Our digital-first romance line is open to submissions in five popular subgenres: romantic suspense, contemporary, paranormal, historical, and spicy romance. We’re looking for previously unpublished full-length novels(between 55,000 – 90,000 words)and short stories (see details below). All authors—agented or unagented, beginner or veteran writers—are welcome to submit any works that have not been previously published in whole or in part in any media, including self-publishing (Kindle, Create Space, etc.).
While your work can include other genre elements, Crimson Romances must focus first and foremost on a hero and heroine’s emotional journey together towards love.Romances, by nature, must be between consenting adults and have a happily-ever-after or at least happy-for-now ending.We will not look at manuscripts formemoirs or other non-fiction, women’s fiction or chick lit, young adult, mysteries and thrillers,horror, or general fiction.
Got a romance that’s a little offbeat, something other publishers won’t take a chance on? Send it our way! At Crimson, we believe variety is the spice of life — especially a reader’s life. We’re happy to consider a wide variety of plot lines and characters, but we’re always looking for:
- Smart, savvy, confident heroines with strong goals
- Heroes of all varieties—alpha, beta, anything in between!
- New twists on favorite themes
Most importantly, we’re seeking authors withfresh, vibrant, unique voices. We want to know (tell us in the query letter) what makes your book distinctive from every other romance being published.
As an ebook publisher, we want to partner with writers who have a strong online presence and possess a savvy interest in marketing and promoting their work to the digital community.
Submission details at: www.crimsonromance.com/submissions.