Adrienne Benedicks

Call for Submissions

City Nights Series
Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing
Ongoing series, there is no deadline

Read other books in the series to see what we’re looking for. Then . . .

• Pick a city somewhere in the world that hasn’t been taken. You may
wish to contact the managing editor to put a hold on your chosen city.

• Write a contemporary erotic romance that takes place within a 12-24
hour time frame.

• Novella length only (aim for 25K)

Submission details at:

Call for Submissions

NineStar Press, Ltd., an innovative, full-service publisher of LGBTQA romance, is launching in November, 2015. We are seeking submissions of LGBTQA romance fiction, literary novels, and erotica shorts.

We pay 40% royalty on list price for any books sold through our website. For third-party vendor sales, we pay 40% net—the list price minus vendor fees. For print books, we pay 12% of the actual cover price, less returns.

We ask for 2 years rights for print, ebook, and audio. If we haven’t used the print right within 1 year of the ebook publication, that right automatically reverts back to the author.

Submission details at:

Call for Submissions

Steam Romance, a publisher of romantic and erotic fiction is looking for writers! New to this genre, but not publishing, Steam is fresh and ready to take on select stories that are just as fresh… and sexy!

We are looking for:

Short stories that are between 15k-40k words. Novels that are between 50k-100k words. We are accepting stories in almost all genres, but will give priority to stories of the following romantic fiction or erotica categories: Contemporary, especially stories with a modern, strong lead female character; steampunk, urban fantasy, paranormal, fantasy, dystopian, and for men.

Submission details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: Summer 2015 Edition

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Summer Sybarites,

What is it about summer and sex? They seem to go together like red wine and sharp cheddar, strawberries and whipped cream, whips and chains… Maybe it’s because of the minimalist clothing. Nothing sets my pulse racing like a tanned, naked shoulder or a bared midriff. Perhaps it’s the vacation vibe, the prospect of a holiday from the demands of the working world. A lazy afternoon in the hammock – a frolic in the surf – a balmy night on a grassy hill, under the blazing stars. Preferably with company, of course!

Whatever the reason, ERWA is here to make the season sexier than ever. Our Summer Edition is blooming with sensual delights, from incendiary fiction to uncensored films, carefully selected to enhance your personal pleasure.

In the Erotica Gallery we have a new crop of Awesome Authors, each of whom has contributed an erotic story or chapter to tantalize and arouse you. Whatever your preference for pairings, M/f, m/F, F/F or M/M, there’s something to satisfy your desires. Authors from our Storytime list add to the mix, with tales in every mood: humorous, desperate, nostalgic, fantastic. You’ll also find a brace of delicious poems to set you dreaming.

Send your imagination on vacation:

If you’re worried about getting sand in your mobile device (I would be), we’ve got lots of  Books for Sensual Readers to spice up your time at the beach. The amazing Alison Tyler has two new erotic anthologies out, JUST FOR HER and JUST FOR HIM. Torquere Press has released MYTHOLOGICALLY TORQUED VOlUME 1, a massive collection of erotic tales with mythological themes which features not just the classical Olympians but also gods from Norse, Japanese and other mythological traditions. If you’re brave enough to venture closer to the edge, check out outrageous GONZO COLLECTION by Daddy X.

A.N. Roquelaure (Anne Rice) has released another book in her classic “Beauty” BDSM series, BEAUTY’S KINGDOM. THE INHERITOR by Laura Antoniou is a new tale set in her Marketplace universe. PLAYING DIRTY by C.L. Parker offers a steamy erotic romance full of nasty business tricks. Fans of gay fiction won’t want to miss James Lear’s latest Dan Stagg novel, STRAIGHT UP, set in the ultra-masculine world of Marines and Special Ops forces. And I’m adding at least one new title to my multi-page TBR list: ME AND MY BOI, edited by Sacchi Green. I’ve never been disappointed by one of Sacchi’s books.

