Seeking erotica stories in all genres that will hook the reader in with a fresh approach.
We’re currently looking for strong stories in the following genres:
- Sci-Fi/Futuristic,
- Urban Fantasy,
- Paranormal,
- Action Adventure,
- Bisexual,
- M/M,
- Vampires,
- Werewolves,
- Shapeshifters,
- Contemporary,
- Mystery.
Our books have always been targeted to women so your story must resonate with a female readership.
We are looking for over the top hot, but the story must be plot driven, the relationships believable. Ideally we ask for a HEA (Happy Ever After), but will consider a HFN (Happy For Now), if the story is a part of a series.
We reserve the right to refuse submissions based on subjects we deem inappropriate such as:
- Pedophilia
- Rape or incest
- Necrophilia (does not pertain to vampires or other “undead” characters)
- Hate messages to any race, gender, religion, or sexuality
- Bestiality
- Sexual content with participants under the age of 18
We do not accept simultaneous submissions. You may, however, seen us multiple submissions at the same time.
Length: 8,000 to the maximum of 25,000 words. The entire manuscript must be sent as an email attachment in .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF. No headers, footers or page numbers are to be within the manuscript.
Manuscript Must Include:
- A blurb or summary of the story. We do not need a synopsis.
- An author bio
- Word count
Your Query Email Must Include:
- Author’s pen name
- Author’s real legal name
- Website or blog link (if available)
- Email address
How to Submit:
All submissions must be made via email to [email protected]
Contract and Royalties:
Liquid Silver Publishing is a full service, royalty paying eBook Publisher, which includes:
- Editing
- Final line editing and proofreading
- Cover art
- ISBN number
- Digital publishing
Our standard contract is for worldwide, English, digital rights for two years.
We pay 40% royalties on net monies received from sales in all outlets (we have distribution at all major retailers). Royalties are paid on a calendar quarter basis by company check. International authors are paid via PayPal.
Liquid Silver Publishing has been in business as an Independent publisher since 1999, one of the longest standing epublishers in the business.