The radio show is on every Saturday night – 8 until 10 pm UK time (we’re currently operating to British Summer Time which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time). The first hour is family friendly. The second hour has a more mature content and usually includes an interview with a poet.
It’s fun. I have people tweeting poems in. I have people mailing in poems (which then get read out live on air). I play poetry and music and chat with poets. I had no idea I could do anything like this.
This is the page where the radio station keeps its links: The station is called Fylde Coast Community Radio and my show is the Dead Good Poetry show.
If ERWA contributors want to listen in and see how the show develops (and gauge whether or not they’d want their writing to be associated with the project) it would be great to know they’re adding to the supportive audience. If anyone does want to record a short, original poem of their own (4 mins max), I would need it in MP3 format. I’m also looking into including Skyped poems at some point in the future.
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