M. Christian

Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker: The Best of the Best of the Best


Here’s a quote that’s very near and dear to my heart:

the age of six I had a mania for drawing the shapes of things. When I
was fifty I had published a universe of designs, but all I have done
before the age of seventy is not worth bothering with. At seventy five
I’ll have learned something of the pattern of nature, of animals, of
plants, of trees, birds, fish and insects. When I am eighty you will
see real progress. At ninety I shall have cut my way deeply into the
mystery of life itself. At a hundred I shall be a marvelous artist. At a
hundred and ten everything I create; a dot, a line, will jump to life
as never before. To all of you who are going to live as long as I do, I
promise to keep my word. I am writing this in my old age. I used to
call myself Hokosai, but today I sign my self ‘The Old Man Mad About

That was from Katsushika Hokusai, a
Japanese painter of the Ukiyo-e school (1760-1849). Don’t worry about
not knowing him, because you do. He created the famous Great Wave Off
Kanagawa, published in his “Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji” — a print
of which you’ve probably seen a thousand times.

Hokusai says
it all: the work is what’s really important, that he will always
continue to grow and progress as an artist, and that who he is will
always remain less than what he creates.

Writing is like art. We
struggle to put our thoughts and intimate fantasies down just-so, then
we send them out into an often harsh and uncaring world, hoping that
someone out there will pat us on the head, give us a few coins, and tell
us we did a good job.

What with this emotionally chaotic
environment a little success can push just about anyone into feeling
overly superior. Being kicked and punched by the trials and
tribulations of the writing life making just about anyone desperate to
feel good about themselves — even if it means losing perspective,
looking down on other writers. Arrogance becomes an emotional survival
tool, a way of convincing themselves they deserve to be patted on the
noggin a few more times than anyone else, paid more coins, and told they
are beyond brilliant, extremely special.

It’s very easy to spot
someone afflicted with this. Since their superiority constantly needs
to be buttressed, they measure and wage the accomplishments and merits
of other writers putting to decide if they are better (and so should be
humbled) or worse (and so should be the source of worship or
admiration). In writers, this can come off as someone who thinks they
deserve better … everything than anyone else: pay, attention,
consideration, etc. In editors, this appears as rudeness, terseness, or
an unwillingness to treat contributors as anything but a resource to be

Now my house has more than a few windows, and I have
more than enough stones, so I say all this with a bowed head: I am not
exactly without this sin. But I do think that trying to treat those
around you as equals should be the goal of every human on this planet,
let alone folks with literary aspirations. Sometimes we might fail, but
even trying as best we can — or at least owning the emotion when it
gets to be too much — is better than embracing an illusion of

What this has to do with erotica writing has a lot
to do with marketing. As in my column (“Pedaling Your Ass”) where I
vented a bit on the practice of selling yourself rather than your work,
arrogance can be a serious roadblock for a writer. It is an illusion
— and a pervasive one — that good work will always win out. This
is true to a certain extent, but there are a lot of factors that can
step in the way of reading a great story and actually buying it. Part
of that is the relationship that exists between writers and publishers
or editors. A writer who honestly believes they are God’s gift to
mankind might be able to convince a few people, but after a point their
stories will be more received with a wince than a smile: no matter how
good a writer they are their demands are just not worth it.

editors and publishers, arrogance shows when more and more authors
simply don’t want to deal with them. After a point they might find
themselves with a shallower and shallower pool of talent from which to
pick their stories — and as more authors get burned by their attitude
and the word spreads they might also find themselves being spoken ill of
to more influential folks, like publishers.

Not to take away
from the spiritual goodness of being kind to others, acting superior is
also simply a bad career move. This is a very tiny community, with a
lot of people moving around. Playing God might be fun for a few years
but all it takes is stepping on a few too many toes — especially toes
that belong on the feet of someone who might suddenly be able to help
you in a big way some day – making arrogance a foolish role to play.

am not a Christian (despite my pseudonym) but they have a great way of
saying it, one that should be tacked in front of everyone’s forehead:
“Do onto others as you would have then do unto you.” It might not be as
elegant and passionate as my Hokusai quote, but it’s still a maxim we
should all strive to live by — professionally as well as personally.

Confessions Of A Literary Streetwalker: Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing… Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

(the following post first appeared on WriteSex)

Okay, to be honest: I used to be extremely anti-Twitter.

It’s not like I’ve done a complete turnaround—far from
it—but I’ve begun to use it more seriously, and …I have to grudgingly
admit that it can be an effective social media tool.

While I am still fairly new to tweet-tweet-tweeting, I
can’t but help notice a lot of authors making what I think are serious
mistakes. Part of that, of course, is because twitter is
counterintuitive to the way writers think. Unlike blogs and other forms
of social media, twitter is ephemeral: tweets coming and going in the
space of a few seconds…with few people taking the time to backtrack on
what anyone is saying.

This means that quantity is key to tweeting; zapping out a
tweet, say, every few days or weeks or only when you have a book or
story coming out is pretty much pointless. Even if you have a huge
audience of loyal followers, tweeting infrequently means that you will
have an very small percentage of that audience who happen to be looking
at their Twitter feed for your short pearls of wisdom, or important book
announcements, the moment you send them—and that moment, O infrequent
tweeter, is the only one you’ve given yourself. To make effective use of
Twitter you not only need to tweet every day, you need to tweet several
times a day.

And then there’s the question of what you’re
tweeting. Yes, you need to talk about your writing; yes, you need to
post book announcements; yes, you need to praise your publisher; yes,
you need to scream about good reviews…but you also need to come across
as a person. So, share interesting information about yourself, share
pieces of your writing that you aren’t necessarily trying to sell, talk
to your followers as if they were friends (though, not necessarily the
kind of friends to whom you’d say anything), rather than potential customers…get my drift? Your followers are interested in your work, but they’re also interested in you.

