Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays

by | December 23, 2014 | General | 2 comments

by Lucy Felthouse

Mine’s Tinker Sugar-Socks!

Nothing whatsoever to do with writing, I know, but it’s almost Christmas, so who wants to be at their computer reading a serious post? Nah!! It’s silly all the way now until 2015.

2014 has been a good one for me, writing-wise, so here’s to an equally (or even better!) fantastic 2015.

Happy Christmas/Holidays, and Happy New Year!



Author Bio:

Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and
erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100
publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several
editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women’s Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic
Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and
co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house.
She owns Erotica For All, is book
editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth
of The Brit Babes. Find out more
Join her on Facebook
and Twitter, and subscribe to her
newsletter at:

Lucy Felthouse


  1. Lisabet Sarai

    Oh, that's funny!

    I'm Tinker Angel-Pants.

    Sounds appropriate for an author of erotica!

  2. Jean Roberta

    I'm Puddin Sugar-Socks. This is fairly appropriate, if not exactly sexy, during a time when my spouse & I have been cooking for groups of people. I might well have pudding and sugar in my socks! Fun post.

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