We all know that most women enjoy having their breasts licked and sucked. Female breast and nipples play a major role in almost any sexual encounter. But what about men? Do men enjoy having their nipples sucked? Why do we so rarely read about this in erotic fiction? Come on guys! Tell us what you think.
From Brandon
After reading several other men’s comments on this subject, I would like to add something. Living in the country I like to work outside…no shirt. After getting sweaty in the sun and a good work out my nipples get very sensitive. My wife discovered how sensitive they became and started rubbing with her fingers. Right away she noticed what it was doing to my cock. She then started kissing and sucking on them. I was ready to pop. She knew I wanted to slide inside her but said no She wanted to try something.
To make the story short– she kept working on the nipps until I exploded. I didn’t realize this was possible. After that workout, later that night all she had to do was lick them and I was ready for her. To those who haven’t tried it. TRY It!
From Neil
The reason so little is read about male nipples as an erogenous zone for straight males is the strong association of nipples and breasts with females. In fact few males will ever use the gender-neutral word breast to describe their chest muscle. But male nipples (once the erogenous awareness is established in the mind) become a prime erogenous zone, when treated properly.
The most satisfying way to stimulate the male nipple is to take it into your mouth and gently suck while flicking the tongue across the nipple. Do this for ten minutes and any nipple-sensitive male will be a quivering wreck. The key to making it work is to keep the nipple warm in the mouth and sustaining the technique for minutes not seconds. Guaranteed!
From Slohand
Okay, I’ll come out of the closet. Having my nipples sucked is one of the most intensely pleasurable things I have ever experienced. Why it took my wife (and I) so many years to discover that, I’ll never know – but I hope to make up for lost time.
I share the exact sentiments
From M8
Ok I enjoyed this site, the stories are great, but I thought a man who likes his nipples played with was maybe gay or bi. I had a ex boyfriend who every time we had sex in the doggy style position he would rub on his nipples, I found it to be odd, but now that I’ve read this site, I guess not. He loved it, so I started to do it for him, it really aroused him.
From Mike
Medical science tells us that all of us, whether we are male or female, start out as we develop as females, and the wiring that ensues develops our nipples and other nerve centers all the way up to the chromosomes that ultimately determine our sex, (develop a vagina, or grow testes and a penis) this tells me why I thoroughly enjoy my nipples during sex because it feels so fantastic! I cannot keep my hands off of my own nipples for the pure pleasure they give me.
I still feel this way at 82, even though my testosterone has left me.
I share the exact sentiments I always hid the fact that my breast was ultra sensitive to touches. I felt like it was not usual for a straight man.
From Anonymous D
Never really enjoyed the nipple thing until experimentation in adulthood. I had a girlfriend try to stimulate them when I was in college but I did not like it – felt strange and awkward. Then years later, for some reason, tried experimenting myself and with my friend with benefits as well as with the girl I was dating who is now my wife.
Man, once I got on track with the pleasure from nipple stim, it has become a near addiction. My wife knows how to get me off really easy by working the man chest/nipples while I am inside her or while I jerk off. It is a bit of a turn on knowing I have some muscle in their that women like to feel, stroke, hold, but the added sensations of nipple stimulation with stimulation of my cock is just unbelievable.
From Michael
Speaking for myself and no other guy I don’t particularly like women sucking on my nipples but at the same time I like the feeling of women breathing and blowing air gently on my nipples. If I had a choice I would much prefer a woman sucking on my earlobe…that makes me come instantly
From Louis Vega
I met my wife on a blind date 20 years ago. On our first date we ended up alone and both of us were very passionate. I started with some breast and nipple play on her. After enjoying her erect nipples I was extremely turned on. Before I knew it my blind date at the time began playing with my nipples. I never dated anyone that did that before and I was caught off guard at first. After the shock went away I realized I was extremely aroused. Her interest in playing with and sucking my nipples has not diminished. As mentioned earlier, my arousal and full interest in sex with my wife does not start until she plays with my nipples. I’m glad she tried this otherwise I would not have found one of my most favorite sexual acts.
From David
Stroking male nipples is a fantastic turn on, very gently touching the tips focuses the mind on your intense desire for your partner. Excited nipples transform sex and drive me wild. I wish I had learned this 20 years earlier !
