The Softer Side

Neighbourhood Watch

"You're damn eyes are gonna fall outta your head, Elsie...starin' through them binoculars like that." "Shh....someone'll hear you...Bea!" "Lordy, sister, who are you lookin' at now?" "Mr. Henderson just kissed his wife goodbye. She came out the door in nothing but her...

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A Letter to Margaret

My dearest Margaret, Picture yourself on a boat. On a river. And naked for your lover. Casual as a Venus posing before her bath, you hover, no, float over the water, yet drift among the reeds and lilies. How does the lover sigh over your breasts? or is it merely the...

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Whumph! That's the last thing he felt and heard, that dull, buffeting thud, and the sense of leaving the earth then falling back again. Now what the hell was going on? How'd he get here? He was stark naked. But - oh God - the most beautiful girl he could ever imagine...

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Nice Ass

"Look at the nice bum on that young man walking down the street." I carefully placed the delicate china cup and saucer down on the coffee table. Getting up and crossing the room to look out the window, I was just in time to see a man dressed in short, tight, denim cut...

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Cocos Locos

I'm a man, yes I am and I can't help but love you so... Lyrics from the song 'I'm a Man' by Chicago Escape had been easy for Marisol this time. She watched the silvery wing of the plane arc slowly over the sunburnt and lonely Baja landscape miles below. It was always...

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Where did all the triple-deckers go? The entire neighborhood had been obliterated, all changed; he recognized nothing. Yet, he was standing just outside the square. Bernard fixed the location of the old drug store with the soda fountain in his mind. An entirely new...

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Transit officer Kara Tracy had just turned over the fourth collar of her shift, and it wasn't even rush hour. At 23, and assigned to the groper squad, she was already something of a legend, featured on local television—face pixilated of course—as she racked up a...

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Corner Booth

8:30 a.m. at Moe's Diner. I'm in my usual booth, minding my own business when they walk in. He's tall, gaunt, and pasty, with a smirk you'd like to smack off his face. She's pretty. Not tall. A petite but curvy build clad in a tiny black dress that looks like it was...

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The Courtyard

Arnold stepped back to inspect his mirror image. He still liked to dress, no occasion necessary. It was a matter of style and class, concepts long-faded from the modern world, he thought. A neatly pressed, summer-weight ivory suit and a crisp white shirt, silk...

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Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Harper watched Laura breathe in and out as she slept peacefully in his arms. She'd dozed off after their most recent dalliance. She'd discovered his arousal quickly once he'd begun to kiss her good morning just a short time ago and neither one of them could resist the...

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