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Body Piercing

The hole thing, are you up to it?

Body PiercingLately, I’ve been thinking about getting my nipples pierced, just to find out about certain feelings I’ve been told about. If I don’t like it, it’ll take about six weeks to grow closed if anything like my ears. I could use some feedback — how do the rest of you feel about body piercing? Do men find pierced nipples to be erotic? if yes, why? If no, why not? I’m really interested in the male POV on this one. —Brcain9


  1. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    It’s nearly the warm side of spring here and I’ll be in skirts and without panties until the Fall. The best bit will be getting my man to put in my large labia rings which rattle as I walk. I can’t wait.

  2. Comment Import

    From Old Navy Dude
    It was at the end of 2002. I was far from home near the city of brotherly love. In a matter of three weeks I had lost my job, wrecked my SUV, a rental car and my girlfriend whom I thought I was in love with told me she couldn’t “emotionally support me”.

    This is a roundabout way of getting to the subject. I went to town and it was a Saturday morning. I saw a local tattoo place and parked. I strolled in, looked at the samples and saw it. The one I had wanted for a long time. I won’t describe it for privacy.

    While the guy was doing my tattoo, which I simply closed my eyes and tried to internalize the pain. At that time and place in my life, I needed to feel pain. I asked how much a nipple piercing was and what it meant. Sure we do, one on the left is your straight. On the right means your gay. Both? You could swing either way. I want one. Does it hurt much? Some. Depends on how you relax. Which nipple? I thought about what had gone on in the past couple of years and certain feelings I was having. The right please. The young man smiled and went to set it up. He had me lay on my back, my right arm under my head. He told me how to relax. I asked if it hurt more if he did it slow or fast. Slow hurts a lot more, but some people dig it.

    I didn’t hesitate long and said make it as slow as possible. Are you sure? Fuck yeah. Ok, he grabbed my nipple and pressed the hollow needle to my skin. He pushed slowly and told me to breathe out. I did and he slowly turned the needle and hesitated before exiting the other side. It felt like I was high. My head spun and my heart raced. My cock got rock hard and I sighed in pleasure.

    Man are you alright. I laughed out loud. Ok? I think I came in my pants. Ok, you’re done. NO! Wait!, Do the other one PLEASE!!! Are you sure? Oh God yes. Please do it. This is the greatest feeling I have had in a long time. I need to feel good again. I need to hurt. I need to be transformed!

    He repeated the ritual and it was even more joyous than the first one! When it was over, he gave me a card with a name and a number. Call her, she can help you out more than I. You’ll enjoy her… assets. I paid the 300.00 and left with my new tattoo and a smile

  3. Comment Import

    From Leah
    I’ve had my nipples pierced for about 10 years (I’m 39)and I love how it looks and how it feels. I already had sensitive nipples and my piercings have made them more so. My husband loves the way they look too, excites him to know that my nipples are supersensitive and that all he has to do to get me going is tug a lttle on my hoops. I’m 40 in November and I’ve already asked for my present…….a clit piercing!

  4. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I recently got stuck with a sadistic dentist when mine went back to school that you lovers of pain would get along with nicely! Personally I have always been sensitive enough, and can’t stand pain or dorky looking piercings. I think that people who get them don’t like themselves very much or they wouldn’t be poking holes in themselves. Anybody for a very painful root canal?

  5. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    My best buddy through high school, and I were fascinated by piercings. We decided that when we turned 18 we would both get Prince Alberts. So, in the summer of ’98, we both went to piercing parlors and had it done. The piercing, itself, was painless and healed in a couple of weeks, after which, we started stretching the hole for bigger rings. Since then, we each had our nipples pierced

  6. Comment Import

    From Violet Rose
    I chipped a back molar quite badly on my ex’s 10ga Prince Albert captive ball ring. So I would be quite careful with piercings and possible chipping of teeth!

  7. Comment Import

    From Devon
    As a dentist, I would not recommend piercing your tongue for many reasons which I do not have the space for. I have my penis pierced with a 8 gauge. I have never had a problem with it.

