By Ashley Lister
Lucky Number
You count
Each brisk slap
Upon your bare ass
Groaning when you get to seven
The Fibonacci poem is an experimental Western poetry form, having similarities to haiku, but based on the Fibonacci sequence.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…
A typical Fibonacci poem is six lines in length, although it can be longer.
As I’ve said before, these short, simple forms are an excellent warm-up routine for writers because it works on so many levels. Not only is it a fun activity for the start of the writing day, it’s also a way to prompt different parts of our brains to consider the words we will use. Ordinarily, we don’t limit the lines of what we write to specific syllable counts. This approach can help us consider words in a way that differs from what we consider the norm.
Your Smile
tied and spread.
Ball-gag: secure.
And yet I still see your broad smile.
As always, I look forward to reading your poetry in the comments box below.