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Sexy Mainstream Movies: What are your favorite sultry scenes?

Porn movies are…porn. In my opinion, not nearly as hot as some mainstream movies with mind-blowing sex scenes. My favorite sex scene is in the thriller Sea of Love in which Ellen Barkin pins Al Pacino up against a wall and he’s helpless and melting and she keeps on teasing him and rubbing herself against him. I don’t know if anyone’s seen this film but that scene is so darn hot it makes steam come out of my ears. Would love to hear others favorite sex scenes in Hollywood movies. —Emma


  1. Comment Import

    From Delores
    A film that I haven’t seen for a long time, but still sticks in my mind for containing a good sex scene is Angel Heart. Mickey Rourke and Lisa Bonet were the ‘fuckers’ in the scene, where the rain pouring outside turned to blood running down the walls on the inside. Set in sexy New Orleans, I just remember this scene as hot. I actually own the DVD and intend giving it another viewing tonight.

    I honestly can’t remember a lot of the details now, but I remember thinking how much sexier it was than 9 1/2 Weeks (the sexiest bit of which for me was where Kim diddled herself to the Eurhythmics song ‘This City Never Sleeps’).

  2. Comment Import

    From Lisabet Sarai
    Ah, one of my favorite topics! People have already mentioned some of my favorites: Secretary, Bound and the scene in A History of Violence. Another that comes to mind is Girl with a Pearl Earring, a movie with zero sex. When Vermeer is attaching the famous earring (his wife’s) to Griet’s earlobe, the sexual tension is so strong it will make you squirm. Another favorite moment came up in Skyfall. Xavier Bardem (the villain) has Daniel Craig (Bond) bound and is toying with him in classic James Bond fashion. Bardem threatens to rape him and says, “Who knows, you might like it. There’s a first time for everything.” Craig looks him straight in the eye and says, “How do you know it’s my first time.” I swear, I cream every time I rerun that snippet!

  3. Comment Import

    From Daddy X
    In general, I don’t remember specific scenes in movies. Rather a general sense of how the film made me feel.
    But for now, I’ll take this straight to Secretary with Maggie Gyllenhall and James Spader. Wheee!

    Funny– his name was E. Edward GREY. E.L. James must have known that.

    When his intentions become clear to her, her quizzical/suggestive/interested expressions are quite convincing. I remember getting flushed while watching. I will add that I didn’t know anything about the film before seeing it. A complete surprise, which is actually my favorite way to approach any movie.

  4. Comment Import

    From Ian
    One scene which immediately comes to mind is from Innocent Blood, a John Landis film which combined vampire horror, comedy and romance. Vampire Anne Paraillaud, who had chosen to only feedfrom nasty criminals, is on the run from one who she wasn’t able to kill properly with undercover cop Anthony LaPaglia. He knows what she is and what she’s capable of, so is kinda nervous when things develop and she’s interested in a bit of nookie. To placate him, she cuffs her hands behind her back, kneels on the bed and leans forward, in what is clearly an invitation to a bit of doggy-style… The handcuffs don’t last much longer than the cop’s resistance.

  5. Comment Import

    From Daily
    Angelina Jolie and that blonde chick from Lost. They were involved in a scene in the movie Gia that would give the dead a hard-on. It started with Jolie doing a nude photo shoot inside a cage. The lady from lost, a make-up artist, was then asked to participate. Moments later, they’re both naked and doing very seductive poses. Later the two hot women meet at Jolie’s apartment, where they engage in very explicit lesbian sex. IMHO this is the hottest sex scene in cinema history.

  6. Comment Import

    From Larry
    To me, Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly’s girl-on-girl nude scene in Bound (1996) is one of the hottest scenes especially considering it was not a porn movie.

  7. Comment Import

    From Pat
    Unfaithful, with Richard Gere and Diane Lane had the most riveting sex scene I’ve ever seen. Lane, who has become fascinated by a gorgeous young man she met by accident on the street, succumbs to his charms in a scene that is so intensely charged with “I shoudn’t but I want to” that I’ve never forgotten it. The way Lane’s belly quivers as his fingers trail downwards just makes me breathless.

  8. Comment Import

    From Jacqui
    The movie Like Water for Chocolate . Tita is the youngest daughter in a traditional Mexican family and is forbidden to marry. Her duty is to care for her mother until the day the mother dies. She is forbidden from marrying Pedro the boy she loves. From then on every meal she prepares becomes infused with emotions that play out for those who eat her meals.

