The Softer Side

Dancing with the Banshee

July 1, 1863 — 10 p.m The syrupy night air swaddled the Second Brigade like a damp blanket, as a million flying, buzzing things vied for the blood of the troops. The column clattered along the dusty pike with little complaint save the sighs of men marched 30...

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Different Strokes

"God, it's hot," I thought. The air was so thick it was difficult to breathe - and, looking up at the sun, I saw it was surrounded by a milky haze. I sneezed. "Bless you." The familiar voice behind me in the queue caused me to shiver despite of the heat - and, after...

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Intimate Encounters

She sat back slowly in her desk chair, feet pulled up with heels hooked on the edge, second cup of coffee cradled in her hands. The smoky curls of steam floated lazily upward. Her thoughts wandered through a mindless jumble of nonsense, no real coherence, as she...

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