Summer’s a time to be self-indulgent. If you feel the urge to purchase any of these volumes, or the dozens of others featured in our Books for Sensual Readers pages, please remember to use the affiliate links on our site. It doesn’t cost you anything, but it helps keep the Erotica Readers & Writers Association alive and writhing.

Beach reading was never hotter:

What about those of us who are creating all those books? The erotica market is growing, and so is our list of submission calls and publisher’s guides in Authors Resources. New this week in are two anthology calls from House of Erotica, a call for speculative erotic stories to be podcast (for pay) and two new imprints, Sinful Press and Pride Publishing. The latter is a just-opened outlet for all types of GLBTQI fiction, part of the Totally Entwined publishing group.

Check the authors page frequently. We update it whenever we receive information about new publishing opportunities. And while you’re there, why not browse the archives of craft articles from old editions of ERWA? You’ll find great advice and thought provoking commentary from veteran authors. The archives also include book reviews, sex toy reviews, and opinion pieces from the legendary Smutter’s Lounge. You could spend many productive and enjoyable hours in the archives.

Grow your writing career this summer:

But maybe “productive” is not what you want to be this season. In that case, you might want to explore the Sex Toy Playground. This edition shines the spotlight on our partner Adam & Eve, one of the oldest and most respected adult emporia in the business. Did you know that A&E donates 20% of the profits to charity? Why not do a good deed by purchasing some of the delightful gadgets showcased in the Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column?

And while you’re wandering around in the Playground, sample some of our past “how-to” articles. Anal sex? Spanking? Ben Wa balls? If you’ve got a question, our experts may very well have the answer.

Play with yourself – or others:

When you’re bored with the toys (if that ever happens…), make our Adult Movies section your next stop. This month’s featured flicks include “Screwing Wall Street”, starring real life stock-broker-turned-porn-star Veronica Vain. Stormy Daniels directs “When It Comes To You”, a couples-oriented tale about a woman torn between two men. Sound like too much plot? Check out “Massive Curves” or “Threesome Fantasies Fulfilled Volume 5”. (I suspect volumes 1 through 4 are also available…) And I’m drooling over the digitally remastered classic “Maraschino Cherry”, directed by erotic master Henry Paris (otherwise known as Radley Metzger). As I may have mentioned in the past, I think Metzger’s brilliant. Too bad my birthday is six months away!

You don’t have to wait, though. Adult DVD Empire, SmutNetwork, Adam & Eve, Lesbian VOD, Gay DVD Empire – we’ve got links to all the best porn sources, and every purchase you make helps support the best sex-oriented site on the Web. (That would be ERWA, of course!)

Indulge in some visual stimulation:

Inside the Erotic Mind, the topic is private masturbation when you’re in a relationship. Is it okay to pleasure yourself, even when you’re having plenty of great sex with your partner? I found this discussion fascinating. To share your own thoughts and experiences, just click on the Participate link.

Meet kindred spirits inside the erotic mind:

This edition of the Erotic Lure is sponsored by Adam & Eve. The largest provider of adult products in the United States, A&E believes that your sex life should be as limitless as your desires. Every product they offer is backed by decades of experience, superior customer service, risk free shopping, and a passion for helping their customers explore sex in a positive way.

Before I sign off, I’d like to ask a favor. I’m running a reader survey, from now until July 25th. Could you take a few minutes to complete it? Every person who finishes the questionnaire will receive a coupon for a free erotic romance book. In addition, I’m giving away a $50 bookstore gift certificate to one lucky respondent.

The survey is here:

Alas, all good things must come to an end, including this newsletter. I hope your summer is an endless adventure filled with pleasure.

Heatedly yours,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory
Check out Lisabet’s blog
Join Lisabet’s List

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

Call for Submissions

Sinful Press is looking to publish erotic novels of over 60k. Advance offered.

We are interested in well-written mainstream romance, dark or paranormal erotica with strong characters and a good plotline. Sex scenes must be believable, explicit and in keeping with the chosen sub-genre.

We do have a preference for female protagonists but could be persuaded to accept male protagonists if the story is strong enough.

