One of the pleasures of the rictameter is that there is no
need for rhyme: it relies on a strict adherence to syllable count. (Well, as
strict as syllable counts can be given our different regional pronunciations).
I know we looked at this form back in August last year, but it’s never too soon to revisit a quality form of poetry.
Rictameter starts off with a two syllable line, moves up to a four syllable,
and then a six and an eight and a ten syllable line, before going on to an
eight syllable line, followed by a six, a four and a two syllable closure. The
final line is a repeat of the first line, so it helps if it’s something punchy
and memorable.
mouth, lips and tongue
ready to devour
yet bestowing so much pleasure
sucking, slurping, spitting or swallowing
an overwhelm of sensation
that ends in liquid rush
and wanting more
As always, I look forward to seeing your poetry in the
comments box below.
Butt plugs
Round and shiny
Smothered in moist slick lube
Too much stretching, spreading, filling
And then it stops. And sits so snug inside
Before it is pulled out again
Expelled in a hot rush
A shameful bliss
So sweet
The rictameter is a modern form of syllable poetry that
looks as pretty on the page as it sounds to the ear. There is no rhyme in this
form. The rictameter begins with a two syllable opening line and ends with a
two syllable closure. The syllable count increases in two syllable increments
until there’s a ten syllable line, and then it decreases by two syllables each
line in an easy to follow pattern: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Light and tender
Stolen in sly moments
Soft signs of our intimacy
That sometimes banish all of the softness
And lead to something much harder
The sultry slipping of
your sweet lips on
my mouth
As always, I look forward to reading your rictameters in the
comments box below.
From Adam & Eve - Based on the Book by New York Times Bestselling Authors Selena Kitt
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