paranormal erotica

For The Love Of Paranormal Erotic Romance

Now that the entire world is on lockdown due to COVID-19, you need books to read. My favorite romance genre is paranormal, and I thought I’d suggest some very good books to help you avoid cabin fever. What are your favorite paranormal creatures? I like shifters, especially werewolves. I also like hauntings and ghosts. There are many different types of paranormals to choose from – vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, psychics, mermaids and mermen, aliens, faeries, demons, angels, and witches. Then there are the many different types of shifters ranging from animal to mythological creatures. So much to choose from!

A good paranormal always gets lots of positive attention. Now where to begin to look for one? Get out some candles, draw yourself a soothing bubble bath, and dive into the water with a good romance like the very popular ones listed below. Blurbs are courtesy of GoodReads.


Pleasure Unbound (Demonica #1) by Larissa Ione.

In a place where ecstasy can cost you your life . . .

She’s a demon-slayer who hungers for sensual pleasure-but fears it will always be denied her. Until Tayla Mancuso lands in a hospital run by demons in disguise, and the head doctor, Eidolon, makes her body burn with unslakable desire. But to prove her ultimate loyalty to her peers, she must betray the surgeon who saved her life.

Two lovers will dare to risk all.

Eidolon cannot resist this fiery, dangerous woman who fills him with both rage and passion. Not only is she his avowed enemy, but she could very well be the hunter who has been preying upon his people. Torn between his need for the truth and his quest to find his perfect mate before a horrific transformation claims him forever, Eidolon will dare the unthinkable-and let Tayla possess him, body and soul . . .

Fury (New Species #1) by Laurann Dohner

Ellie is horrified to discover the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. Company scientists have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One such “experiment” captures her heart and she’ll do anything to save him—even if he hates her for it.

Fury has never known compassion or love. He’s spent his life in a cell, chained and abused by humans. The one woman he allowed himself to trust betrayed him. Now he’s free and set on vengeance. He vows to end her life but when she’s finally in his grasp, harming her is the last thing he wants to do to the sexy little human.

Fury can’t resist Ellie—the touch of her hands, her mouth on his skin, her body wrapped around his. He’s obsessed with the scent of his woman. And Ellie wants Fury—always has. She craves his big, powerful body and wants to heal his desolate heart.

But loving Fury is one thing…taming him is another.

Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood #1) by J. R. Ward

The only purebred vampire left on the planet and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who killed his parents centuries ago. But when his most trusted fighter is killed—orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate—Wrath must put down his dagger and usher the beautiful female into another world.

Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn’t there before, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of the Brotherhood and blood frighten her. Yet his touch ignites a dawning new hunger—one that threatens to consume them both…

Tempting The Beast (Breeds #1; Feline Breeds #1) by Lora Leigh

Callan Lyons is a genetic experiment. One of six fighting for freedom and the survival of their Pride. Merinus Tyler is the reporter who will tempt him, draw him, until the fury of the “mating frenzy” locks them into a battle of sexual heat there is no escape from.

Deception, blood, and the evil Genetics Council are hot on their trail. Callan will use his strength to try and save them both…and do all in his power to keep his woman in the process.

Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter #1)_ by Sherrilyn Kenyon

See how it all began…

Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to be immortal? To journey through the night stalking the evil that preys on humans? To have unlimited wealth, unlimited power?

That is my existence, and it is dark and dangerous. I play hero to thousands, but am known to none. And I love every minute of it.

Or so I thought until one night when I woke up handcuffed to my worst nightmare: an accountant. She’s smart, sexy, witty, and wants nothing to do with the paranormal.

My attraction to Amanda Devereaux goes against everything I stand for. Not to mention the last time I fell in love it cost me not only my human life, but also my very soul. Now I find myself wanting to believe that love and loyalty do exist.

Even more disturbing, I find myself wondering if there’s any way a woman can love a man whose battle scars run deep, and whose heart was damaged by a betrayal so savage that he’s not sure it will ever beat again.

Kyrian of Thrace

Whether you prefer a serial or a stand-alone novel, there are plenty of paranormal erotic romances to choose from. I’ve named a few of the best. I’m excited about paranormals since my own paranormal erotic romance is going to be released very soon. “Full Moon Fever” features sexy werewolves who travel with a theater troupe.

Full Moon Fever by Elizabeth Black

William Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage,” but he hadn’t counted on shifters under a theater’s hot lights. Lovers, Sam Hightower and Grant Newsome, lived for the stage. Although they have enjoyed the wanderlust of traveling theater for many years, each had grown tired of the road and wanted to settle down. They also have a secret. As shifters and no part of any pack, they are lone wolves in every sense of the word. The full moon brings out the beast in them.