One thing I’ve been doing—though probably not as much as I
should—is a Fun Fact thread: sharing tidbits about little ol’ me that
people might find interesting. Hopefully it makes my feed seem a lot
less stridently I’M A WRITER READ MY WRITINGS and more human,
intriguing, and engaging.

Fortunately, frequent tweeting with varied messages isn’t
as hard as it sounds. You don’t have log in to  your twitter account
multiple times and send out each tweet manually. With the right tool you
can post a half dozen tweets or more all at the same time, and have
them sent out every few hours. One of the best tools I’ve found for this
(and, no, this isn’t a commercial) is called Hootsuite; it’s a
web-based twitter aggregator that allows me to post, schedule, track,
and do other fun things, and from more than one Twitter account (which
is handy, since I work for a publisher and send out tweets about myself
as well about them). The scheduling feature is very handy: I can create
multiple tweets and then copy and paste them into Hootsuite’s
scheduler—and program them to pop up over the span of a few hours or
even days.

Of course, you don’t want the tweets to be mind-numbingly
similar and spammy. No one—ever—wants to listen to a commercial, let
alone the same one several times a day. So flooding your poor followers
with nothing but BUY MY BOOK BUY MY BOOK BUY MY BOOK is not going to
sell a single copy, and will more than likely get you unfollowed. Give
the repeated content some variety, switch the words around, say the same
thing in different words, etc.

Here are four tweets I sent out for one of my books when Sizzler Editions was giving it away free one weekend:

He drank blood but wasn’t a
vampire. Even he didn’t know what he was! Free 14-16thh Manlove novel
@MChristianzobop http://amzn.com/B00CWNRFYM

#Free 14-16th #Manlove #Vampire classic complete in one ebook Running Dry by @MChristianzobop http://amzn.com/B00CWNRFYM

Like #Manlove #Paranormal
#Romance? M. Christian blazes a new trail in Running Dry only
@MChristianzobop http://amzn.com/B00CWNRFYM

#Free this weekend only Lambda Finalist M. Christian’s gay vampire classic Running Dry http://amzn.com/B00CWNRFYM

In addition to varying the wording of what is essentially
the same information, you can parcel out different bits of information
about the same event, in a way that’s easy for late-afternoon or evening
tweet-readers to catch up on whatever you’d posted in the morning. Say
you were going to a convention where you would be on a panel and also
reading. Don’t write one tweet about it. Write a tweet about the fact
that you will be there and the dates; another about being on the panel
and when it is scheduled; a third about your reading, and when and

Another feature of Twitter (and other social media
platforms) that a lot of people ignore when sending out info is
autosharing. In short, this means that whatever you post to one place
gets automatically shared to others. Let’s say I have a blog. Using RSS
Graffiti, whatever I post there is picked up on Facebook. Let’s also say
I have a Tumblr (I actually have seven). With Tumblr’s built-in system I
can share (or not) what I post on it to Twitter and then to Facebook.
There is also a setting in Twitter that passes your tweets along to
Facebook as well. These settings let you decide what’s automatically
reposted where, so your aunt Betty doesn’t end up hearing about your new
erotic novel unless you want her to.

It can be a tad confusing—to put it mildly—but it saves a
lot of time and effort to automate these things. That said, one word of
warning: you want to be careful with a quantity-driven thing like
Twitter that you don’t choke your slower-rate social media places like
Facebook with too many autoshared reposts—that’ll start to get pretty
spammy. Hootsuite, nicely, allows me to post to Facebook as well as
Twitter, so I can vary the number of posts I send out to match the
nature of the media venue. It may take a bit of trial and error to get
this all balanced for rate and time and such but it’s really worth the

Pay attention, as well, to hashtags…though the #trick with
#these is #not to overuse #them as your post will look really #silly.
You can check trending tags and use those—but all that means is that
yours will compete with millions of others. Far better to use them only
for what you are really writing about, and then only a few per post.

And retweet items you find important, amusing or interesting. Remember, Twitter is supposed to be social media: meaning that the goal isn’t to talk at people but to them. Tweeting a lot but not actually communicating useful or interesting information is going to get you zilch.

Relatedly, don’t, as too many people do, ignore retweets of your tweets or mentions of your name. It’s not a quid pro quo
situation, but it’s nice to pause and acknowledge that someone cared
enough to spread your tweets further out into the world. Being ignored,
specially by a writer whose career, or books, you have retweeted or
shared…well, it doesn’t take much of that for a “follow” to turn into an

Sure, Twitter too often sounds like a parrot who’s been
sitting next to the television for too long and is about as deep as a
Justin Bieber song—but the fact remains that, if you approach it
intelligently and efficiently, it can be a valuable source of marketing
for writers.

Just, as with all social media, try not to get sucked into
spending so much time playing with it that you don’t #get #any #writing

Confessions Of A Literary Streetwalker: Self Or Not?

Before I begin, a bit of disclosure: While the following has
been written in an attempt to be professionally and personally non-biased I am
an Associate Publisher for Renaissance E Books. 

Now, with that out of the way…

So, should you stay with the traditional model of working
with a publisher or go the self-publishing route?

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been thinking – a lot — about
this.  The arguments for stepping
out on your own are certainly alluring, to put it mildly: being able to keep
every dime you make – instead of being paid a royalty – and having total and
complete control of your work being the big two. 

But after putting on my thinking cap – ponder, ponder, ponder — I’ve come to a few conclusions that are
going to keep me and my work with publishers for quite some time.

As always, take what I’m going to say there with a hefty
dose of sodium chloride: what works for
me … well, works for me and maybe not you.

Being on both sides
of the publishing fence – as a writer, editor, and now publisher (even as a
Associate Publisher) — has given me a pretty unique view of the world of not
just writing books, working to get them out into the world, but also a pretty good
glimpse at the clockwork mechanisms than run the whole shebang. 

