Adrienne Benedicks

Call for Non-fiction

Seeking Interviews for Joan Price’s New Book

Wanted: Women and men over 50, single or partnered, straight or gay, willing to write candidly about your personal experiences and attitudes regarding sex and aging for my new book. I’m seeking your written comments and stories about the trials and challenges as well as the joys of sexuality after 50.

This will be a follow-up to Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex after Sixty and will include stories from singles and couples, women and men, along with strategies for improving those situations that challenge us as we age. It will be more solution-oriented than Better Than I Ever Expected, dealing with the health and relationship problems in greater depth, with more expert tips. While Better was geared towards women (and those who love them!), this book will represent men and women equally.

Would you or any of your age 50+ friends like to be a part of this book? You will be identified by a first name of your choice and your age. Your true identity will be kept strictly confidential.

Interested? Please contact Joan Price at [email protected] now and I’ll email you the questionnaire.

Please copy or forward this to everyone you know who might be interested, or who might know someone 50+ who would be interested. Contest

This just in from Cindi Myers’ Market Newsletter, an excellent resource for writers. Anyone can sign up by sending a blank email to [email protected] is sponsoring the Carla Neggers Live Your Adventure contest. In 50 words or less, tell them about an adventure you’d like to experience. There’s no fee to enter and you could win $1000. The entry deadline is July 31, 2008. More information is available at

Event Alert!

July 17th at 8 PM
(B/D to Grand, J/M/Z to Bowery, F to Delancey or F/V to 2nd Avenue,
Admission: Free
Happy Ending Lounge: 212-334-9676

In The Flesh features a range of authors, from erotic writers D.L. King, editor of Erotica Revealed, and Susan Wright (A Pound of Flesh) to letter lover Samara O’Shea (Note to Self, For the Lover of Letters), novelist/memoirist Scott Pomfret (Since My Last Confession, Romentics), novelist Anna David (Party Girl), and playwright/memoirist Rachel Shukert (Have You No Shame?). Hosted by Rachel Kramer Bussel (Spanked, Rubber Sex, Dirty Girls). Free candy and cupcakes will be served.

In the Flesh is a monthly reading series hosted at the appropriately named Happy Ending Lounge, and features the city’s best erotic writers sharing stories to get you hot and bothered, hosted and curated by acclaimed erotic writer and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel. From erotic poetry to down and dirty smut, these authors get naked on the page and will make you lust after them and their words. Since its debut in October 2005, In the Flesh has featured such authors as Laura Antoniou, Mo Beasley, Lily Burana, Jessica Cutler, Stephen Elliott, Valerie Frankel, Polly Frost, Gael Greene, Andy Horwitz, Debra Hyde, Maxim Jakubowski, Emily Scarlet Kramer of CAKE, Josh Kilmer-Purcell, Edith Layton, Logan Levkoff, Suzanne Portnoy, Sofia Quintero, M.J. Rose, Lauren Sanders, Danyel Smith, Grant Stoddard, Cecilia Tan, Carol Taylor, Dana Vachon, Veronica Vera, Susan Wright, Zane and many others. The series has gotten press attention from the New York Times’s UrbanEye, Escape (Hong Kong), Flavorpill, The L Magazine, New York Magazine, Philadelphia City Paper, Time Out New York, Gothamist, and Wonkette, and has been praised by Dr. Ruth. This is not Amanda Stern’s Happy Ending Reading Series.

Random House/Zogby poll: Readers Prefer Print

The following is from Cynthia Sterling’s Market Newsletter:
[email protected]

A survey conducted at BEA by Zogby International for Random House sought information about the book-buying habits on Americans. Pollsters surveyed 8000 adults. Among their findings:

82% said they prefer to curl up with a printed book over using the latest in reading technology. Women (85%) are more likely than men (79%) to say they prefer reading printed books. Reading printed books also has greater appeal among older respondents, although it is by far the preferred method among all age groups.

11% of respondents said they are comfortable reading books in other formats, such as online or with an e-book reader or PDA. Men (13%) are more open than women (8%) to reading books in other formats, as are 13% of those younger than age 30, compared to just 6% of those age 65 and older.

43% of respondents said they “somewhat often” head to the bookstore with a specific book in mind, while nearly as many (38%) “very often” head to a bookstore with a particular book in mind.

77% said that when they go into a bookstore for a specific book, they sometimes make additional, unplanned book purchases.

For 48%, the first thing that draws them to a book while browsing in a bookstore is the subject, followed by the author (24%) and the book’s title (11%).

When asked about their most recent book purchase, 43% said the book’s subject was the most important factor, followed by the author (29%) and a good recommendation or word of mouth (11%).

When asked what makes them want to buy a book, 60% said suggestions from friends and family members, while nearly half (49%) said they are influenced by book reviews.

You can read all about the survey at

It’s Babeland’s 15th Anniversary!

In honor of our 15th Anniversary, we’re highlighting 15 of the very best sex toys ever made in a tribute we’re calling the Sex Toy All Stars. —Babeland

A very cool feature about the Sex Toy All Stars is the in-depth look into each of the Babeland’s All Stars. Find out what makes these toys special, fun facts, and why you’ll love them.