Even though their work as gaffers – lighting techs – put them in contact with a large variety of willing, sexy men and women to share their love, they preferred men. They found a dancer, Luke Pearce, who made their blood run hot, but Luke had a secret of his own to test them. Add scenic artists and lovers, Charlotte and Lina, to the mix, and you have a wild and sexy fivesome.

To spoil their fun and to their surprise, Sam and Grant discover another shifter in their midst, but this young person is so inexperienced and terrified she could expose them to the human hunters and get them killed. How can Sam and Grant protect themselves as well as the people they love?



Try to make the most of a bad situation. Make it a little easier with romantic novels to while away your hours.


Elizabeth Black writes in a wide variety of genres including erotica, erotic romance, horror, and dark fiction. She lives on the Massachusetts coast with her husband, son, and her three cats. Her story “The Beautiful Move in Curves” appears in “Dangerous Curves Ahead”, an anthology of sexy stories about plus-sized women. Look for it at Amazon. Her new paranormal erotic shifter romance novel “Full Moon Fever” will be for sale in 2020.

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It’s Time To Give Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving in the United States. This is the time of year Americans gorge on turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. It’s also the time of year we see family we haven’t seen in years or see seldom. While the Thanksgiving/Christmas season can be stressful, I don’t see it that way. What am I thankful for? Plenty!

  1. I don’t have to cook Thanksgiving dinner. My husband is a gourmet cook and he takes on the entire task. He makes the green bean casserole from scratch, including the cream of mushroom soup and crispy shallots that get mixed in with the dish. It’s much better than the Campbell’s version. He brines the turkey overnight and then roasts it Thanksgiving day. I preferred to buy a pumpkin pie so he’d have less work to do. My job is to stay out of his kitchen and keep him company while sitting in a chair nearby. I am eternally grateful that I don’t have to take on the Herculean task of cooking turkey dinner.
  2. eXtasy Books has accepted my gay werewolf paranormal erotic romance for publication. It’s entitled “Full Moon Fever”, and it’s coming out in 2020. My book is about two gay werewolves who work as gaffers (lighting) for a traveling stage show. They are looking for a third partner, and they have their sights set on the lead dancer. They’re also friends with two female scenic painters who give them a run for their money. I’m planning a sequel for this book. One of my werewolves has to deal with a person from his past – his ex. I haven’t thought further on the sequel, but it’s going to be a fun ride.
  3. We don’t have a lot of debt, unlike many people. I was told that the average credit card debt in America is appx. $5,000. I owe about $500 on two cards and I plan to pay it off within two weeks. I always pay the credit cards when the bill comes in so I don’t have to worry about interest. We owe money on a used VW Beetle (love that car), but otherwise we are debt free. We worked hard to get there.
  4. Although we’re up there in years, we are blessed with good health. I have my daily prescriptions to take and so does my husband but it’s manageable.
  5. I am close to my family. My son joined us for Turkey day. I called my dad and sister. We also called my stepson and his wife. They live out of state. We don’t see them often but when we do we have a wonderful time. I’m not sure when we’re venturing down to their homes again, but we do plan to visit in 2020.
  6. We aren’t hurting for money. The bills get paid each month and there’s some left over for fun stuff.
  7. We are owned by three cats. I’m glad the apartment complex allows pets. They got turkey and giblet on Thanksgiving just like us humans.
  8. We live in a New England beach resort. For Christmas, we get to see the tree in town lit up and Santa arrives on a lobster boat. Everyone in town (this is a small town) comes out for the lighting of the tree and we drink hot cocoa. Living here is like living in a Hallmark Christmas movie.

There’s plenty to be thankful for, and I figured it was a good time to remind myself of that fact. I hope Americans reading had a very happy Thanksgiving. Here’s looking to Christmas to continue the festive joy.


Elizabeth Black writes in a wide variety of genres including erotica, erotic romance, horror, and dark fiction. She lives on the Massachusetts coast with her husband, son, and her three cats. Her story “The Beautiful Move in Curves” appears in “Dangerous Curves Ahead”, an anthology of sexy stories about plus-sized women. Look for it at Amazon. Her new paranormal erotic shifter romance novel “Full Moon Fever” will be for sale in 2020.


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Demons and Vampires and other Scary Stuff

K D Grace

‘Tis the season again! Time for scary stuff.

At the moment I’m up to my eyeballs finishing up the final chapters of Blind-sided, the second of my Medusa’s Consortium novels. Almost as scary as the demons and monsters is the fact that I need it finished by the end of this month. GAK! 

The truth is, I’m lost in the writing and enjoying it way more than I could have ever imagined I would have a few years ago. I’m the one who never thought I’d write vampires. In fact, I balked at writing paranormal in general until I realized that paranormal is the perfect place to explore the darker side of the erotic without all the rules and regulations that restrict contemporary erotic fiction. There are several aspects that particularly attract me. 