For example, there’s been a long tradition of writers if not
actively hating then loudly grumbling about their publishers.  You name it and writers will bitch
about it: the covers, the publicity (or lack of), royalties … ad
infinitum.  Okay, I have to admit
more than a few grouches have been mine but with (and I really hate to say
this) age has come a change in my perspective.  No, I don’t think publishers should be
given carte blanch to do with as they
please and, absolutely, I think that writers should always have the freedom to
speak up if things are not to their liking, but that also doesn’t mean that
publisher’s are hand-wringing villains cackling at taking advantage of poor,
unfortunate authors.

It took finding a good publisher to change my mind … that
and seeing the business from the other side.  While there are a lot of things that separate a good
publisher from a poor one the most important one is that a good – and maybe
even great – publisher understands the business

Case in point: authors love to bitch about their covers –
but a publisher that takes the time to look at what is selling, what isn’t
selling, what distributors will and won’t accept, and creates a cover
accordingly is actually doing the author a service.  Yes, the cover may not be an accurate scene from the book,
but it – if it works — should tease and tantalize enough to get people to buy
it.  By the way, since this is
supposed to be about publisher versus self-publishing keep in mind that you
would not know what sells and what doesn’t – by the way, the amazon best
sellers list is not a good indication – and so will be operating pretty much in
the dark. 

Authors often work from ego – and there is nothing wrong
with that – but far too often what they want, and what will actually sell, are
polar opposites.  They want to see
their work like books they admire … but they also may be completely ignorant
of the fact that while those books look nice they simply don’t leap off the

Being in the trenches of publishing, looking at the numbers
myself, is very sobering.  Just
take social networking.  For people
in self-publishing it’s the end-all, be-all — you can’t succeed, they say,
without it.  But while exposure is
important, many of your FaceBook friends will not buy your book.  The people who will buy your book are
looking for erotica they will enjoy – and if your cover, your marketing, your whatever,
doesn’t speak their language then they simply won’t cough up the bucks.  It’s a sobering though that many
bestselling erotica books are written by authors who don’t play the social
networking game … at all.

Yes, when you self publish you have complete and total
control – but that also means you have no access to a publisher’s experience:
you will have to do everything from scratch, from learning how to get your book
on amazon, iTunes, etc. to dealing with cover art specs and ebook
formatting.  Sure, when you
self-publish you keep every dime – but you could very well spend it and more in
time doing what a publisher does.

And marketing … I totally agree that publishers should do
more of it, but publishers have never been good at that, even before the ebook
revolution.  But even a little
publicity from a publisher can work wonders: many authors are discovered not
via advertising or marketing but because their book was put out by a publisher whose
catalog had a best seller in it.

If you self-publish then you are a single voice yelling as
loud as you can – and these days there are a lot of single voices yelling as
loud as they can – and against this din a lot of readers, and reviewers, are
turning a bit deaf.  It may be hard
to hear but being with a publisher still carries a lot of weight when it comes
to getting noticed. 

Sure, if you’re a huge author then going the
self-publishing route may make a lot of sense, but think of it this way: huge
or not, with a publisher your mailing list, fans, and miscellaneous contacts will
not be the only way people will hear about you and your book – and the cost of
getting more would probably be the same as the bucks a publisher would take. 

In the end, though, the decision is yours.  If I could leave you with anything,
though, is that while there are many publishers out there worthy of scorn there
actually are many that not only know what they are doing – though experience
and observation – and who can do a lot for you.  Often their advice may be hard to take, but if you trust
them they can be a great help – and perhaps the difference between writing a
book that doesn’t sell … and one that does.

Confessions of A Literary Streetwalker: "A Cookie Full Of Arsenic"

Ever seen Sweet Smell of Success
If you haven’t then you should: because, even though the film was shot
in 1957, it rings far too much, and far too loudly, in 2013.

In a nutshell, Sweet Smell of Success (directed
by Alexander Mackendrick from a script by the amazing Clifford Odets
and Ernest Lehman) is about the all-powerful columnist J.J. Hunsecker
(Burt Lancaster) – who can make or break anyone and anything he wants —
and the desperate press agent Sidney Falco (Tony Curtis), who loses
everything for trying to curry favor with Hunsecker for … well, that Sweet Smell of Success.

… 1957 to 2013.  A lot’s changed, that’s for sure.  But recently
rewatching this, one of my all-time favorite films, gave me a very
uncomfortable chill.  But first a bit of history (stop that groaning):
you see, J.J. Hunsecker was based – more than thinly – on another
all-powerful columnist, the man who once said, about the who he was, and
the power he wielded as, ” I’m just a son of a bitch.”

There was even a word, created by Robert Heinlein of all people, to describe a person like this: winchell – for the man himself — Walter Winchell.

book, movie, star, politician – anyone who wanted success would do, and
frequently did, anything for both Walter and his fictional doppelganger
J.J. Hunsecker.  Their power was absolute … even a rumor, a fraction
of a sentence could mean the difference between headlines and the morgue
of a dead career.  As Hunsecker puts it to a poor entertainer who
crossed him: “You’re dead, son. Get yourself buried.”

to 2012: we have iPhones, Ipads, Nooks, Kindle’s, 4G, Bluetooth,
Facebook, Twitter … in many ways we’re just a food pill away from
every futuristic fantasy ever put-to-pulp.  But there’s a problem …
and it’s a big one.

I think it’s time to bring winchell back … not the man, of course, even if that were possible, but the word.  Yes, a lot has changed from Walter and Sweet Smell of Success but, sadly, as the old cliché goes: “the more things change the more they stay the same.”

Internet has altered – quite literally – everything, but in many ways
the speed, and totality, of its change has made a lot of people, writers
to readers to just-plain-surfers, desperate for benchmarks: a place or
person to go to that, they hope, will be there in the morning.

