The Softer Side

The Nice Guy

"Danny Boy, you got that look," Augie said, offering a bottle of Jameson and a shot glass. "I'm thinking you need something stronger than the usual." Danny responded with a wan smile. "Yeah, okay. What the hell." Augie set the glass on the bar and filled it to the...

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It’s So Much Easier When You’re Away

Story inspired by the song 'It's All Over Now, Baby Blue' by Van Morrison A mental snapshot. My 10-year-old Callie, shrieking, jumps into my arms, bony fawn legs locked above my waist. "Daddy, daddeee, I missed you so much. Did you miss me?" Her arch little smile, so...

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Only Kissing

They were at her place, kissing. SHe'd wriggled out of her jeans, He'd let her, though he didn't want to fuck her— It was all He'd wanted to do since spring, turbulent and yearning fuck her. His secretary. Not yet. Instead, they were kissing. Mouths seeking, her long...

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Julie’s Ankles

Julie had the prettiest ankles of any girl I ever knew. She didn't seem to have many friends that summer we met at camp. At least none of the other kids went out of their way to play with her, but she didn't seem to mind. Most times I saw her she was sitting atop a...

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Orbiting in Retrograde

Tawdry. The first word that stuck in my mind when I saw Minat at the spaceport was tawdry, and nothing about her later changed my opinion. She leaned against the white tile wall of the immigration building and listlessly scratched her arm with her gloved hand. The...

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Detective Kevin Dacey pressed his hands to his head and barked at his partner of just two days, "Turn that fucking siren off!" Steve Berube meekly complied, flicking the toggle silencing the woofer that had so irritated Dacey. He guided the car through the crowd of...

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Parking in the 60’s

Parking? What do you mean ‘going parking‘? Does this generation even know the term, let alone walk the walk? I have a feeling they don't. Pity them, for they are missing out on one of the world's most romantic scenarios. As I recall dates always started early in the...

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Leah and the Eagle

Leah lifted the tiny triangles of fabric from the bag that Mark's sister had helped her pack. She bit her lower lip and grinned. Had Margie really expected her to wear this on the beach? It couldn't even correctly be called a bikini; maybe a micro bikini. Just a bit...

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Penny’s Worth

"So what are we after again?" Kana eyed her companion with a look of disapproval as they walked together down the stone corridors of the Sanctum. "Didn't you pay attention during your briefing?" "Of course I did," he countered immediately. "I just wanted to be sure....

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Lefty and Toffee

Doesn't seem a long time ago to me. But time's a relative thing, as Einstein said. Back then, all of us mechanics could remember when ALL airliners had propellers. Prop-planes suddenly became old fashioned and the corporate image makers had to be seen to be at the...

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