While we don’t expect you to have professionally edited your novel, we do expect to see minimal spelling/grammatical mistakes. In other words, we want to see a final draft not a first draft.

We will also consider novellas of 20-60k. At present we are only looking for romance, BDSM, and paranormal erotica. These will be on a royalty only basis, no advance, and while they will have the same amount of care and attention as our novels, they will only be available in ebook format.

More information can be found on our submission page at:

Call for Submissions

Victorian Era Erotica
Publisher: Riverale Avenue Books
Editor: F. Leonora Solomon
Deadline: December 31, 2015
Payment: $10 plus royalties, and a copy of the print edition of the book.

The Victorian Era is infamous for its strict moral code, inclusive of sexual restraint. At the same time, this is one of the most eroticized periods in history for that very reason–even death was not excluded! This anthology seeks to unravel the hidden sexuality of this period, all sorts of sexual rebellion are welcome.

Submission details at:

Call for Submissions

Femdom Erotica
Publisher: Riverale Avenue Books
Editor: F. Leonora Solomon
Deadline: January 31, 2016
Payment: $10 plus royalties, and a copy of the print edition of the book.

I am looking for stories to help me whip into shape, a fierce femdom anthology. Tales of strong women with irresistible storylines are required! I know you will not let this editrix down, and will do your utmost to impress me…

Submission details at:

Call for Submissions

Riverale Avennue Books
How to Submit Your Work to Us

First of all, we love writers, of both fiction and nonfiction, published and unpublished. Please think of us when you have an idea for a book, have gotten your rights back, or have finished a manuscript.

Whether you are an unpublished or published author, the first thing we would like to see from you is a simple one-page query letter telling us about your work and your writing background. Please make sure you include a return email address and a phone number. We are an electronic publisher and DO NOT take physical queries or manuscript submissions.

If you are an unpublished writer, keep in mind that we will need you to submit a finished manuscript, so please do not submit a query to us before you have finished the first draft.

If you are a previously published author, after you have sent a query letter and we have expressed interest, we will expect you to submit either the first three chapters of your novel and a complete outline, or your nonfiction book proposal. Even if you have finished the manuscript, please wait for us to ask to see the entire book.

Guideline & submission details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: Spring 2015 Edition

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Paragons of the Prurient and Perverse,

Welcome to the Spring issue of Erotic Lure, the newsletter of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association. As the days lengthen, the trees blossom, the sap runs and the natural world explodes into lusty life…we’re doing the same. The new edition of the ERWA website is guaranteed to get your juices flowing, with the sassiest, sexiest and most sophisticated adult content out there in cyberspace.

Our Erotica Gallery will have you slick and swollen in no time. Enjoy our amazingly diverse fiction selected from the Storytime list: a hooker who offers “the girlfriend experience without the girlfriend”; the sexual experience of a man in coma; a fantasy that explains why Henry Thoreau built his cabin next to Walden Pond; a searing tale of corruption and sexual favors guaranteed to make you squirm. And that’s just the start. This edition of ERWA introduces our new Awesome Authors feature. Read short stories or full chapters by some of today’s top erotica authors — all for free! The line-up this edition includes erotic heavyweights like Alison Tyler, Janine Ashbless and…well, go see for yourself!

Let our authors turn you on:

Find more arousing tales in our Books for Sensual Readers section. Just the cover of Violet Blue’s new anthology PICTURE ME NAKED will set your pulse racing. We’ve got the very best for you in every sub-genre: BEST EROTIC ROMANCE 2015 (edited by Kristina Wright), BEST BONDAGE EROTICA 2015 (Rachel Kramer Bussel), BEST SEX WRITING (Jon Pressick), BOMBSHELLS AND BUTCHES: BEST LESBIAN EROTICA (Kathleen Warnock) — and that’s just the books with “best” in their titles. If you’re on the prowl for a novel, check out S.L. Jennings’ provocative TAINT, about a sexual sophisticate who “turns housewives into whores”, or my steamy new paranormal erotic romance THE EYES OF BAST. You’ll find great GLBTQ titles, too, including Neil Plakcy’s anthology of gay romance TAKE THIS MAN and Berengaria Brown’s LESBIAN LOVERS. Meanwhile, if you’re seeking something more explicitly educational, browse our sexy sex ed section. We have the ultimate guides to everything from sex after fifty to prostate pleasure. After all, no matter how good you are in bed, you can always learn new tricks!

