Erotic Fiction

The Desolate Eden

Lisa fed the few remaining sticks of furniture to the fire. "Guys, we're the last three survivors on this sorry-assed world, so we'd better decide once and for all how this is going to work." Jerboa nodded. "Although I'm older than this upstart here..." "Older by...

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Caitlin Comes Clean

Told with Caitlin's permission Caitlin is twenty-seven. She's my partner's administrative assistant; with a Masters in Fine Arts she is definitely underemployed. When Cait's out of earshot, my partner describes her as office landscape or eye candy. If you met her, you...

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I was chilled through, pissed off, and crying. Sometimes I couldn't see the road through the downpour. The rain would get so heavy that all the other cars were pulled over on the shoulder, lights on, waiting. Not me. I sped up even more, hydroplaning and then laughing...

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Beating the Gothic Out of Her

"My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I AM Heathcliff! He's always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being." —Catherine...

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Close To Hand

Veronica is licking my balls. She holds my cock in one hand, lifting it straight toward the ceiling, keeping my scrotum taut as she takes one testicle entirely into her mouth and swirls it with her tongue. She lets it slip through her lips. Wet warmth flees, replaced...

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Does Immortality Come with a Pension?

The young nun's hips swayed so sweetly Locan half-expected her to glance back at him over her shoulder and wink. She did smile as she gestured to him to follow her into the bishop's study. Bishop Galway hunkered over his desk scowling at newspaper clippings. "Sister...

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Bench Mates

He tried not to stare, tried to pretend he hadn't noticed her long creamy pale legs. Most times girls paid him scant attention. Why would they? He could be their grandfather. Every so often one would cast him a glance and frown. Dirty old man, huh? By now he ought to...

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Coins for the Ferryman

I hate islands. I cannot understand their allure, the way people marry the words island and paradise. Paradise, my ass. An island is a trap, a prison, a fucking Alcatraz, a place that reminds you every day you wake up on it, there's no place else to go. Pirates...

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Better Than a Blow-up Doll

"I have a surprise for you when we get home, honey." My husband of twenty years laid his hand high on my thigh and stroked the silky material of my dress. We were celebrating my forty-second birthday at our favorite intimate Italian restaurant. Sitting in a private...

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I Wish My Dick Was Bigger

Well, longer anyway. I know a guy who has a bulge down by his knee. Maybe not that long. Maybe thicker too, come to think of it. I dread the day when a woman comments on my size. Not that I'm all that small. Sometimes I'm surprised at — proud of even —...

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