

Damned forced overtime, he thought. Why can’t the cheap bastards see that they need to hire at least three more people? The ride home sucked too. Wearily he closed the door behind him and turned to see his wife – in a bordello-red chemise – loping in full, long-legged...

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Stanley’s Resolve

Stanley examined his face in the mirror. I must get rid of these pimples. Then maybe Stanley could have some friends. Even a chance with his blonde cheerleader fantasy, Maryanne. The prettiest girl in school. Built. Like. Hell. But Maryanne already has a boyfriend....

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“It’s unassailable. The honour guard watches day and night, always heedful...” “It’ll not be without risk, but she’s penetrable.”Le chevalier de Sémence1was cocksure.If anyone could pull off such a frontal thrust, it was surely him. “Mark my words. Soon Sémence will...

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The Goldfish Bowl

The Goldfish Bowl No one ever noticed Miriam until the day Mrs. Wrasse spied her coming home with a merman. "What on earth is that?!" demanded Miriam's elderly neighbor. Beaming, Miriam heaved a sinuous male figure out the trunk of her car. He had a brilliant red...

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Yellow, like the daffodils…

Yellow, like the daffodils...by Valentine BonnaireSkip called me yellow because I wouldn't strip in the field for him. He wanted me to. They all did. "You're nothing but yellow, aren't you?" "I'm not." "Are too." He chased me across the field and I was panting....

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The Village Church

Someone else's footsteps echoed around the ancient church and I snapped out of my reverie. "Afternoon, Mark. I don't remember seeing you in here before." It was Edward, the local vicar. "No, I don't come to services, well except at Christmas. But this is such a...

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The Winner

The Winnerby Corvidae"Harry! You crazy bastard, I hear you're a real fag now!" I bristled instinctively at the words until I registered the note of teasing amusement underneath them. I turned just in time to be tackled in a hug. "Good to see you too, Billy...." I...

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A Brief Time Together

Those fingers brushed downwards through her hair towards her neck then followed the line of her jaw to her chin. She could feel them, feather-light on her skin and the blood rose to her cheeks. Her eyes narrowed. Her lids partially closed. She shivered as those gentle...

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She's asleep beside me, snoring comfortingly. For me, sleep won't come, so I sit at the edge of the mattress and stare. The bedroom by night seems an infinite void. The darkness reflects things back at me like a polished mirror. I see life's trials, great and small,...

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Becca and Dave had known each other for some time, meeting a few years ago at a racquetball tournament in which they both ended up without partners. They were teamed, randomly, and lost in the first round. But after, they went out for lunch, found they had a lot in...

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