I’m not just a passionate reader and writer, I’m an editor too. It’s another way I put my belief in writing that arouses not only the libido but the mind into practice. Working with sensual, smart stories and helping the author ensure that their words are vibrant and exact, flow well, and adhere to common grammar and formatting guidelines is my specialty. A freelancer since 2013, I apply my thorough understanding of the Chicago Manual of Style, a keen eye, and enthusiastic literary cheerleading to each manuscript. I’m actively taking on new clients.
My editing experience includes not only developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading, but also acquisition of manuscripts. I’m a co-editor, with Alex Freeman, of a micropress called the New Smut Project that publishes erotic short fiction of literary quality in all genres. Reviewer Adriana Ravenlust describes one NSP anthology as “among the best of all the erotica I’ve read, and that says something given how many books I’ve reviewed.” I know what it looks like on the other side of the slush pile and how much of an edge polished writing gives a manuscript.
If you want to get in touch about editing your manuscript, please use the form at http://tc-mill.com/editing/.