by Ashley Lister
Dark, dangerous
succumbing, submitting, surrendering
We want this badly
We’ve looked at the traditional cinquain in the past, but I don’t recall us looking at the modern cinquain. Whilst the traditional cinquain is based on a strict syllable count, the modern cinquain is based on particular types of words, as illustrated below.
line 1 – one word (noun) a title or name of the subject
line 2 – two words (adjectives) describing the title
line 3 – three words (verbs) describing an action related to the title
line 4 – four words describing a feeling about the title, a complete sentence
line 5 – one word referring back to the title of the poem
long, slender
testing, touching, teasing,
delving deeper and deeper
Remember – you’re not counting syllables with this form: only words. As always, I look forward to reading your poems in the comments below.
wind, rain
drenches, whips, subdues
shatters and frees me
OOOh! Like it a lot. .Nice use of the metaphor. x
Hot. Longing, Inferno
Intensifies me, Enflames me
Dying For You, Only For You
I like this a lot. I was particularly impressed with the way you took the form and made it your own. Instead of a single word in the final line, ‘Dying for you, Only for you,’ gives it a much more powerful conclusion.