For writers this often means an editor, site, or just another writer.  In the ‘biz’ these people are called names:
meaning that mentioning by them seems to have a kind of rub-for-luck
power for other writers – with the ultimate prize being (gasp) noticed by
them.  Sadly, this make-or-break mojo is occasionally true – though a
surprising large number of these “names” are only divine in their
twisted little minds.

said it before and so, naturally, I have to say it again: writing
anything – smut to whatever you want to create – is damned hard work:
all of us writers put our heart and souls down on the digital page and
then send it out into a far-too-frequently uncaring digital universe. 
No writer … let me say that again with vehement emphasis … is better than any other writer
Sure, a few get paid more, have more books or stories published, but
the work involved is the same – as is their history: name any … well, name and you will see a person who, once upon a time, was sitting in the dark with nothing but hopes and dreams. 

Which is why these … winchells give
me unpleasant flashbacks to Lancaster telling Curtis: “Son, I don’t
relish shooting a mosquito with an elephant gun, so why don’t you just
shuffle along?”

Honestly, I will get
to the point: never forget that what you are doing, as a writer, is
special and wonderful.  Yeah, you might be rough around the edges; sure,
you may be years away from stepping out of the shadows and into the
blinding light of being (gasp) a name yourself; but you deserve respect.

have a simple rule.  Okay, it might be a little harsh but it keeps me
going in the face of trying to get out there into the big, wide, and
far-too-uncaring world: ignore me and I ignore you. 

likes and comments, twitter responses, by the way, don’t count.  That’s
not communication – at least not to me (not to sound like a crotchety
old man).  If I write anyone – an editor, site, or just another writer –
and I don’t get an answer then I wish you into the cornfield.  The same
goes with rude responses … like the writer who asked me to promote
her book.  I said that I would if she’d promote mine as well.  Quid pro quo, right?  She never wrote back – not even after a few polite suggestions for mutual exposure  … so I hope she likes popcorn.

rude, not answering messages, playing the “are you a name? If not then
screw you” game: there is no reason for this behavior.  Never!

Instead of trying to suck to up names or
support them and their sites with a pathetic fantasy that you, too, may
actually be seen by them, find some real, true, and good friends:
people who will hold your hand when it gets dark and scary; who will
bring you along no matter where they go; who understand the bumps in the
road because they, too, are on the same path; who will understand
kindness but also karma – that good begets good. 

Being a winchell may taste good, at first: being able to consider yourself better than other writers, to associate with other names in
the business, to be able to make – or break – anyone who want for
whatever reason you have … but there’s a great Hollywood expression
that rings in my head just as loudly as any line from Sweet Smell of Success:

be nice to the people you meet on the way up, because those are the
very same people you’ll be meeting on the way back down.

In closing, remember that anyone, anywhere – name or
not — who doesn’t treat you with at least professional equality,
mutual respect, or just simple human politeness is, to quote from Sweet Smell of Success: “A cookie full of arsenic.”

Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker: Location, Location


before writing about the sex in a sexy story you have to set the stage,
decide where this hot and heavy action is going to take place. What a
lot of merry pornographers don’t realize is that the where can be just
as important as the what in a smutty tale. In other words, to quote a
real estate maxim: Location, location … etc.

Way too many times
writers will makes their story locales more exotic than the activities
of their bump-and-grinding participants: steam rooms, elevators,
beaches, hot tubs, hiking trails, space stations, sports cars, airplane
bathrooms, phone booths, back alleys, fitting rooms, cabs, sail boats,
intensive care wards, locker rooms, under bleachers, peep show booths,
movie theaters, offices, libraries, barracks, under a restaurant table,
packing lots, rest stops, basements, showrooms — get my drift?

know I’ve said in the past that sexual experience doesn’t really make a
better smut writer, but when it comes to choosing where your characters
get to their business, it pays to know quite a bit about the setting
you’re getting them into.

Just like making an anatomical or
sexual boo-boo in a story, putting your characters into a place that
anyone with a tad of experience knows isn’t going to be a fantastic time
but rather something that will generate more pain than pleasure is a
sure sign of an erotica amateur.

Take for instance the wonderful
sexual pleasure than can come from screwing around in a car. Haven’t
done it? Well you should because after you do you’ll never write about
it — unless you’re going for giggles.

Same goes for the beach.
Ever get sand between your toes? Now think about that same itchy,
scratchy — very unsexy — feeling in your pants. Not fun. Very not

Beyond the mistake of making a tryst in a back alley sound
exciting (it isn’t, unless you’re really into rotting garbage), setting
the stage in a story serves many other positive purposes. For instance,
the environment of a story can tell a lot about a character — messy
meaning a scattered mind, neatness meaning controlling, etc. — or about
what you’re trying to say in the story: redemption, humor, fright,
hope, and so forth. Not that you should lay it on so thick that it’s
painfully obvious, but the stage can and should be another character, an
added dimension to your story.

Simply saying where something is
happening is only part of the importance of setting. You have to put
the reader there. Details, folks. Details! Research, not sexual this
time, is very important. Pay attention to the world, note how a room or
a place FEELS — the little things that make it unique. Shadows on the
floor or walls, the smells and what they mean to your characters; all
kinds of sounds, the way things feel, important minutiae, or even just
interesting features.

After you’ve stored up some of those unique
features of a place, use special and evocative descriptions to really
draw people in. Though quantity is good, quality is better. A few
well-chosen lines can instantly set the stage: an applause of suddenly
flying pigeons, the aimless babble of a crowd, rainbow reflections in
slicks of oil, twirling leaves on a tree, clouds boiling into a storm
… okay, that was a bit overdone, but you hopefully get my gist.

again: location is not something that’s only important to real estate.
If you put your characters into an interesting, well-thought-out,
vividly written setting, it can not only set the stage for their erotic
mischief but it can also amplify the theme or add depth to the story.
After all, if you don’t give your writing a viable place, then a reader
won’t truly understand where they are — or care about what’s going on.

Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker: Writing Coaches and Teachers

(thanks to WriteSex, where this article originally appeared)

For new writers, the temptation is obvious: after all, if you don’t know something, shouldn’t you seek out a way to learn about it? The question of how to educate yourself as a writer is a necessary and important one, of course, but an often-invisible second question follows: how do you sift through the piles of would-be writing coaches, teachers and other purveyors of advice to find the ones who will lead you toward genuinely better writing? The problem isn’t that there are over-eager teachers galore, but that far too many of them are preaching from ignorance—or just dully quoting what others have already said.

This is particularly true of erotic romance. Now, I have to admit I’ve been more than a bit spoiled by other genres, where you can write about whatever you want without much of a chance—beyond clumsy writing—of getting rejected for not toeing the line, so approaching erotic romance has been a bit more of a challenge. Romance authors, after all, have been told time and time again that there is a very precise, almost exacting, Way of Doing Things … and if you don’t, then bye-bye book deal.

But times have changed, and while a few stubborn publishers still want erotic romantic fiction that follows established formulas, the quantum leap of digital publishing has totally shaken up by-the-numbers approaches to romance writing. Without going too much into it (maybe in another column…), because ebooks are so much easier to produce, publishers can take wonderful risks on new authors and concepts, meaning that they don’t have to wring their hands in fright that the new title they greenlit will go bust and possibly take the whole company with it.

Because of this freedom, erotic romance can be so much more than it ever was: experimental, innovative, unique, challenging, etc. These are no longer the Words of Death when it comes to putting together a book.

One of the great, underlying tasks of teaching—one I love, but with some reverence and an occasional pang of dread—is challenging the boring, formulaic, way that so many talk about writing (which is also to say that a huge part of the reason I love to teach is that it’s a weird form of revenge against all the bad writing teachers I’ve had over the years). There are, however, far too many writing teachers who relentlessly parrot that erotic romance has to follow a strict formula to be successful. They spell out this formula in stomach-cramping detail: what has to happen to each and every character, in each and every chapter, in each and every book.

This is not to say that new authors should put their hands over their ears any time someone offers up advice on romance writing; there is, after all, a huge difference between a teacher who inspires from experience and one who is just a conduit between you and a textbook. A publisher, for instance, who looks at their catalogue and can see what is selling for the moment—they’re worth listening to. On the other hand, one who sets down unbending rules on what Not To Do and What To Do, regardless of the changing interests of readers or the innovations of writers, is only mumbling at you through the sand in which their head is lodged. Case in point: I once had a erotic romance novel rejected by a major publisher not because of the writing, the plot, the characters, or the setting but because it was about a painter and, according to this publisher, “books about painters don’t sell.” Needless to say, I didn’t let this feedback stop me from sending the book to a different publisher—where it sold quite well.

The A-to-B-to-C form of teaching writing is likened to cutting up a frog: certainly an efficient way of finding out (ewwwww) the contents of an amphibian … but totally useless as a way of creating your own. A good test of a writing instructor, by the way, is how you feel at the end of the class or how-to book: if you’re shaking like a leaf that you might have made—or will make—some kind of horrible erotic-romance-writing mistake, then the lesson was a bad one … but if you leave feeling elated, inspired, confident and ready to build your story into something powerful then, you guessed it, the class was good.

Folks have come to me with questions like “Can I start my story with an email?” “Can I start with the weather?” “Can my setting be in a foreign country?” “Can I write about an artist?” I think you can guess what my answer always is: just write! One, you can always change it later and, two (most importantly) write what you want to read: don’t suffocate your creativity with formulas, set-in-stone rules, mandatory character arcs and Hero’s Journeys, or any standardized thing that isn’t relevant to what’s really happening in your story. Instead, think of writing—especially erotic romance—as creation. Sure, you’re going to make some mistakes, but everyone does. That’s what learning is all about. Taking class after class after class doesn’t write books: you do! Taking class after class after class doesn’t even make you a better writer: you do!

Sure, you should seek out some teachers—especially when you are ready to step into the completely terrifying world of publishing—but don’t think that there is a guru out there who has all the answers, who is the Sacred Keeper of the Great Romance Writing Secret. If they were, wouldn’t they be sitting on their yacht sipping immaculately prepared daiquiris?

The best advice, the best lesson that anyone can give a writer, is the simplest: write. Create stories and books and on and on and on until it begins to flow and the words aren’t words anymore but just notes in a composition, until plot and character and setting and dialogue aren’t separate things but part of a greater, beautiful, whole. Once you can hold what you wrote in your hand—or on the screen—and say to yourself that what you have created is good, then you can study the lessons of how to put it out into the world.

But, until then, do everything you can to keep yourself inspired, enthusiastic, creative, thrilled, and excited about writing—by staying away from the tired idea of formulas … and keep that frog intact.

Confessions Of A Literary Streetwalker: "Oh, how beautiful."

Funny that these columns are called Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker because … well, I have a
confession to make. 

I’m very much on the fence about the whole thing, and am
still dealing with doubts about whether or not I’ve made the right decision but
– in the end – I think it will end up being a good thing.

I’ve joined Facebook.

I know, I know: I’ve been a rather vocal – if not strident –
opponent of that particular corner of the social media universe, but a very
good friend of mine pointed out that, to call down The Bard, I “doth
protest too much.”

It hasn’t been easy: I tell ya, nothing like having a nearly
(gasp) twenty year writing career resulting in only 433 ‘friends’ and 68’likes’ on my author page to really make the dreaded depression demon really
flare up.  

But I’m sticking with it – not because I think that I have
to, or that Facebook is the end-all, be-all solution to all my publicity needs –
but because it was something I really, honestly, didn’t want to do.

