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Bottoms Up: Spanking Good Stories, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel


Bottoms Upis the latest spanking anthology from Rachel Kramer Bussel. Regular readers of these reviews will know that I’m a huge fan of RKB. Her anthologies are always stylishly presented and the quality of fiction she selects never fails to satisfy. Rubber Sex, Tasting Herand Spankedhave all got special places on my bookshelf. And now, I’ve squeezed Rachel’s Bottoms Up into that prestigious place on my shelf that is reserved for anthologies of superlative quality.

I could wax lyrical here about the simple stylishness of the cover art. In some ways Bottoms Up looks as though it’s been compiled as a companion collection to sit alongside Rachel’s Spanked. The sleek black background is a void, foregrounding the smooth fleshy contours of a naked feminine rear. The pale flesh is airbrushed to a pristine pink perfection: save for the blushed cheeks which glow crimson against the peach.

I could wax lyrical like that. However, the picture is undoubtedly on display here, so you can just look at that instead of hearing me bang on about it.

As you’d expect from an anthology called Bottoms Up, with a cover that shows a freshly spanked bottom, the core theme of the stories in this anthology is that they each incorporate bottom spanking.

Some might argue that this presents a somewhat limited scope. However, the truth is that the stories here are a wonderfully diverse mix tackling spanking from a myriad different approaches.

Aside from the allure of many familiar names (such as Donna George Storey, Alison Tyler , N T Morley and Jean Roberta) there are also some unfamiliar names in this collection who are competently holding their own in the storytelling stakes.

I have to pause here for a moment and speculate whether or not it’s possible to hold your own whilst spanking. I might get back to that thought later.

Jerry Arthur’s ‘Ass Worship,’ is a raunchy story that is amusing, intelligent and arousing. This is the first time I’ve encountered Jerry’s work and I look forward to reading more from this talented author. Similarly, I hadn’t come across Zille Defeu’s fiction before but ‘Reenactment’ is a cleverly told piece of fiction with a strong focus on character, plot and the all-important spanking content.

For any fan of cheekily chastised cheeks, Bottoms Up is a collection that can’t fail to deliver.

Bottoms Up: Spanking Good Stories
(Cleis Press, 2009; ISBN 157344362X)
Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

© 2009 Ashley Lister. All rights reserved.

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