The always-wonderful Adrienne here at the Erotica Readers and Writers site has asked me to contribute some fun and silly and possibly even informative posts to this blog but before I get to the fun and the silly and the possibly-informative, I thought it might be a good idea to tell you all who I am.
Some of you, natch, will already be familiar with me. After all, I’ve been a friend and supporter of ERA for a very long time. More visibly, I write a column for ERWA called Confessions of a Literary Streetwalker, the newest one you can find here.
Beyond ERWA, I’m also a writer and an editor with more than 300 stories in such anthologies as Best American Erotica, Best Gay Erotica, Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Bisexual Erotica, Best Fetish Erotica, and many, many other anthologies, magazines, and Web sites. I’ve edited 20 anthologies including the Best S/M Erotica series, The Burning Pen, Guilty Pleasures, and others. I am the author of the collections Dirty Words, Speaking Parts, The Bachelor Machine, Licks & Promises, and Filthy; and the novels Running Dry, The Very Bloody Marys, Me2, Brushes, and Painted Doll.
I also have a few fun blogs you might want to check out as well: my home page at where I post stuff primarily about, well, me; meine kleine fabrik where my brother, s.a., and I post about all kinds of weird and wonderful things; and Frequently Felt, which is where I post about all kinds of weird and wonderful things of a sexy nature.
Please feel free to send me tips, comments, suggestions: [email protected].