Obviously, explanations are in order.  See, I’m a firm believer in pushing
yourself in all kinds of ways: as a person and, particularly, as a writer.  Sure, you have to like what you are
doing – both in how you live your life as well as the words you put down on
‘paper’ – but growth comes not from comfort but from adversity, from

I didn’t set out to be an pornographer, but then an
opportunity presented itself and (surprise!) I was actually pretty good at
it.  I didn’t plan on being a ‘gay’
writer – because, no duh – I’m not, but (surprise!) I not just did it but came
to really enjoy it.  I didn’t think
I could be a teacher, but (surprise!) I’ve found that I really get a kick out
of it.

I may have hated Facebook – hell, I still hate Facebook –
but I had to at least try it. 
Maybe it will work out, maybe it won’t, but at least I’ll have stretched

For creative people of any ilk, that’s extremely important.  For one thing, it can keep your
creativity rip-and-roaring, key to avoiding deathly boredom and staleness.  Professionally, it’s essential: writing
just what you want, what you’re comfortable with, can really limit where you
can sell your work.  That you love
to write, say, erotic romances is fine and dandy but if you do then there will
only so many places to show off, or publish, your work.  

You want examples? 
Fine: I’m now on Facebook – we’ve already discussed that uncomfortable
fact – but since I’ve written quite a few queer novels I’ve decided that my next
one is going to be (you ready for this?) straight – and not just straight but
with a ‘happy’ ending.  My short
story work, too, has a tendency to be, let’s be honest here, bittersweet at
best – so my next collection is going to be much more uplifting.  I’ve never written a play, so I’m
planning on writing one sometime this year.  I’ve never written for comics – well, I wrote one – so I’m going to work on more.  Will these projects be tough?  Sure they will: but who knows what I may
discover about myself and what I’m capable of?

Who knows, maybe even Facebook and I will become fast and
good friends and will walk down the social media aisle together, skipping
merrily and holding hands.

And if not … well, I tried.  There is nothing wrong with giving
something a shot but then
deciding it’s not for you.  Rejection,
both internal as well as external, is part of a writer’s life.  There’s
nothing wrong with it.  Trial and error is how we learn, how we

Writers far too often think that the ‘names’, the
celebrities, the legends sat down and created wonders of the written word,
masterpieces of story, with no trials and tribulations.  But – as I’ve said before – writers are
liars and very few will admit that they might have been an overnight success
… after failing for decades.  

For example, take a look at the subtitle of this little
piece: “Oh, how beautiful.” 
It comes from a wonderful quote by one of my favorite authors, Rudyard
Kipling.  The whole thing reads: “Gardens are not made by singing
‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.”

In other words, to bloom you have to work; you have to be
brave and try new things, to push yourself, to challenge yourself personally
and professionally – and, equally, you have to accept that periodically things
just won’t work out.

Back to Mr. Kipling. 
Sitting on my desk is a reproduction of a letter he received after a
submission to the San Francisco Examiner:
a reminder not just to keep trying, to never give up, but that you have to be
willing to face, and surpass, internal doubt, outside criticism.

The letter reads: “I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but you don’t
know how to use the English language.”

Confessions Of A Literary Streetwalker: Self Or Not?

Before I begin, a bit of disclosure: While the following has
been written in an attempt to be professionally and personally non-biased I am
an Associate Publisher for Renaissance E Books. 

Now, with that out of the way…

So, should you stay with the traditional model of working
with a publisher or go the self-publishing route?

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been thinking – a lot — about
this.  The arguments for stepping
out on your own are certainly alluring, to put it mildly: being able to keep
every dime you make – instead of being paid a royalty – and having total and
complete control of your work being the big two.  

But after putting on my thinking cap – ponder, ponder, ponder — I’ve come to a few conclusions that are
going to keep me and my work with publishers for quite some time.

As always, take what I’m going to say there with a hefty
dose of sodium chloride: what works for
me … well, works for me and maybe not you.

Being on both sides
of the publishing fence – as a writer, editor, and now publisher (even as a
Associate Publisher) — has given me a pretty unique view of the world of not
just writing books, working to get them out into the world, but also a pretty good
glimpse at the clockwork mechanisms than run the whole shebang.  

For example, there’s been a long tradition of writers if not
actively hating then loudly grumbling about their publishers.  You name it and writers will bitch
about it: the covers, the publicity (or lack of), royalties … ad
infinitum.  Okay, I have to admit
more than a few grouches have been mine but with (and I really hate to say
this) age has come a change in my perspective.  No, I don’t think publishers should be
given carte blanch to do with as they
please and, absolutely, I think that writers should always have the freedom to
speak up if things are not to their liking, but that also doesn’t mean that
publisher’s are hand-wringing villains cackling at taking advantage of poor,
unfortunate authors.

It took finding a good publisher to change my mind … that
and seeing the business from the other side.  While there are a lot of things that separate a good
publisher from a poor one the most important one is that a good – and maybe
even great – publisher understands the business.  

Case in point: authors love to bitch about their covers –
but a publisher that takes the time to look at what is selling, what isn’t
selling, what distributors will and won’t accept, and creates a cover
accordingly is actually doing the author a service.  Yes, the cover may not be an accurate scene from the book,
but it – if it works — should tease and tantalize enough to get people to buy
it.  By the way, since this is
supposed to be about publisher versus self-publishing keep in mind that you
would not know what sells and what doesn’t – by the way, the amazon best
sellers list is not a good indication – and so will be operating pretty much in
the dark.  

Authors often work from ego – and there is nothing wrong
with that – but far too often what they want, and what will actually sell, are
polar opposites.  They want to see
their work like books they admire … but they also may be completely ignorant
of the fact that while those books look nice they simply don’t leap off the

Being in the trenches of publishing, looking at the numbers
myself, is very sobering.  Just
take social networking.  For people
in self-publishing it’s the end-all, be-all — you can’t succeed, they say,
without it.  But while exposure is
important, many of your FaceBook friends will not buy your book.  The people who will buy your book are
looking for erotica they will enjoy – and if your cover, your marketing, your whatever,
doesn’t speak their language then they simply won’t cough up the bucks.  It’s a sobering though that many
bestselling erotica books are written by authors who don’t play the social
networking game … at all.

