The Erotic Book Docter by Susie Bright

Agents and Publishers

Susie Bright, also known as the founding editor of The Best American Erotica series, and author/editor of 16 books on sex and erotica, including How to Write a Dirty Story [Available at & Amazon UK] is here in the Triage Room to help you solve the...

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Book Promotion Strategies

Dear Susie: This is a vague and fuzzy question that can be boiled down into "Help!!" I have a book that's going nowhere rather slowly, and I would like to get it there a little faster. The erotica community has been amazingly generous with reviews and so forth (with...

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Submissions Concerns & How to Make a Living Writing Smut

Dear Susie: What should I do when an editor doesn't acknowledge my original submission and doesn't respond to my follow-up inquiries about the status of my submission? Why are murderous schemes the first to cross my mind? I assume you want only sensible...

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