The Softer Side

Queen of Temptress Moon

Hank knew immediately she was pissed. "Once again, this is not right!" "Jesus," he thought and slumped back into his chair. He gripped the phone tighter, the color draining out of his knuckles as the pressure increased. He imagined Karen Miller's throat in his grasp...

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Too Little, Too Late

The elderly black man laying in bed watched the television, a rare intensity burning in the rheumy blue-brown of his eyes. Over and over again throughout the day, on every station, he'd heard the same words repeated. On August 28th and 29th, video from a...

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Richmond, Dear Park

We begin every day in ignorance. Oh, we have plans, it's true, but they are only schemes written in air, lines drafted on the invisible parchment of future. We can never really know what will happen; whether we will make it to work by 8.30, whether the girls will turn...

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Long Goodbye

Derek thrashed restlessly as another barrage of night terrors raced unchecked through his mind. Behind his tightly closed eyes he saw flashes of the past, visions that continued to plague his every moment of slumber. "So what's it going to be?" came a woman's...

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The Long Ride Home

He decided to avoid the two-and-a-half hour speed bump between New York and Boston that they call Connecticut. She hadn't said a word since breakfast with Mark and Jill and remained indifferently mute as he entered the Taconic Parkway north—longer ride, better...

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Lost And Found

The first thing most men see is the leg that isn't there. Some scan the rest of me as if trying to solve an unexpected puzzle. Few make it as far as my face. Almost none make eye contact and those that do are quick to look away. I was never a crowd-stopping beauty,...

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The Shades of Gray

Elliot twisted the pencil exactly two-and-a-half revolutions inside the hand-held sharpener. He frowned when the oscillating fan blew some of the shavings onto his trousers before he could scoop them neatly and dispose of them in his waste basket. He thought of...

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The Love Song of Benny and Denise

She must be the prettiest girl on the planet, thought Benny. Her smile was more radiant than the sun-dappled setting in which she modeled the teeniest of bikinis. Benny smiled back and stroked his thumb over her picture. What must it feel like to touch her skin? It...

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Contraband Sins

The capital is ruled by swine, fat and mean, as rude and indolent as any congressman, as imperious as any senator. The mud-choked streets are their wallow and they bow to no one. A particularly obstreperous gang of hogs had blocked the passage of their carriage along...

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Male Seeks Lady of His Dreams

Ernie's hands were a bit shaky on the steering wheel as he turned his classic Dodge Swinger into the parking lot of the Burks Falls Bowlerama. "Don't lose your grip now, Ern." Geeeze," he chastised himself. Damn, he hadn't been this nervous since he'd asked Lizzie...

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