By Ashley Lister
Butt plugs
Round and shiny
Smothered in moist slick lube
Too much stretching, spreading, filling
And then it stops. And sits so snug inside
Before it is pulled out again
Expelled in a hot rush
A shameful bliss
So sweet
The rictameter is a modern form of syllable poetry that
looks as pretty on the page as it sounds to the ear. There is no rhyme in this
form. The rictameter begins with a two syllable opening line and ends with a
two syllable closure. The syllable count increases in two syllable increments
until there’s a ten syllable line, and then it decreases by two syllables each
line in an easy to follow pattern: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Light and tender
Stolen in sly moments
Soft signs of our intimacy
That sometimes banish all of the softness
And lead to something much harder
The sultry slipping of
your sweet lips on
my mouth
As always, I look forward to reading your rictameters in the
comments box below.
distant knocking
the darkness of closed eyes
and the flickering of green leaves
against the memories I have of you
hammering, pounding in my arse
with the strap-on I bought
for your birthday
last year
I go away for a week and come back to some stupendous poetry on here. Rachel. This has such great rhythm, but with such evocative content. Love that line 'the darkness of closed eyes'. That says so much.
You are too kind, thank you.
Ride me
like your hard bike
my flesh is your pavement
as you pound yours deep into me
harder and harder with every turn
faster and faster with each kiss
sweating searching scorching
each breath saying
ride me
(correction, because I can't stand that mixed metaphor, sorry..)
Ride me
with your hard bike
my flesh is your pavement
as you pound yours deep into me
harder and harder with every turn
faster and faster with each kiss
sweating searching scorching
each breath saying
ride me
How deliciously splendid.
As is yours! 🙂
J Juniper – the extended metaphor here is one of those delightful ones that we're all going to enjoy afterwards. No one who reads this poem is ever going to look at a mundane bike ride again with the same perspective. You just put sexy into cycling.
*blush* – thank you. 🙂
Licking below
Far under my skirt hem
Your head tightly squeezed by my thighs
Panties aside and flicked by your tongue I
Beg for your fingers to reach in
A deep pool rising up
Gushing towards
Almendra – the imagery in this one is delicious. It's a very visual piece that still maintains rhythm. I think your ten syllable line, with its clever enjambment, develops the pace. And I think your final line is such a delightful full stop.
Thank you, Ashley, for your feedback. I feel heard.
oh! lovely!
Thank you Rachel. When I read yours and Juniper's I went back and rewrote mine. Thank you for moving the bar up. Beautiful work both of you.
Aw, thank you! I love yours too! I'm really enjoying the way this format creates the feeling of building up and coming down from orgasm – what a perfect form for erotica.
All these poems are impressive — and perfected suited to the rhythms of sex.
Jean – the rhythm of this style does work for erotic content, doesn't it? The slow build, the longeur in the middle, and then the short/sweet conclusion. On reflection, it seems perfect.
I felt that my first poem needed a companion so I wrote one more titled "Sailor".
On my
Knees intently
Watching your expression
Guiding your rudder steering by
Deep sighs my mouth drives with licks and kisses
Edging us closer to wild surf
Where you roll and lunge as
Waves splash onto
My face
Nicely done!
A very cleverly extended metaphor. I love the way this can almost be read as an innocent piece of poetry, or it can be interpreted as something ribald and raunchy. Thank you for sharing your work here.
Thank you, Rachel and Ashley. I'm happy that you both enjoyed it. Ashley, I'm pleased to read that my poem hit its intended mark.
Wonderful efforts, all of you.
My life is just too crazy this month to give it a try, but I admire your creations.
I hope things are crazy in the good way. Look forward to seeing if you like what I have planned for next month.