A Good Time Was Had By All

by | March 2, 2012 | General | 1 comment

The following report about the March 1st Erotic Romance Live Chat with Kristina Wright is from ERWA staffer Rose:

I just wanted to say that last evening’s live Erachat March Erotic Romance Theme Event (the first of two this month) last night was a complete success. We had about 25 people in there — some I knew, some who I was meeting for the first time — and everyone came with terrific questions for Kristina Wright, who was a most gracious guest with loads of knowledge and personality, both of which were evident to everyone who attended. Thanks, of course, to Kristina, but also to Karen/khatt ( our incomparable Erachat host), and to everyone who joined in. You people all rock!

The two-hour event just flew by. Before I knew it, it was coming up on 10 o’clock and we had to call it a night (at least officially… folks were welcome to hang around and chat with their fellow ERWAers and a few did.)

For those of you who would have liked to attend, but were unable to, Kristina agreed to allow us to log the chat, so the transcript of the session last night is available on ERWA website at:


I’m looking forward to the next live chat event, on Saturday, March 17th at 3:00pm EST (12 noon PST; 8:00pm GMT) with Lynne Connollyas our guest erotic romance writer. Hope to see a lot of you there.

Rose 😉
ERWA Story Editor

Adrienne Benedicks

I'm still a bit surprised to find myself administrator of a community that dwells in the sensual and the erotic. Who would have thought all those dirty books residing under my bed would lead to this? I have to say it is wonderfully liberating to realize the only dirty things under my bed are the dust bunnies; that my passion for things erotic is simply a healthy interest in sexuality. There's nothing quite like a community of like-minded people to light the way. I graduated from University with a degree in anthropology and live with my professor husband. However, the New Yorker in me is still alive and kicking. We have three kids: a professor, a financier, and instructional designer. Things are more comfortable now that they don't have to answer the classic elementary school question, "What does your mommy do?" In 1996, with the help and encouragement of several women, I founded the Erotica Readers & Writers Association. It's a continuing pleasure to mingle with the passionate souls of ERWA.

1 Comment

  1. Kristina Wright

    Thanks so much for hosting me! I had a wonderful time at the chat and I look forward to coming back soon!

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