Queer Fiction


Tommy was the kind of guy all mothers want to see their daughters bring home. He was good natured, funny, and handsome. He gave up his seat on the bus for little old ladies. He carved turkey at the homeless shelter downtown every Thanksgiving. He sighed heavily every...

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The Cowboy Way

I rest my head on my forearm and stare up at the stars, wondering if anything out there in the heavens can compare to this. The campfire throws shadows on the canyon wall. I watch the darkly magnified pantomime of Billy's bent back and curly head bobbing between my...

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The Investigation

Charlie Weyland had been to the offices of Blaine and Associates several times, but every time he entered their lobby, he felt like he'd gone to the wrong place. It just didn't look like a detective agency. The furniture looked too tasteful, the carpeting looked too...

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Daddy T

Down past the old abandoned Speedway, twenty miles outside of town, there's a road that's just a dirt rut; a weaving ribbon on the ground. It doesn't lead to nowhere. It just snakes up to a ruin. Once an old man lived there, but he died before I was born. My daddy...

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The Janine Chronicles

Preface. Janine was—meaning as I knew her then—an extraordinary person. She defied a succinct label. Perhaps the closest I can come is to say she lived unselfconsciously as though a parody, or even a satire, of sexuality. If you don't understand what I mean, I'm...

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Mlle Duchamp

Many years ago, there was an elderly gentleman who lived along with his invalid daughter Marie, in the Vercors region of France, near the Swiss Alps. Comte d'Epinay was impoverished, due to the death of so many relatives by Madame Guillotine, and the taxation upon...

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