by Ashley Lister
The Minute Poem is a form that follows an 8, 4, 4, 4 syllable count
structure. It usually has 3 stanzas that are exactly the same: 8, 4, 4, 4; 8, 4, 4, 4; 8, 4 , 4, 4 syllables.
A traditional Minute Poem has 12 lines in total. It is written in a
strict iambic meter. The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabb, ccdd, eeff.
In this traditional example I’ve included both the rhyme scheme (aabb,
ccdd, eeff) and the syllable count (8,4,4,4 for each stanza).
You come to me in saucy mood
You’re feeling rude
You want my dick
You want it quick
At first we cuddle, then we kiss
It feels like bliss
Our passions soar
We both want more
It’s all over too fast for you
What can I do?
Speed’s in my plan:
the minute man
Alternatively, there’s also a non-traditional minute poem. This adaptation
doesn’t have to rhyme but it should follow the established syllable count.
Our naked bodies give shared warmth
they entertain
arouse, inspire
and so much more
We’ve been together for so long
It feels just like
but I want more
As long as our shared pleasures please
I’ll always try
to be with you
and give you more
As always, I look forward to seeing your poems in the comments box
I really like the minute poem… the words feel so sensual…
Lusty – I love working with syllabic forms because they get us to focus on a different aspect to the words we use other than their meaning. I look forward to seeing any minute poems you chose to share here 🙂
you make the bedsprings creak and groan
I start to moan
with you inside
my legs astride
your hips again this midnight hour.
Still you devour
my moans and pleas;
you're such a tease
to keep me wanting more and more
now three, now four
and finally
your hand…in me.
I could have sworn I commented on this one the other day. It's a great piece of writing, it makes the form work. And that final line is just a perfect delivery.
Excellent writing. My apologies for not checking to see if my response had been posted here.
Thanks Ash 🙂
Well…. let's try this again. ; ) I couldn't get the rhyme scheme included. It was just too much for any natural sounding language I could come up with at 6am on a Sunday morning. I do put sooo much thought sometimes into these things. Thanks for the suggestions, Ashley. I've never worked this form before.
You show yourself a braver man
than others come
before. You dare
my fearsome bed
in knowledge, sparing me the chore
of ridding you
your innocence.
Your beauty makes
my mouth water, my cock begin
to leap. I want
your fingers up
my ass. Stroke me.
Nettie – thank you.
The syllable count is spot on and makes this piece work. The enjambment lends itself to pausing through each line, accentuating surprising parts of the text and giving the whole thing a delightful and unexpected flow.
Good to see where your thoughts lie at 6:00am on a Sunday morning.
Lovely, Nettie. The enjambment really makes it flow.
Thank y'all. I'm glad no eyeball injuries were reported.