Hot Chilli Erotica
Looking to gain massive exposure for your writing to a fresh and rapidly growing audience of thousands?
Hot Chilli Erotica is constantly calling for submissions to provide unique, stimulating and high quality material to cover all of its features and sections.
We want a diverse range of styles and subjects so long as everything received can be regarded as sex positive.
What we are specifically looking for:
• Erotic fiction and non-fiction, any length up to around 3 – 4000 words. Stories can be varied in genre and style but must be sex positive and unique in storyline with an emphasis on an engaging story, atmosphere and character development, setting or plot (not just the sex – we’re about more than just describing sex). Payment is available for Featured Erotic Fiction of above 1500 words (at this stage this is the only format we are offering payment for), although we like to feature Flash Fiction pieces as well of shorter word length (these are not paid for, but exposure and promotion can be included).
• Erotic Poetry or Prose. Romantic and/or Erotic in nature, ranging in explicit levels. Varying styles and lengths acceptable.
Submission details at: