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Private Moments Masturbation: The secret to happy monogamy?

Just wondering: I see a lot of comments here from folks who are single and say they masturbate for a particular reason: No partner to share sex with. So what does that say for a person like myself, who is married for 18 years and continued to masturbate (with a lovely...

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Bare with Me: Is Nudity Your Thing?

Setting aside all snide remarks about body shape and condition and being afraid that others would run screaming from the scene (and other self-deprecating remarks), I wonder how many people are comfortable being nude in public, or quasi-public, areas, and mostly...

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The Scent of a Man: Is it hot…or not?

I was wondering about the scent of men, in particular their semen. Could you tell just by sniffing the air that someone had come, or would you need one of those special detection kits they use in police forensics? In my experience, it does smell, and I've always...

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Impotency: How do you handle it?

Here's a peculiarly male problem, impotency. The older I get, I find heretofore 100 percent reliable parts occasionally let me down. No I ain't talkin' 'bout the Chevy. So, what do you say to her when the pan flashes, but the old musket misfires? Sorry, the powder...

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Oral Sex for Her: Cunnilingus

Talking with your tongue If you would be so kind — for some of the less experienced pussy eater wannabes — could you give us some serious tips and techniques on oral sex? I have read numerous how-to manuals, and not much detail emerges. We need the mouth of champions...

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Naughty Pictures or Sexy Words: What turns you on?

Conventional wisdom says men are aroused by visual stimuli, and women are aroused via the written word. Is this true? We suspect it's simply stereotypical blathering. What are the differences between how men and women are aroused? Which is it that turns you on —...

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Name Your Dingle…

We promise not to laugh... Ladies and Gents, we're burning with curiosity; what is the name of your dingle? How about your partner's sexy bits, surely they have names also. Tell us, we promise not to laugh... My ding a ling, my ding a ling, / I want you to play with...

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Mutual Masturbation: Doing it solo, within a relationship

Just wondering ... I see a lot of comments here from folks who are single and say they masturbate for a particular reason: No partner to share sex with. So what does that say for a person like myself, who is married and has been for 18 years and who has continued to...

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Masturbation Memories: Do you remember your first time?

My mind was wandering and I found myself thinking about masturbation memories. Do you remember the first time you masturbated? Did you stumble upon your 'hot' spot by accident or did you know what to expect? Were you surprised at your first masturbation orgasm? Was it...

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