Written anything sexy lately? Why do I ask? Today’s the nineteenth of September, your chance to share your Sexy Snippets!

ERWA blog is not primarily intended for author promotion. However,
we’ve decided we should give our author/members an occasional
opportunity to expose themselves (so to speak) to the reading public.
Hence, we have declared the 19th of every month at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association blog Sexy Snippet Day.

On Sexy Snippet day, any author can post a tiny excerpt (200 words or less) in a comment
on the day’s post. Include the title from with the snippet was
extracted, your name or pseudonym, and one buy link, if you’d like.

Feel free to share this with erotic author friends. It’s an open invitation!

follow the rules. Last month we had one author who posted a much longer excerpt. She is now banned from posting – but I don’t like being the one who dishes out the punishment…

Still, if your excerpt is more
than 200 words or includes more than one link, I’ll remove your comment
and prohibit you from participating in further Sexy Snippet days. So play

you’ve posted your snippet, feel free to share the post as a whole to
Facebook, Twitter, or wherever else you think your readers hang out.

Have fun!

~ Lisabet