The Adventures of Daring Claire

There was a young woman named Claire.
She couldn’t pass up a good dare;
The weirder, the better,
It just made her wetter
When people would stop by and stare.
There was a young woman named Claire.
A staff meeting once was a dare;
With vibrators inserted,
Clamped nipples, short-skirted;
Wrong date, though, nobody was there.
There was a young woman named Claire.
Trombonist Jim gave her a dare:
With dildo on slider
He played right inside ‘er;
High C gave them both quite a scare.
There was a young woman named Claire.
Had motorbike sex as a dare;
On Jeff she was seated,
The bike overheated,
But not quite as much as that pair.
There was a young woman named Claire.
Tried skydiving sex on a dare;
She thought she’d be cute:
Too soon pulled her chute;
Left poor Tim mid-spurt in mid-air.
There was a young woman named Claire.
Her breasts she did bare on a dare;
At the bar it was late,
Her annoyance was great
When no one around seemed to care.
By now you know all about Claire;
How well she can handle a dare;
“She’s blonde,” you surmise,
But I’m being wise;
To tell you just wouldn’t be fair.

© 2003 Rod Harden. All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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