From Ray
I like my nipples gently rubbed, pinched, pulled, licked, and sucked at first. Then the intensity can increase, and I like them pinched with the fingernails. I also like them flipped up and down and back and forth with fingernails to the point of agonizing pain, and then continue, because it hurts so good. (My wife is not wild about that done to her.) Gentle biting and pulling with the teeth can progress to more intensity. And finally I like to have them spanked, especially as I near ejaculation. I have whipped my own nipples, but haven’t had success in getting my wife to do that.
I LIKe to recethe same stimulation.
From Anthony
My girlfriend likes to play with my nipples but it doesn’t really do too much for me. Her nipples are very sensitive and loves it when I kiss and suck on them when we make love and tries to do the same to me. I prefer other erogenous zones!
From Mike
I cannot say enough about this segment on this website. Since I am constantly touching and fondling my nipples, it is EXTREMELY arousing when a sex partner (Male or Female) reach around me and fondle my nipples with their fingers during foreplay giving me a rock hard erection, sometimes erupting into an eye crossing orgasm, or a prelude to unbridled sexual ecstasy. I love my nipples! I love my nipples! I love my nipples!
Froom LKJ
From time to time I see references to nipple orgasm. I find the idea bewildering. I frequently feel extraordinarily good from nipple play. It’s far better than ejaculation… far better than anything I can honestly call an orgasm. And I can play for long periods of time. But is it an orgasm? I can’t really use that term. I’m wondering whether there are still greater pleasures to experience, or whether my experience is typical. It’s a mystery.
From Kelcalman
I love it when my girl licks my nipples when I rub my dick. The sensation is overwhelming and I come so hard. Foolishly I always thought that just women enjoyed it, but I was happily wrong.
From MGB
Am a heterosexual man, and I accidentally discovered how sensual I feel when a women plays with my nipples. Actually after my first time I really did not think about it because I was afraid I actually liked it, but I had women I dated do it and I started liking it more and more. But was still scared about it, that it’s not something for a man. Whew…I grew up after that but it’s difficult to make some women understand it. keep the emails coming…
I’m addicted to nipple play. Mine are crazy sensitive and my wife knows it. She plays with them virtually everyday and I couldn’t be happier.
From D. L.
I have always been aware of my sexual arousal factor of engaging in nipple play from an early age. I do not feel uncomfortable in asking my lover to suck and bite my nipples during our lovemaking. There are times when I masturbate in front of her and have her squeeze and massage my breasts and nipples while I flex my muscles in her hands until I come.
The pleasure is so intense I can’t describe it. It’s out of this world. When I masturbate alone, I use the edge of my men’s magazine as stimulus to rub across my nipples getting them really erect, with that in play and fantasizing about the beautiful women on the pages, my orgasms are really pleasurable.
From Kenneth’s Nips
Thank god I’m not alone. My cock gets hardened as I read every ones story about how they feel and their experiences about their nipples. I was only 9 years old when I discovered that rubbing and pinching my nipples will give me some sensational and electrifying feeling that I have never felt in my entire life way back and that is also the same time that I discovered myself masturbating without using my hands, but I found myself fucking my bed while rubbing my nips. But of course I didn’t come because I was not in the puberty yet. Since then, whenever I masturbate I’m pretty sure my nipples will get involved. So for those who haven’t tried it yet, you are missing something in this world that you must experienced.
From Mike
My nipples are by far the most erogenous areas of my body. And, for all the men out there who might think this is too “gay” for them, think again, have your wives or female friends explore this area during foreplay (for each other), but then again there are some who get absolutely nothing from nipple stimuli, I feel sorry for them, but for those of us who get mind blowing orgasms, do plunge ahead!
From Hank
Apparently, only a few men appreciate male nipple stimulation. I was fortunate as a teen to discover that pleasure when I touched them while masturbating. Been doing it ever since, having my wife rub them lightly during foreplay. A terrific sensation surges from my nipples to further stimulate my erection. Continued nipple fondling during intercourse results in a strong ejaculation. Although not every male will be able to experience the stimulating sensation, every male should at least give it a try. You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Enjoy!
From John
My wife and I have been married for many years and only recently discovered how aroused I become when she sucks my nipple’s. She has tried for years to rub, pinch and play with them, but I wouldn’t let her. One night during some foreplay my left nipple was close to her mouth and without warning, she closed her lip’s around it and started sucking, making my cock rock hard in seconds. She now asks if I would like them sucked and my answer is now always “YES” and enjoy returning the favor that she has been receiving for many years.