LGBT Anthologies / Novels


Erotica Anthologies

Ebook Publishers


Website Publishers

Magazines & Journals

NOTE: All posted calls for submissions are based on information provided by the publishers, and are not vetted or endorsed by ERWA. Authors are encouraged to ask publishers about contracts details and other terms.

Avon Impulse

What is Avon Impulse? It’s the digital-first publishing imprint of Avon Books. Each month our goal is to build an exciting list of fresh, exciting voices, which means we’re always looking for new talent!

At Avon, we’re known for our personalized approach to publishing. We promise, you’ll know our names, phone numbers, email addresses and twitter handles. You’ll be hearing from us often. You’ll receive major house effort with boutique TLC, making Avon Impulse a fantastic place to launch your romance writing career.

What we’re looking for right now: (You might be surprised!)

  • New Adult romance
  • Super sexy contemporaries
  • Trilogies — and beyond. (If you have a series, we want to see it.)
  • Serialized novels

Need a story idea? Look below at our helpful hints and guidelines! But if you’re writing something different than these, we want to see that, too!

Helpful Hints and Guidelines
Toss away your ideas of what Avon is all about, and read here for how to write for Avon Romance and Avon Impulse! We publish new authors in both print and digital-first.

What might get you noticed:

  • Fabulously sexy heroes who let nothing get in the way of getting what they want – the heroine of course – and giving her everything she needs.
  • Heroines unafraid to take chances in life… and in love. She’s smart and she’s never afraid to stand up for herself.
  • You choose the setting, just make sure it’s utterly romantic! We want to be able to immerse ourselves in the wonderful world that you’ve created.
  • “Series Wanted!” Readers always cry out for more when you’ve given them characters to believe in… so give us more, too, and you’ll get our attention.
  • Dark and dramatic? Bring it on! We all love to laugh, but we’re also interested in stories that explore the many twists and turns of true love.

A few necessary facts:

  • Avon Impulse (digital first): We are seeking full length novels of approximately 50-60,000 words.
  • Formatting choices are up to you. If we can read it, you can submit it.
  • No need to submit to a specific editor. If a specific editor has requested your manuscript, please let us know and we’ll get it to her.
  • No need to submit to specific imprint, either; you’ll work with the same editorial team.
  • You should receive an answer either way in about three months.
  • You don’t need an agent.

Be Creative! Be innovative! And don’t hesitate to submit to Avon today through


Need short stories, novels, novellas, poetry, etc.? Click the button below, fill in the form, and we’ll list your call for submissions.

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