Yes, when you self publish you have complete and total
control – but that also means you have no access to a publisher’s experience:
you will have to do everything from scratch, from learning how to get your book
on amazon, iTunes, etc. to dealing with cover art specs and ebook
formatting.  Sure, when you
self-publish you keep every dime – but you could very well spend it and more in
time doing what a publisher does.

And marketing … I totally agree that publishers should do
more of it, but publishers have never been good at that, even before the ebook
revolution.  But even a little
publicity from a publisher can work wonders: many authors are discovered not
via advertising or marketing but because their book was put out by a publisher whose
catalog had a best seller in it.

If you self-publish then you are a single voice yelling as
loud as you can – and these days there are a lot of single voices yelling as
loud as they can – and against this din a lot of readers, and reviewers, are
turning a bit deaf.  It may be hard
to hear but being with a publisher still carries a lot of weight when it comes
to getting noticed.  

Sure, if you’re a huge author then going the
self-publishing route may make a lot of sense, but think of it this way: huge
or not, with a publisher your mailing list, fans, and miscellaneous contacts will
not be the only way people will hear about you and your book – and the cost of
getting more would probably be the same as the bucks a publisher would take.  

In the end, though, the decision is yours.  If I could leave you with anything,
though, is that while there are many publishers out there worthy of scorn there
actually are many that not only know what they are doing – though experience
and observation – and who can do a lot for you.  Often their advice may be hard to take, but if you trust
them they can be a great help – and perhaps the difference between writing a
book that doesn’t sell … and one that does.

Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker: Howdy!

it isn’t the most important thing to do before sending off a story
(that’s reserved for writing the story itself), drafting an effective
cover letter/email is probably right below it.

So here is a quick
sample of what to do and NOT when putting together a cover letter to go
with your story. That being said, remember that I’m just one of many
(many) editors out there, each with their own quirks and buttons to
push. Like writing the story itself, practice and sensitivity is will
teach you a lot, but this will give you a start.

So … Don’t Do What Bad Johnny Don’t Does:

Dear M. (1),

is my story (2) for your collection (3), it’s about a guy and a girl
who fall in love on the Titanic (4). I haven’t written anything like
this before (5), but your book looked easy enough to get into (6). My
friends say I’m pretty creative (7). Please fill out and send back the
enclosed postcard (8). If I have not heard from you in two months (9) I
will consider this story rejected and send it somewhere else (10). I
am also sending this story to other people. If they want it, I’ll write
to let you know (11).

I noticed that your guidelines say First
North American Serial rights. What’s that (12)? If I don’t have all
rights then I do not want you to use my story (13).

I work at the DMV (14) and have three cats named Mumbles, Blotchy and Kismet (15).

Mistress Divine (16)
[email protected] (17)

Don’t be cute. If you don’t know the editor’s name, or first name, or
if the name is real or a pseudonym, just say “Hello” or “Editor” or

(2) Answer the basic questions up front: how long is the story, is it original or a reprint, what’s the title?

What book are you submitting to? Editors often have more than one open
at any time and it can get very confusing. Also, try and know what the
hell you’re talking about: a ‘collection’ is a book of short stories by
one author, an ‘anthology’ is a book of short stories by multiple
authors. Demonstrate that you know what you’re submitting to.

You don’t need to spell out the plot, but this raises another issue:
don’t submit inappropriate stories. If this submission was to a gay or
lesbian book, it would result in an instant rejection and a ticked-off

(5) The story might be great, but this already has you
pegged as a twit. If you haven’t been published before don’t say
anything, but if you have then DEFINITELY say so, making sure to note
what kind of markets you’ve been in (anthology, novel, website and so
forth). Don’t assume the editor has heard of where you’ve been or who
you are, either. Too often I get stories from people who list a litany
of previous publications that I’ve never heard of. Not that I need to,
but when they make them sound like I should it just makes them sound
arrogant. Which is not a good thing.

(6) Gee, thanks so much. Loser.

(7) Friends, lovers, Significant Others and so forth — who cares?

Not happening. I have a stack of manuscripts next to me for a project
I’m doing. The deadline for submissions is in two months. I will
probably not start reading them until at least then, so your postcard is
just going to sit there. Also, remember that editors want as smooth a
transition from their brain to your story as possible; anything they
have to respond to, fill out, or baby-sit is just going to annoy them.

Get real — sometimes editors take six months to a year to respond.
This is not to say they are lazy or cruel; they’re just busy or dealing
with a lot of other things. Six months is the usual cut-off time,
meaning that after six months you can either consider your story
rejected or you can write a polite little note asking how the project is
going. By the way, writing rude or demanding notes is going to get you
nothing but rejected or a bad reputation — and who wants that?

When I get something like this I still read the story but to be honest
it would take something of genius level quality for me to look beyond
this arrogance. Besides, what this approach says more than anything is
that even if the story is great, you are going to be too much of a pain
to work with. Better to find a ‘just as good’ story from someone else
than put up with this kind of an attitude.

(11) This is called
simultaneous submission: sending a story to two places at once, thinking
that it will cut down on the frustration of having to wait for one
place to reject it before sending it along to another editor. Don’t do
it — unless the Call for Submissions says it’s okay, of course. Even
then, though, it’s not a good idea because technically you’d have to
send it to two places that think it’s okay, which is damned rare. The
problem is that if one place wants your work, then you have to go to the
other places you sent it to tell them so — which very often results in
one very pissed editor. Don’t do it. We all hate having to wait for
one place to reject our work, but that’s just part of the game. Live
with it.

(12) Many editors are more than willing to answer simple
questions about their projects, but just as many others will never
respond — especially to questions that can easily be answered by
reading a basic writing book (or reading columns like this one). Know
as much as you can and then, only then, write to ask questions.

