However, the New Yorker in me is still alive and kicking. We have three kids: a professor, a financier, and instructional designer. Things are more comfortable now that they don't have to answer the classic elementary school question, "What does your mommy do?" In 1996, with the help and encouragement of several women, I founded the Erotica Readers & Writers Association. It's a continuing pleasure to mingle with the passionate souls of ERWA.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Hello Susana,

    I'd love to participate, but unfortunately I don't meet all of the requirements because the love of my love left and I do not have sex without being in love (I never did)…if you ever need someone who isn't in a sexual relationship please let me know.
    [email protected]

    Good luck in your work.

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