  8. Comment Import

    From Emily
    My piercing list…ears, eyebrow, tongue, belly button and that “naughty place”, my clit hood. People ask me why I did the one below the belt and I say, “So my ex boyfriend could find it”. I thought it could be like a big neon sign for him because he damn sure wasn’t finding it on his own! I am a little sorry I got it done now. I think it has taken some of the sensation away and having a sexy looking “naughty place” isnt worth the trade off.

  9. Comment Import

    From Maria
    Oh my god, my bar through my nipple was accidentally ripped out caught on the metal bit on the door, I was in agony. I have had the piercing for 6 years it just ripped straight through my nipple, and had to spend 5 hours in a & e. They put some sort of medical super glue on it and sterry stripped it and said it will be ok in 5 days!

  10. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I just got my belly button done…and I have to admit it has made me feel better about myself. I also think that doing something for yourself is the best way to go. I didn’t listen to my friends, they didn’t want me to do it. But now that I have I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  11. Comment Import

    From Barry
    I have a different story to tell. It seems all the other writers love piercing and the experience they had. Myself, I don’t like piercing at all, but it is an individual’s choice. About 3 years ago I met a girl who had the most delicious body. She looked fantastic in jeans and I looked forward to the chance of seeing her naked, and playing with her delicious pussy.

    We dated a few times but sex seemed the last thing she wanted to do. Finally I decided to discuss the matter with her. It seemed she was with two of her girlfriends one day and they all dared each other to have their clits pierced. She went ahead with it, but said it was the most painful and humiliating experience of her life. She said the guy who did it was a sleeze and he took over an hour “preparing” the job, touching, feeling, etc. She said all he was doing was copping a feel, but she had accepted the dare so she put up with it. She said she knew she would have to show herself, but she hated the way the guy looked at her as she took her jeans and panties off.

    Then she said the piercing itself was painful, and since then she wasn’t able to have sex, nor allow anyone to touch her pussy. She wanted to have it removed but it was just too sore to touch. She showed me her pussy, what a shame. If ever I needed convincing that piercing was not a clever thing to do, that was it. The poor girl’s pussy would have normally looked fantastic, but it was red and swollen. Finally she had it removed but sex was still not on as it was infected and she needed time to recover. Sex for us was bathing together and sleeping together. She would give handjobs and the odd blowjob, but no vaginal penetration. Pity.

  12. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I am 37, a lawyer with a very conservative law firm in an even more conservative industry. Unbeknown to anyone other than my husband, I have pierced nipples which we both love. Had them done just over 12 months ago when I was considering getting my ears pierced at a time that I thought I could do with some “updating” – I was feeling old and boring. (Yes, didn’t even have my ears done, and still don’t).

    About that time, I happened to read an article on body piercing trends and thought “How exciting would that be?!” After thing about a belly button ring, I began to firm on the idea of nipple piercing as it is more private and extremely exciting. I feel brilliantly sexy (my husband can’t keep his hands off me and just loves seeing me topless). I wear a small gold ring with a little gold ball in each nipple and love the look, and the “out there” feeling it gives me.

    People who know me – friends, work colleagues and clients – would never guess. And that’s something I find really appealing. If you have ever thought you might do something daring that your partner will love, I can fully recommend having your nipples pierced as a surprise that will lift you to a new level and do wonders for your physical relationship too!

  13. Comment Import

    From Jim
    Shelly [see entry below] asks for thoughts about tattoos and piercings. Personally speaking, I dislike both. Body modification to me is unattractive, especially if you have a beautiful body to begin with. Have you ever seen older men and women with tattoos – what might have once been intriguing works of art turn into ugly saggy distortions. Or how about drooping breasts with pierced nipples, or aged shriveled cockheads pierced. Egad! Now an aging body is not necessarily unattractive, but it can be made so because of body modifications.

  14. Comment Import

    From Shelly
    As a follow up to my message a few weeks ago, my nipple piercing continues to be a source of pleasure! I am going to have the left one done today. I swear my nips are connected to my clit. Anyways, I have not seen anyone mention tattoos. What are your thoughts along with the piercings? I have a tattoo in the small of my back & my shoulder. I think most men love that! There is something nice to look at when going at it doggie style!

  15. Comment Import

    From Simon Taylor
    I’m bi-polar and subject to very drastic mood swings. I had only been going out with my girlfriend for about a month so she was unaware of my medical problems. I happened to be on a ‘high’ when we were on a shopping trip to Brighton (UK). We passed a piercing shop and I jokingly suggested that I get a prince albert. She took me up on this and even offered to pay. Within minutes I was in the piercers chair having a large needle stabbed through the head of my cock. I screamed like Ned Flanders (The Simpsons) and almost passed out with the pain.

  16. Comment Import

    From Simon Taylor
    I’m bi-polar and subject to very drastic mood swings. I had only been going out with my girlfriend for about a month so she was unaware of my medical problems. I happened to be on a ‘high’ when we were on a shopping trip to Brighton (UK). We passed a piercing shop and I jokingly suggested that I get a prince albert. She took me up on this and even offered to pay. Within minutes I was in the piercers chair having a large needle stabbed through the head of my cock. I screamed like Ned Flanders (The Simpsons) and almost passed out with the pain.

    After several weeks and quite a lot of discomfort it healed and I can happily say that it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. My girlfriend (now wife) says it stimulates inside her vagina during sex, leading to more intense sensations for her and masturbation is now much much more satisfying for me. My piercer says that this is because the ring, passing through the penis, stimulates it from the inside where normally there is no sensation. Just thought I’d add my ten pence worth.

  17. Comment Import

    From Quicksilver
    On a woman, while nipple piercings may be interested, I have never made love to a woman who had pierced nipples. They are interesting to look at, but I am not sure that I would like to suck on a pierced nipple. I can only imagine that the ring would get in the way of sucking on and playing with a nice erect nipple and definitely not add anything to the experience. I think belly button rings look nice. I wasn’t sure when I saw my first one, but they grew on me to the point where I like them and find them somewhat sexy. Genital piercings of any sort just plain look like they would hurt and I don’t find them attractive, interesting, or sexy. A ring or a bar in a labia or clit just doesn’t add anything and I imagine I wouldn’t like it very much during oral sex either.

  18. Comment Import

    From Todd
    Joe said it well [see Joe’s entry below], and yes that goes for tattoos, too. No, no, no. They are ugly and pointless, in my opinion. Seems that so many girls nowadays are trying so hard to be unique in their style or placement of piercings and/or tattoos that the only truly unique girls are the ones that have none of the above. It’s unbelievable.

    I may be somewhat extreme about it, I’ll admit, but I will not date a woman with tattoos or strange piercings. Not because I think less of them as people because that’s not true at all, but I’m just not turned on by it. In fact, I am ‘actively’ turned off. Seriously girls, you don’t need a stud in your tongue to make your blowjobs feel good… it feels just fine au natural.

  19. Comment Import

    From Joe
    Make this “piercing and tattoos”…for that matter, throw in breast augmentation, too. If I want to see mutilated bodies, I’ll go to or some similar site. I see absolutely nothing artful, attractive, interesting, evocative, stimulating, humorous or enjoyable about punching holes and/or tinting the human body.They’re pretty nice the way they are…what makes you think you can or should “improve” the original work?

  20. Comment Import

    From Jim
    Piercing grabs hold of you and makes you want to do more. I am a corporate lawyer living very conservatively on the east coast. I first visited a piercing shop in San Francisco in 1990 and was stunned by the magnificence of genital metal. It was three years before I could bring it up to my wife and discuss my getting one.

    On a trip to New York in the summer of 1993, I finally got a Prince Albert piercing. She thought I was crazy. Until she saw it and got to play with it. I followed it in 1994 with the most extreme male piercing–an ampallang. Wife didn’t like it and I had to take it out. When she was pregnant in 1997 I got an apadrayva, another extreme piercing and had it for about 6 months. I’ve also gotten my tongue pierced, tongue web, nipples and frenum.

    There is something about the process that is almost addictive. No one I work with or relatives would ever guess.


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