This story is automatically rejected. Tough luck. Things like
payment, rights, and so forth are very rarely in the editor’s control.
Besides, this is a clear signal that, once again, the author is simply
going to be way too much trouble to deal with. Better to send out that
rejection form letter and move onto the next story.

(14) Who cares?

(15) Really, who cares?

Another sign of a loser. It’s perfectly okay to use a pseudonym but
something as wacky as this is just going to mark you as a novice. Also,
cover letters are a place for you, as a person, to write to the editor,
another person. Put your pseudonym on your story, don’t sign your
cover letter with it.

(17) Email address — this is great, but
it’s also very obviously a work address, which makes a lot of editors
very nervous. First of all, people leave jobs all the time so way too
often, these addresses have very short lives. Second, work email
servers are rarely secure — at least from the eyes of prying bosses.
Do you really want your supervisor to see your rejection from a Big Tits
In Bondage book? I don’t think so.

Do What Johnny Does Does:

Hi, Chris (1),

was with great excitement (2) that I read your call for submissions for
your new anthology, Love Beast (3). I’ve long been a fan not only of
werewolf erotica (4) but also your books and stories as well (5)

been published in about twelve websites, including Sex Chat, Litsmut,
and Erotically Yours, and in two anthologies, Best of Chocolate Erotica
(Filthy Books) and Clickty-Clack, Erotic Train Stories (Red Ball Books)

Enclosed is my 2,300 word original story, “When Hairy Met
Sally” (7). I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it
(which is a lot) (8). Please feel free to write me at
[email protected] if you have any questions (9).

In the meantime best of luck with your projects and keep up the great work .(10)

Molly Riggs (11)


(1) Nice; she knows my real first name is Chris. A bit of research on an editor or potential market never hurt anyone.

(2) It’s perfectly okay to be enthusiastic. No one likes to get a story from someone who thinks your project is dull.

(3) She knows the book and the title.

She knows the genre and likes it. You’d be surprised the number of
people who either pass out backhanded compliments or joke about
anthologies or projects thinking it’s endearing or shows a ‘with it’
attitude. Believe me, it’s neither — just annoying.

(5) Editing
can be a lonely business, what with having to reject people all the
time. Getting a nice little compliment can mean a lot. It won’t change
a bad story into an acceptable one, but making an editor smile is
always a good thing.

(6) The bio is brief, to the point, and
explains the markets. You don’t need to list everything you’ve ever
sold to, just the key points.

(7) Everything about the story is
there: the title, the words, if it’s original or a reprint (and, of
course if it’s a reprint you should also say when and where it first
appeared, even if it’s a website).

(8) Again, a little smile is a
good thing. I know this is awfully trite but when the sentiment is
heartfelt and the writer’s sense of enjoyment is true, it does mean
something to an editor. I want people to enjoy writing for one of my
books, even if I don’t take the story.

(9) Good email address (obviously not work) and an invitation to chat if needed. Good points there.

Okay, maybe it’s a bit thick here but this person is also clearly very
nice, professional, eager and more than likely will either be easy to
work with or, if need be, reject without drama.

(11) Real name —
I’d much rather work with a person than an identity. I also know that
“Molly” is not playing games with who she is, and what she is, just to
try and make a sale.

There’s more, as said, but this at least
will keep you from stepping on too many toes — even before your story
gets read. If there’s a lesson in this, it’s to remember that an editor
is, deep down, a person trying to do the best job they can, just like
you. Treat them as such and they’ll return the favor.

Reminder: Sizzler Editions & Creative Sexuality Education Presents “Meet The Editors”

Sizzler Editions & Creative Sexuality
Education Presents

“Meet The Editors”

Free Live Interactive Web Event
Sat. June 29, 2013
5:00–6:30 pm East Coast time
2:00-3:30 West Coast time

M. Christian
Sascha Illyvich
Jean Marie Stine

Anyone with web access can join-in free from anywhere in the world and participate through microphone, webcam, or text chat. Participants can get expert guidance from writing professionals – without having to drive to and from a crowded, noisy event facility and with no costly fees.

Current and aspiring writers of erotica, erotic romance, and sexuality-themed nonfiction won’t want to miss this live, interactive, online discussion and Q & A with three highly successful editors/authors, hosted by Sizzler Editions and Creative Sexuality.

Editors M.Christian, Sascha Illyvich, and publisher Jean Marie Stine will provide insight into trends and taboos in the field. They will offer writing tips and tricks, and advice on marketing and promotion of books. In a live, interactive session, they will take and answer questions from those who have logged in for the event.

Participants will:

  • Hear expert advice on formatting, submitting, and publishing your book; Develop and strengthen writing, plot development, and characterization;
  • Learn the most effective ways to market and publicize a book;
  • Have the opportunity to ask questions about the writing and publishing process;
  • Be able to pitch their own erotic story, novel or nonfiction.

All three panelists are writers as well as editors/publishers, with several decades of experience to their credit, and are well-versed in the craft and business of writing. They will address topics and questions such as:

  • Trends in Erotic Romance and Erotica
  • Writing your book
  • Covers
  • Promoting and Publicizing
  • Publishing

…and it these are only some of the issues to be covered in this multifaceted opportunity to interact live over the web with professional editors.

Who will benefit? Anyone who:

  • Is thinking of writing hot romance or erotica.
  • Is writing their first erotic novel, story or work of sexuality-related nonfiction.
  • Has finished writing one or more erotic books, but doesn’t know what to do next.
  • Has questions about the writing process.
  • Has questions about the publishing process (including self-publishing).
  • Is seeking effective ways to publicize and grow readership for their books.
  • Is already published or self-published, but wants to know more about the business and craft of writing erotica.

For further details visit: http://crsex.org/meettheeditors
Or contact: [email protected]

Hot Chilli Erotica

Hot Chilli Erotica


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