As you browse (and fantasize), remember that it’s your purchases via our affiliate links that keep ERWA alive and kicking. If you just can’t control your impulses (and why should you?), please use our links to satisfy them!

Find pleasure between the covers:

Speaking of covers, if you’d like to see YOUR name on one, spend some time exploring our Authors Resources pages. ERWA has the web’s most extensive listing of market opportunities for erotic authors. The Author pages are also your gateway to our extensive archives of craft-related articles (www.erotica-readers.local/insider-tips/) and a useful directory to services and resources for authors (www.erotica-readers.local/links/writers-resources/).

This month’s listings include new publisher Love Slave, the “Rough Edges” anthology of American western tales, and two lesbian calls, from legendary editors Cheyenne Blue and Sacchi Green. The listings are updated whenever we receive something new; incoming calls are also added to the ERWA blog,, where you’ll find more great posts on writing.

You can’t claim there’s no market for erotica!

No edition of Erotic Lure would be complete without a quick trip to our Adult Movies section. Featured this month is “Marriage 2.0”, a creative, sensitive and sexy look at a couple in an open relationship. Balancing love and novelty, adventure and commitment, is a tricky task. You’ll enjoy watching this couple rise to the challenge.

Also of note is Brad Armstrong’s latest, “Holly…Would”, starring the stunning Asa Akira as a high end madame. Looks luscious! And for those of you who find plot just gets in the way, I recommend “Student Nurses”. Their uniforms say it all!

Get visual:

What the natural accompaniment for adult movies? No, not popcorn! I’m talking about sex toys. As usual, the Sex Toy Playground keeps you well-informed on the latest erotic implements, neatly summarized in our Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column. This month we also have an article entitled “The Good Vibrations Story”. Did you know they’ve been bringing you pleasure since 1977? Back then, I barely knew what a sex toy was. (Live and learn, I always say!)

Come play!

Finally, don’t miss this month’s Inside the Erotic Mind section. The topic is cybersex, and the personal tales are just amazing. Dangerous or delightful? Entertainment or addiction? What’s your experience? Share your thoughts by clicking on Participate.

Dare to venture inside the erotic mind:

This edition of Erotic Lure is sponsored by Torquere Press. Torquere, the first GLBT Romance epublisher, began in 2003 as a general partnership, and has grown over the last decade into a much larger organization.

While many publishers in 2003 were publishing ebooks, very few were publishing gay and lesbian romance. The mission of Torquere Press was, and is, to provide readers with great stories, and to promote gay and
lesbian romance, and all the sub-genres of romance, as a genre to be reckoned with.

That’s all for this edition. I’ve got to get back to my latest work in progress. My characters aren’t being very cooperative. I keep trying to move the plot forward, but all they want to do is have sex. (I’m not kidding…)

Wishing you a squishy Spring!

Lubriciously yours,

Available now:
The Witches of Gloucester by Lisabet Sarai
F/F Paranormal Erotic Romance

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory
Check out Lisabet’s blog
Join Lisabet’s List

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

Hot Chilli Erotica

Hot Chilli Erotica


Babysitting the Baumgartners - The Movie
From Adam & Eve - Based on the Book by New York Times Bestselling Authors Selena Kitt

Affiliate Disclosure

Disclosure: We use affiliate links on our site. What are affiliate links? Affiliate (or partnership) programs are created by businesses (like Amazon) that pay sites (like ERWA) for referring visitors to the business. Affiliate programs pay the referring site a percentage of products purchased via the affiliate link. You can help keep ERWA alive and kicking by doing your online shopping for books, movies, sex toys, etc., via ERWA affiliate links. Help support ERWA.



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