Ashley Lister talks with Tresart L. Sioux


Tresart L SiouxRenowned for writing strong stories about tough lesbian women, Tresart L Sioux is a name that has become synonymous with hardcore girl-on-girl erotica. Author of such titles as Bitches!, Harley BitchSlave and Chainsaw Slut, Tresart took time from her busy schedule to talk with ERWA about her fiction.

Ashley Lister: From reading some of your previous interviews, I know you’re a big fan of horror movies: particularly the slasher genre with titles such as Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc. Do you think this interest has influenced your fiction? And do you see any distinctive parallels between horror and erotica?

Tresart L Sioux: Oh! Jason Vorhees is the best!!! I believe some of my dark stories might have slightly been influenced by horror movies, but basically it comes from within. Some of my creations are on the comedy/erotica side and some are about actual events in my life. It all depends on my mood. As for the parallels between horror and erotica, there are some distinctions. My novella I Hardly Knew You deals with lesbian lycanthropy. Extremely graphic and the sex scenes are intense! I based each character on someone I knew. It brings much more meaning to a novel or novella!

Ashley Lister: The erotic aspect of your fiction is invariably explicit and exciting and focuses predominantly on lesbian interactions. This allows you to create strong female characters who aren’t dependent or reliant on men. Do you ever base your characters on people you’ve met, or are they all fictitious creations?

Tresart L Sioux: Almost all my characters are based on people I know. I take a little here and there. I also have a few stories that are absolutely true! I’ll let ya’ll guess which ones! Again, it brings more meaning to me as an author.

Ashley Lister: Stephen King once suggested that a full-length novel is like an affair between the reader and the text, whilst a short story is more comparable with a kiss in the dark from a stranger. You appear to prefer writing short fiction to novels. Is there a reason for this preference and what do find as the inherent appeal of the short story?

Tresart L Sioux: I do the short story compilations because my mind is always racing. I have so many stories going all at once.Out of the Shadows was the first and only full-length novel that I’ve done so far. I will always thank the editors for their crits/nits on that one!

Ashley Lister: Your latest release from Renaissance eBooks is your novella: The Cure. Could you tell us a little about the book?

The Cure is one of those comedy/erotica. You have a woman that is addicted to sex. Every single place she goes…sex is all she can think about! She sees a shrink on a regular basis. Her shrink recommends a natural prescription that is suppose to help curve her sex drive, needless to say, it does the exact opposite. I hope folks that read enjoy!

Ashley Lister: What are you currently working on and where can readers go to find out more about your work?

Tresart L Sioux: I’m working on several different creations. One is a suspense/erotica that I’m extremely excited about! Completely different area for me to work in. I’m hoping to have a short read out at the end of this month before tackling the bigger projects. You can find more of my work at these locations.

Ashley Lister
April 2010

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