    The heat and passion she infuses into a meal for her love causes her sister Gertrudis to become overcome with lust. Gertrudis attempts to cool down by taking a shower but only succeeds in setting the wooden shower box alight. She then runs naked across the desert where she is scooped up and carried off by a passing revolutionary soldier. The cinematography is extraordinary and the story beautiful.

  9. Comment Import

    From J.T.
    The scene in Body Double where Craig Wasson’s character is acting in a porn movie to track down Melanie Griffith. The scene is set in a sex club, to the music of “Relax” by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. The scene is also reminiscent of the original “Relax” video which was released only in the UK. Very hot and exotic. I wish real porn movies made such good use of music.

  10. Comment Import

    From Anonymous
    This is an excellent topic. I’ve always been a huge fan of erotic movies. In The Notebook, the scene where she goes to his house at night, and there’s just an incredible amount of sexual tension. He pushes her up against the house while they kiss, and then he grabs her boobs. And then when they go to the run-down house and he kisses her ear while she’s playing the piano. I love it. And of course after the canoe ride when they’re drenched and he says, “It wasn’t over… it still isn’t over!” and rushes to her. I love that movie – surprisingly erotic for PG-13.Some people mentioned the scene from Monster’s Ball, and I just want to say that I think it was the ickiest sex scene ever. Billy Bob is probably one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen.

  11. Comment Import

    From Henry
    Monster’s Ball because of Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton. There are only two sex scenes between them in the film but each is intense for completely opposite reasons. The first one is explicit, to the point that you truly wonder whether they were actually having sex or not. The second is almost a solo scene because…well, just watch Halle Berry’s face. It is so worth it.

  12. Comment Import

    From M Christine
    I was delightfully shocked when I first watched Baby Doll, throughout the scene when Carroll Baker is swooning from the advances of Eli Wallach (did not think of this guy as sexy before see this). This is dated, so I hope it’s mainstream enough for the discussion. I was stunned at how much was implied for a 1956 film!

  13. Comment Import

    From Selena
    Let’s not forget Secretary (in spite of James Spader… who doesn’t do much for me) Because Maggie. Crawling. In heels. Yum. Now THAT movie… That’s how you do BDSM. (Sorry 50 Shades…). It was based on a Mary Gaitskill short story I read for a class, actually, in college (something about women and literature and violence I think… we read American Psycho in that class too *shudder*) called Bad Behavior . It was very well-written, but I don’t remember the story itself being that hot – weird, slightly titillating I guess, but not actually hot. But Secretary the movie… yeah. That was hot.

  14. Comment Import

    From Rose
    I love the ankle grab sex/rape scene on the staircase from A History of Violence. It’s a total turn-on and gets everything all tingly. So raw, so driven, so emotional…so fucking hot.

  15. Comment Import

    From Sacha
    While there’s more than enough visual gratuity in L’Amant aka The Lover , it’s actually the scene in the car where their fingers are touching and he begins to stroke her hand. It’s that moment when desire becomes tactile. There are many places on the body where we can connect, but we record so much memory through the placement of our hands.

  16. Comment Import

    From Sheila
    Dracula with Frank Langella is one of the sexist, erotic movies I have ever seen. The scene where Dracula is invited into Lucy’s bedroom for the first time is so sensual I get wet thinking about it. No one is better as Dracula than Langella.

  17. Comment Import

    From Victoria
    One of my all time favorites is Risky Business when Rebecca first came into the house and asked Tom if he was ready for her? Ready? READY?! Are you kidding? The heat that came off the screen in the next few minutes was enough to melt the film projector wires. When he ran his hands up her body from behind…mmm… well, let’s just say I play that part over and over again.

  18. Comment Import

    From Huck
    The scene in Fish Tank where the daughter is peeking through the bedroom door watching her mother get banged by her boyfriend. The sex is shot in a way that you can’t really see anything, but the interesting part is when Fassbender (who plays the boyfriend) notices her watching him but doesn’t stop. The scene is shot from the girl’s POV and it’s all very sexy and voyeuristic and taboo partly because that’s her mother in there and also because she’s a teenager. Very well done.

  19. Comment Import

    From Sabrina
    I’d add a vote for the scene in Henry & June near the end in which June Miller and Anais Nin finally, after tons of tension smoldering between them, find themselves making out in bed. What makes it work for me is the vividness, the attention to detail, and the way that pretty much the whole sexy movie was a buildup to this scene, leading to the release of so much palpable tension it felt like an orgasm even with the interruption that happens.


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