Bnaughty Vibrator from B Swish


Eden Fantasys offered me a chance to review the Bnaughty bullet vibrator from B Swish. Since my workhorse bullet vibrator had just died a protracted death-by-wire-fraying, I was happy to take them up on their offer. When your trusty bullet vibrator starts having seizures, it’s definitely time to line up a replacement!

The Bnaughty comes in a nice black box with a label matching the vibrator color – in this case I got a black model. While my partner was probably please it wasn’t “girly”, I actually liked the color, too. The Bnaughty has a nice velvety finish on both the bullet and the controller and it appears well-made, without extra seams or edges. Because the Bnaughty is designed to be a waterproof vibrator, the bullet has a little clear collar around where the cord enters it which will help some wire wear as well as waterproofing it.

Bnaughty Vibrator from B SwishThe Bnaughty was given a bath in soap and dried thoroughly, then I gave it the required two double-A batteries and fired it up. This is a fairly basic four-speed bullet vibrator and the controls are up and down arrows. Easy to operate and the controller has a somewhat arced grip to make it easier to grasp. Turning on the vibrator was as simple as pressing the up arrow. The only downsides I noticed while enjoying my new bullet’s first orgasm was that I couldn’t press and hold the arrows to speed through levels and since the on/off is integrated into the same control as speed, turning it off required me to cycle down to the slowest vibration level and then press the down arrow again to turn it off. Not fast if you’re trying to sneak in some fun, I admit.

That said, the Bnaughty is quite a powerful little bullet vibrator. It give me vibration levels with two double-A batteries that are pretty much identical to those I get from bullet vibrators that need four double-A batteries. It’s also relatively quiet.

Bnaughty Vibrator from B SwishThe velvet texture of the bullet didn’t hinder the ability to slide it against my clit and labia. If you are inserting the Bnaughty’s bullet, I highly recommend using a condom over it and then using the condom to help remove the bullet, NOT the bullet’s cord. Trust me – I’ve caused some ugly spastic bullet vibrator deaths by tugging on the cord too much.

Speaking of cords, the Bnaughty has one of the things I often find myself wishing for in a bullet vibrator, a longer cord. Most seem to be 18-24 inches but the Bnaughty has a cord just over 30 inches long – very hand if you just need a bit more length or want to let your partner run the show.

All in all, I liked the Bnaughty quite a bit for what it is – a simple, inexpensive but powerful bullet vibrator that offers intensity on top of its waterproofing. It’s now in my toybox and I’ll be trying not to kill it too quickly.

Material: Velvet-finish plastic, phthalate-free
Powered by: 2 AA batteries
Waterproof: Waterproof
Recommended Cleaning: Anti-bacterial soap or toy cleaner, rinse well and dry.
Recommended Lube: Any
Care: Clean thoroughly after each use.
Eden Fantasys Buy Link:

© 2011 Kyra Saunders. All rights reserved.

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