Nobilis Erotica is the longest running and most prolific erotica podcast on the internet! It’s hard to be that awesome (and sexy) without a bit of help. Even Nobilis can only produce so much wonderful smut.
Which is where you come in. Nobilis is looking for your best, most delectable and utterly sexy speculative fiction erotica stories. We’re looking for robots that turn you on, dragons that might want to do things with the princess other than devour her, and what happens when the lights go out in every sense of the word (possibly with a tentacle or three). Take off the corsets and uniforms and have some fun. We welcome LGBTQ+ stories.
We’re looking for stories that are both good speculative fiction and good erotica — are you up for the challenge? If not sure, listen to the podcast to find out what we like — free of charge.
Listen to the podcast on Libsyn or iTunes.
There is now a special extra payment specifically for science fiction stories with bizarre transformations. For those, we are paying $50 instead of $25.
The stories can include:
- Body part expansion (breast expansion, penis expansion, etc.)
- Body part duplication (multiple arms and hands, breasts, etc.)
- Body part alteration (fur, tentacles, etc.)
The boring stuff:
- Length: 1k to 5k words.
- Payment: $25 flat rate for audio rights only.
- Reprints? We’re most interested in stories that have already appeared in text (print or online) — please check your contract and make sure the audio rights are clear. Original stories are fine. Please do not send us stories that have already been podcasted.
- Multiple submissions: Yes, up to three at a time, send your best.
- Simultaneous submissions: Yes.
- Format: Please submit the story in standard manuscript in .rtf or .odt format. (Word will easily save as .rtf). Include name and email address in the beginning of the file.
Instructions on using Nobilis Erotica website at: