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Large Labia

Designa Vagina

lips to die for…?

Watched a programme about women who have plastic surgery on their labia: “labiaplasty” (nipping women’s genital lips), “vaginal rejuvenation” (tightening the vaginal muscles) and “vaginal reconstruction” (tightening, shaping, sculpting). Now I can understand this being done for comfort/post baby tightenings, but some of these women were having it done for completely cosmetic reasons.

Do they have a fashion parade of pre and post? Open crotch jeans to show off whilst shopping? Question: guys, do you have a preference for size and shape of labia? Would you leap out of bed if they didn’t suit you? Tell us please, it’s interesting I think. Ladies, would you contemplate this surgery at all? Me?….<shudder> No. — JoJo

Editor’s note: For an interesting article on this subject, please read Love Your Genitals by Anne Semans.


  1. Comment Import

    From Jean
    My close friend has been a horse lover for years and has been bothered by her long labia which were always getting pinched. She is in her early fifties and finally decided to have them fixed. She is not married but still sexually active, she is very attractive and dates 3 or 4 guys so she just stopped dating for a few months while she got the surgery.

    I was a little taken aback that she had them completely removed and only a smooth slit remains, a vast difference from before. Her healing took over three months but is now back to being sexually active and loves her new look and feel. There are bad results from labiaplasty but hers is one of the positive results. She can now enjoy riding without pinching and soreness as before. This surgery is fast becoming the number one alteration for women.

  2. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I’m a 23 yr old girl who has the same insecurities as most girls on this page. I slept with 3 people before my boyfriend. I never really thought of my labia as being different until my boyfriend of 2 years said to me “you have the pussy of a porn star” I wasn’t sure how to take that. And then he said “I bet it wasn’t like that when you were a virgin.” But the truth is, yes it was like that when I was a virgin. I see no change from then to now.

    I think men think you are a slut if you have a large labia, when that has nothing to do with it. Men really need to realize that it doesn’t mean we have slept with a lot of people. And to all you girls afraid to have sex. Don’t be! Sex is amazing. Tell the guys to take it or leave it. Accept who you are and you will find a guy who will love everything about you. And I’m happy to see plenty of men find it irresistible

  3. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I recently had surgery to reduce the size of my large inner vaginal lips because one side was longer, and it was uncomfortable many times as it chaffed in my underwear. In addition to physical discomfort, I did not like the way my labia looked. Quite frankly they looked ugly to me. Except for when the longer labia got in the way, they didn’t really pose a problem. But I was uncomfortable with this part of my body for a long time. I felt different and insecure in this area.

    To make a long story short, I am so much happier now every time I look between my legs and see beautifully shaped, much smaller inner lips. It is a relief from a physical and emotional pain that I lived with every day. I would say surgery is not for everyone, but if you are truly uncomfortable and feel inferior due to large or misshaped inner vaginal lips. I would say don’t limit yourself from a fairly simple procedure that can literally change your life. (I say it can change your life because sexuality is so tied up with identity in our culture/world).My one piece of advise is to do your research and find a doctor that has a lot of experience and a good reputation for good results.

  4. Comment Import

    From Susan from Canada
    I just stumbled upon your website and I am so glad I read it. I too have felt self conscious about my rather ‘meaty’ labia. After reading your column though, I have to thank your male contributors in particular. The gentlemen who said they were so ‘turned on’ by very obvious labia and clitoral viewing made me feel that my private parts are indeed very sexy and sought after by more than just a few of the male population. Personally, I have always loved a man wanting to spread me wide open to get a better view and then taking in a mouthful. It was great to read some of you find it sexy. I will never feel ‘less than’ ever again.

  5. Comment Import

    From Don
    Chuckling here. I am blown away by the messages on this string from women indicating that their lips are so big that they are: hard to manage, visible bulges in swim suits or tight pants.

    Ladies, if you see that as a problem try managing a full cock and balls. I never even worried about it until I saw those messages. Gad! Should I opt for cockplasty to make it more manageable and less visible? I think not. Gosh I do wish all you women would learn that you are all beautiful just the way you are.

  6. Comment Import

    From Sonia
    I think a lot of men form these negative views on large female genitalia because they look at too much porn and don’t have enough sexual experience. I also think this is probably a view of my generation. Just as small breast were found more attractive during the twenties, etc.

  7. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I too am blessed/cursed with larger inner labia. I actually think it may be that my outer labia are just small. I have never really liked the way my labia looked for as long as I can remember. I am now 40. After having 2 children they seemed to have gotten a little bigger. I have seriously thought of having labiaplasty. However my fiancé says if I do he will leave me.

    I have never had any man complain about them but I also haven’t really displayed them. Before my fiancé I was pretty much a sex in the near dark kinda girl. He says he loves the way I look down there and that I should be happy with what God gave me.

  8. Comment Import

    From Bill
    Hi Everyone. Firstly, let me say, what a fantastic site! Absolutely brilliant! I am in the UK, and can honestly say that there is no bigger turn on than a pair of large pussy lips, the bigger the better. For me it is the ultimate in sex appeal.

  9. Comment Import

    From Succulent
    Wow, I’m soooo glad I found this site. My exposure to most porn mags, and pics on the internet (which I look at to see what a man’s ideal is) feature women with perfect little lips. As I compare myself, I feel flawed. I was shaving today and it was so frustrating to keep those damn lips out of the way! My labia minora is small (I keep trying to stretch it to cover my full majora lips!) and the inner lips protrude. I found myself thinking, “yuck!”, but I know this message of hatred toward my body is wrong!

    My vagina gives me SO much pleasure – I can have an orgasm from the stimulation any outer part of it from the clit, to over the opening, to the middle, to the sides – and they’re all slightly different.Why does the media try to put women into little self-defeating boxes – let’s free and enlarge our minds…love your pussy!

  10. Comment Import

    From Ginger Anne
    Frankly, what I want to know is what asshole decided what constituted a “pretty” vagina? I will bet he has an ugly penis! So there! And, how many people are really going to see it anyway?! It is not as though any of us live in a society where we walk around with no pants and our legs spread open! I have larger labia. I love them. They are soft and full and both my boyfriend and I enjoy playing with them. Really. Haven’t our insecurities gone too far at last?

  11. Comment Import

    From Dorothy
    Frightening trend, I’d say. I have a teenager living with me who is convinced that her genitalia are ugly. I had her go to that mega-vulva web site and pick out the one that looked the most like her (she was too shy to show me). It convinced her that she isn’t deformed, but she still thinks she’s ugly.

    Good grief. As if we were screwed enough with our breasts being too big/small, our hair being too straight/curly, etc., ad nauseum. Frankly it had never even occurred to me to be concerned about whether or not I looked good from the view up my skirt, so I asked my hubby if he had ever met a vagina he didn’t like. He said all he’s ever thought, as he settled in for a viewing was, “God, I’m lucky to be here.” “Damn that looks tasty.” “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.”

    It saddens me that women would actually consider surgically “improving” what they got. I’ve never heard of a guy thinking about getting a bigger dick, although I have heard them complain. Come to think of it–isn’t there some kind of operation to add fat to a penis to make it thicker? Would any of you guys consider it?

  12. Comment Import

    From IntriguedOne
    It absolutely blows my mind that a woman would not want large labia. Of course, I’m only one opinion, but prominent labia is a MAJOR turn-on. I don’t want to be judgmental, but I’ll be honest and say a woman with just a “slit” is personally for me, a let-down, particularly when it’s hairless as well. I love to see prominent labia…the longer, the better! It makes cunnilingus that much more enthusiastic for me.

    It’s truly a shame that any woman would actually pay to have a surgeon reduce them. Something is truly wrong with their self-image and the influences around them. That’s like me having surgery to shorten my dick…why in the hell would I do that? So why reduce your labia when it’s such a turn-on? I’m baffled!

  13. Comment Import

    From Charlie
    Well I am decidedly on the fence with this one. I have an average sized clit, but quite big outer lips. That’s ok with me, but one side is MUCH bigger than the other and has been stretched since I hit puberty as it gets in the way. It is very uncomfortable and sore at times (especially during my period) and I would happily cut it off myself if I knew I wouldn’t bleed to death or something.

    It is nothing to do with appearance as I have had nothing but praise from guys/girls I’ve been with, but if I could afford to get surgery then I would just to stop the constant soreness. I would still keep my lips big though as that is how I was made and I don’t want to change that.

  14. Comment Import

    From Dave
    What!? Cosmetic surgery to make a pussy more visibly attractive? Utter insanity. Do any of the ladies know any guys who’d have their dicks surgically straightened or lifted or whatever except maybe to repair a serious injury. If there’s anyone, male or female, that insecure about their genitals, they need therapy not surgery.

  15. Comment Import

    From Mel
    I’m glad I found a site where men actually claim to like larger lips or any shape of the vagina lips. But, not all men have the opinions expressed in this website. I looked on a “love and relationship” discussion board, and all the men seemed to agree large lips were a turn off. All they did was make fun of women, and nickname them ‘meat curtains’ and how they are always grossed out by any parts that hangout as it reminds them of “female balls” from behind. They also said most men have these opinions towards women’s genitalia. They said friends will ask them, after having one night stands, whether or not the women had “meat curtains” and how nasty it is.

    So for the longest time I was really down about it, assuming, what I have must be a huge turn off. Thank goodness for this site because I now feel better that not ALL men think like the ones on that board.

  16. Comment Import

    From Anon
    I’m young and I think my labia are big and I’m scared they are going to get even bigger as I get older. Some of my friends have done stuff with their boyfriends but I haven’t for the reasons that 1. I feel I’m waay to young for that stuff and 2. because I’m embarrassed to show or tell anyone about them. I can remember having big labia from when I was little when I use to come out of the bath and wonder why I could see mine from a front view and my sisters were hidden.

    I’ve even considered surgery because of it. I’m really really embarrassed and I know that they say most men think they’re sexy but teenage boys are different because they watch porn and think that small labia are the ‘ideal size’. But thank you for everyone commenting, it has helped me a lot to understand that a lot of other people are exactly the same as me and that I should just be proud of who I am.

  17. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    It’s funny to think how self conscious I used to be about my labia/pussy in general, but I now I feel pretty great about it. I always thought my labia were large based on a few comments some high school boys had said, but then again, none of their comments were ever negative, more just matter of fact. Anyway, I was very self conscious for so long, but after fooling around/being naked in some capacity with men, I’m really not self conscious at all. Not one guy has said anything negative about my pussy and many have made comments about how beautiful it is. Bottom line, I wish I was in the place I am now years ago because it really was unnecessary worry/embarrassment. Love your pussy and stop worrying so much.

  18. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    I’m a virgin and for as long as I can remember (since puberty) I’ve had large labia and I really don’t want guys to think I’ve been used when they see my labia. It’s hard enough to be self-conscious over them, let alone having to convince some guy that I haven’t slept around.

    [We’re doing our best educate blockheads who think the size of women’s labia is related to frequent sexual activity]

  19. Comment Import

    From Lidia
    This procedure has become one of the most popular surgeries for females. Having oversized labia can be quite painful and it gives ladies an option. The important thing is to get a good and quite experienced doctor. A female should never be berated for having this done, after all, we haven’t walked in her shoes.

  20. Comment Import

    From Kaycey
    So my vagina is so disgusting. It hangs all down and I’m so embarrassed. I’ve has sex with two guys and they both are confused by it. My first boyfriend (who lost his virginity to me) asks why its like that. And another older guy who i had sex with said it is a very ‘interesting’ vagina and has never seen one like it. The lips hang down and have like a purplish color. I am so insecure because of my vagina. When guys want to eat me out I get all nervous and clench. I hate it so much, I am so going to have surgery. Men obviously don’t like it!


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