The first and the most obvious is that no one insists on vampires and shifters and other scary dudes wearing condoms. It’s pretty much a given that there is nothing safe about fucking a vampire or a werewolf, and if the whole idea doesn’t scare the reader as much as it turns her on, then it’s not proper paranormal, is it?

And that brings me to the second reason I love to read and write paranormal — the very close relationship between fear and arousal. The iconic sex scene between the young and beautiful couple in a horror movie is always followed by the ghoul, serial killer or other baddie feasting on the lovers in a horrible way. I suggest that a part of what is so arousing about paranormal sex is the breaking of so many taboos, the attraction to something that the world says should horrify us. And it is horrifying – of course it is, and yet we Just. Can’t. Resist!

The rules of what is forbidden by most publishers don’t apply to paranormal erotica. Some of the most erotic scenes I’ve ever read are of vampire taking blood from or giving blood to their lovers. Blood is the river of life. It contains the magic of who we are as individuals, and yet we don’t have to lose a whole lot if it until we die. That it’s all contained in such a fragile sensitive reservoir as the human body only amplifies its preciousness and its power.

The final fascination for me is that the erotic paranormal is the perfect place to explore dubious consent and loss of

control. When dealing with vampires, demons, witches and magic, is consent ever less than dubious? And is there any other place to explore safely that total loss of self control, that giving oneself over to the forbidden?

The truth is that while we might be happy to dabble in the darker side of our sexuality, on a fundamental level, the very act of sex is frightening. It is the losing of self in the other, the opening to the unknown. It is the allowing ourselves to be more vulnerable than we are in any other act. It is the giving up of control. All of these elements are, by nature, a part of sex — sex that carries at its core both the possibility of conception and of death.

That all we fear and all we desire in sex can be raise to the nth degree when placed in a paranormal setting and examined from the intimately terrifying safety of a book is a vicarious experience that allows us to explore the darker side of our desires, of our humanity. I would suggest that there are few better ways to explore our humanity than taking an erotic journey with the monsters, who are more like us that we can easily admit.

Welcome, Darkness

By Lisabet Sarai

It’s early in May. I have just submitted the final manuscript for my latest Excessica book, entitled Fourth World. I’ve been planning this book, a collection of paranormal erotica, for quite a while, so I sent it off with no small sense of satisfaction.

Over the past two days I’ve been immersed in editing the seven tales that comprise this volume. As I read and re-read them, I was startled to realize that not one of them has an unambiguously happy ending. That’s very rare, for me. I generally consider myself an optimist, and I’d definitely label myself as sex-positive. So why am I suddenly publishing a whole book of stories where no character gets exactly what he or she wants? A book in which at least one character actually dies by the story’s conclusion, while others are irrevocably damaged—where the surviving protagonists live with grief, confusion, frustration or profound ennui?

You might surmise that I wrote these tales during a difficult time in my own life, that they mirror some negativity in my own soul. That’s not the case, though. The stories in Fourth World cover more than a decade of my career, a decade, as it happens, of great success and personal satisfaction.

Another theory might be that these stories represent a reaction to the relentless emphasis on happy endings in romance. There’s some truth to that notion. When I wrote “Renfield’s Lament”, about two years ago, I was feeling fed up with HEAs. I deliberately crafted the darkest tale I could imagine, just to see how far I could push the envelope while still arousing my readers (and myself). Some of the earlier stories in the book, though, come from the period before I began writing erotic romance at all, when I was blissfully innocent about the demands of market and genre.

Perhaps the ambiguity in these tales reflects my convictions about magic. Since I was a kid, I’ve loved fairy tales and fantasy, but even back then I understood that power always exacts its price. Miracles occur, but they require sacrifices. Wotan forfeits an eye in his quest for wisdom; Frodo Baggins loses a finger in fulfilling his quest. No one walks through the fires of the supernatural and emerges unscathed. Plus, one has to admit there is something seductive about the shadows, something hypnotic about evil, especially when it clothes itself in exquisite, responsive flesh.

Ultimately the why doesn’t matter. These stories are what they are. Of course, once I’d noticed the dark trend in the book, I started to worry. Should I throw in a couple of lighter tales, to balance the cruelty and violence (physical and emotional) in the ones I’d originally chosen? Would anyone actually buy this book without at least a few happy-for-nows?

I decided against that compromise. The seven stories in Fourth World make an organic whole. They represent some of the most intense erotica I’ve ever written—scalding, twisted, nasty, no-holds-barred lust, triggered and augmented by magic. I personally find the endings satisfying, at least from a literary perspective. They have an inevitability that feels right.

There’s something freeing for me about publishing this book. Readers who want happy endings can pick up some of my erotic romance or romantic erotica, which is mostly what I write. Fourth World is aimed at those of you who are braver, or more curious—people who recognize that when you have blood-sucking demons, someone’s going to get hurt.

To them, I say: come explore the shadows with me. Welcome, darkness.

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