
Hook, Line and Sinker by Ian D Smith

Jane’s phone vibrated on the coffee table. She picked it up. Number withheld, odd. “Hello?” “Listen up, bitch.” An unfamiliar woman’s voice. “I’ve got your husband’s attention now. He’s mine—hook, line and sinker.” Jane’s brow furrowed with puzzlement. “Excuse—” “Shut...

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Debbie stretched, relishing having a huge bed all to herself. The fine cotton sheets felt lovely against her skin. I did it. I picked up a man in the bar last night and we had hot, rampant wild sex in my room. She sat up and looked around. There was the dressing...

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Fuck-Me Hot

"Tony gets full marks for persistence," Judy muttered. Helen sniggered. "Those wandering hands?" Judy sighed. "Can't help himself. Drunk and thick as pigshit." Helen leaned close. "Told you that outfit was fuck-me hot." "No talent you fancy?" Helen pulled a face....

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Giving Up Is Hard To Do

Even as his head moved between her thighs, a niggling thread of anxiety kept pulling her out of the pleasure. She sifted his hair through her fingers, trying to anchor herself in the moment, as his talented tongue worked her lubricated folds. He toyed, repetitively,...

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Just One More Thing

Ethan kicked the bedroom door open, left eye twitching behind his glasses, his shoulders broadening under his cardigan. “That’s it! I’m taking you off the insurance for the Jag!” My mouth went dry. I knew he’d be unhappy, but Ethan never got this angry. “I’m s-sorry—”...

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Managing Her Estate

George looked at Lydia. “It is almost over.” “Can you ease his passing?” George turned to the dying duke. “Would you have medicine, your Grace?” “Aye,” the old man wheezed. “Make it strong.” Lydia heard Thomas’s voice from the door. “Uncle, I am in time.” “I prepare a...

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“You know, I’m a bit jealous.” Chloe turned to Sarah, who lay face-down on the sauna bench. “Why?” “Centre of attention, big day.” Chloe grinned. “You’re chief bridesmaid. You’ll have your own big day.” Sarah propped herself up on her elbows. “This spa weekend with my...

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The Results

I never should have come. But I'm desperate, and if the rumors are true—here is exactly where I should be... My nipples respond to the anticipation and chill in the air—stretched like teats, taut in readiness. As if they know what's about to happen. I stand silent....

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Scene Setting

Chloe unlocked the door. “No-one’s here,” she said. “She’s back tomorrow morning, him in the evening.” Tony followed her in. “I guess we’re not breaking in.” “He should’ve remembered my spare key.” She opened a cupboard, lifted a loose floorboard and emptied a packet...

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Worth It

“You know, I’m a bit jealous.” Chloe turned to Sarah, who lay face-down on the sauna bench. “Why?” “Centre of attention, big day.” Chloe grinned. “You’re chief bridesmaid. You’ll have your own big day.” Sarah propped herself up on her elbows. “This spa weekend with my...

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