LGBT Anthologies / Novels


Erotica Anthologies

Ebook Publishers


Website Publishers

Magazines & Journals

NOTE: All posted calls for submissions are based on information provided by the publishers, and are not vetted or endorsed by ERWA. Authors are encouraged to ask publishers about contracts details and other terms.

MoFo Pubs

Mofo Pubs is an independent publisher of literary erotica. We are looking for well-written, compelling, original stories by writers with strong voices and the potential to publish multiple works. Stories that appeal to niche markets will be given preference over traditional romance tropes and clichés, although if you can tell a classic story with a unique twist we want to see it.

Email: [email protected]


Need short stories, novels, novellas, poetry, etc.? Click the button below, fill in the form, and we’ll list your call for submissions.

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