Kinky Erotica

Girls Gone Wild

Girls Gone Wild "Dude! Harry and Dave sent another movie!" Joe rushed into the house, clutching a package. Mick jumped up and down on the couch, whooping. "Open it, man! Open it!" Mick chanted. Joe tore apart the cardboard box and dug out a shiny silver disc. "Oh...

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Roasting Coffee

"But, Master, do I have to?" "Stop whining, Mary Beth. This will do you good," Master said. "But what if something happens?" "What could happen? You'll please me, and help me see if my device works. Enough. Now out of the car with you." Mary Beth gave one last...

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Tiger, Tiger

The moonlight through the blinds forms stripes of shadow across her pale flesh. She burns in the darkness, a sex candle, filling the room with her scent and the heat of her need. If the gag were removed she would curse me. Even with the small rubber penis pressing her...

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Heat Sink

I The muscle at the hinge of his jaw twitches beneath his skin. Only this subtle sign betrays his thoughts as fatuous host of the dinner party holds forth with unforgivable ignorance on the subject of poverty. From across the over-lit lit dinner table, I try to catch...

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Sandy Hurts and Loves It

Sandy had always had her little kinks. Doesn't everyone? Her favourite one was innocent enough; it hurt no one and afforded her a certain enjoyment. Well, to be honest, a wickedly intense, deliciously satisfying enjoyment. Sandy was Sandy, after all. She saved it for...

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On a Train to New York

I stopped flying. Some phobia had kicked in, underscored by recent events, and there was no budging on this. I determined that it was not necessary to fly, and that most of my business could be done by phone or fax or e-mail; or if it became essential, I could take a...

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The Heirloom

Meredith's father presents us with the bed at the big family party, a week before our wedding. He makes a big deal of it, of course, the way he makes a big deal out of everything. "This came from my great-grandfather Daniel," he says, running his hand along the smooth...

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His Secrets

Joshua's palms were sweating profusely by the time he'd reached the underground-parking garage to the county court house. Dear God, what was he to do. He was at the end of his rope. He needed help. He needed someone to tell him that he was normal. That being a...

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The Travellers

Carleton folded his white Oxford shirt into the brown leather carry on bag, smoothed down his suit and left the apartment. Michael spread Philadelphia cream cheese on Ritz crackers. It had to be Philadelphia. It had to be Ritz. Richard called a taxi. Marthe lay naked...

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Cesare Soutina approached sixty like a wary old dog unsure if the food bowl contained poison or merely something difficult to chew. The still dense patch of hair on his head was speckled — or streaked — with silver, like rust on grape leaves; his wide nostrils arched...

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