Included in the All Star lineup is the brand new Sasi. Babeland’s is the exclusive North American distributor of the SaSi vibrator. Be sure to check it out, it’s a pricey vibe, but reports trickling in say it’s worth every penny: Guest Review: SaSi Vibrator

Also featured is Babeland’s Birthday contest. You could win a sex toy gift basket worth $1200 by signing up for a Babeland’s newsletter online or in stores. If you’re already subscriber, just re-submit your email address and you’ll be entered too! Contest form is at:
Babeland’s All Stars Contest

Erotic Lure Newsletter: May-June Edition

Erotic Lure
The Erotica Readers & Writers Association Newsletter
May-June 2008

Dear Lascivious Ladies and Lewd Lads,

It’s May – “the lusty month of May”, according to Lerner and Loewe – and here at the Erotica Readers and Writers Association we take that extremely seriously. I’m Lisabet Sarai, your regular unremittingly randy guide to the delights of the ERWA site. Let me take you by the hand (or whatever) and show you some of the incendiary stuff we’ve put together for your pleasure.

I like to start in the Galleries, because they’re one of the things that make ERWA unique. There are dozens of sites featuring sex toys and adult movies, and a handful with insightful and provocative articles about sex, but no one offers the kind of exciting, original, and varied erotic fiction that we supply at ERWA, month after month, year after year. May’s theme is “Fruit of the Gods: Religion and Mythology”, and our talented authors have outdone themselves. The Gallery also features a half dozen tantalizing erotic tales outside the theme – drop-your-jaw, knock-your-socks-off, amazing stories that will make you laugh and cry and burn with sympathetic desire.

Read your way to ecstasy at:

Continuing with the theme of reading, let me mention just a few of the dozens of new erotica titles awaiting you in our Books for Sensual Readers section. In this U.S. election year, what could be more appropriate than the collection SEX FOR AMERICA: POLITICALLY INSPIRED EROTICA, edited by the outrageous Stephen Elliot (author of MY GIRLFRIEND COMES TO THE CITY AND BEATS ME UP)? Talk about political dirt! Sticking with the U.S.A., there’s Penny Birch’s new Nexus title, AMERICAN BLUE, in which Penny goes underground into the seedy world of porn flicks to “rescue” her misguided niece Jemima. In the pure erotica category, check out Cecilia Tan’s haunting WHITE FLAMES: EROTIC DREAMS. For erotic romance, I recommend Julie Anne Long’s THE PERILS OF PLEASURE, a tale of a dissolute rogue rescued from the gallows by a daring female mercenary. My gay pick of the month is THE PALACE OF VARIETIES, a raunchy story of innocence corrupted set in London’s gay underground. In the lesbian arena, I have to mention PURPLE PANTIES, the new multiracial F-F collection edited by Zane. And I took a quick peek into the Art and Photography pages, zeroing in on SENSES, a startling and sensuous collection of imagery by glamour photographer Frank De Mulder.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Browse the “Hot Chick Lit”, or the “Hard Guy Lit”, or the “Provocative Non-Fiction” categories, or wallow in our wealth of graphic novels. If you see anything you like, just click on our links to Amazon to have it delivered quickly and discretely to your door. Every purchase you make via our affiliates helps keep ERWA alive.

Celebrate print at:

May has brought everybody out of the woodwork in the Smutter’s Lounge. Donna George Storey leads off with a cultural and culinary ramble through Japan that leads to sexual fantasies about John Lennon and finally to asparagus. (Now if that doesn’t stir your curiosity, I don’t know what will!) Ann Regentin’s “Beside Ourselves” ponders the current plight of identities being purloined or manufactured, and the possible triumph of marketing over creativity. J.T. Benjamin is all worked up about The Good Old Days, making a convincing case that some things, at least, have improved. Ashley Lister debuts a new column, “Between the Lines”, in which he interviews authors about specific works. (This month’s focus is Debra Hyde’s story from SHE’S ON TOP.)

There’s also a bountiful crop of reviews. Ashley Lister tackles BEST FANTASTIC EROTICA and J IS FOR JEALOUSY, edited by Cecilia Tan and Alison Tyler, respectively. Angelika Devlin reviews Deanna Ashford’s historical romance TEMPLAR PRIZE. Rob Hardy covers WHO’S BEEN SLEEPING IN YOUR BED, a comprehensive survey of sexual fantasies by Freudian therapist Brett Kahr. And I review Lynne Connolly’s energetic paranormal romance SUNFIRE, set in the intoxicating world of rock and roll.

The Lounge is open 24/7 for your enjoyment:

As you know, we’re the Erotica Readers and WRITERS Association. Every month our Authors Resource pages provide hard-nosed advice as well as moral support to aspiring erotica writers. This month Louisa Burton counsels anyone who wants to write a novel: write the book you want to read. Ashley Lister discusses the key element in writing an effective opening, namely, arousing the reader’s curiosity. Alison Tyler details “How to Win Friends and Influence Editors”, warning that “the erotic community is too small to go around making enemies”. Amie M. Evans offers a long and useful list of writing exercises and prompts for creativity. Finally, I’ve contributed an article called “Through the Looking Glass” about my experiences in the last year, moving into the world of e-Published romance.

You’ll find all this, and lots more in the archives, at:

Got a story or a novel to sell? Looking for themes to get your creative juices flowing? The ERWA Calls for Submissions page is the most comprehensive in the world of erotica. Highlights this month include “Lace and Blade” – romantic fantasy where sharp verbal repartee is as important as sharp weapons. Torquere Press is seeking M/M/F menage tales for “Down the Chimney”, as well as homosexual romances based on fables or myths, for “Flipped Fables”. Black Lace has calls out for four themed short story collections. Shonia L. Brown is looking for black lesbian erotica, and D.L. King has just opened a call for lesbian erotica involving city girls.

Find information on all these publishing opportunities, and dozens more, at:
(Don’t forget to mention in your cover letter that you saw the call on ERWA!)

What’s left? Oh, movies! and sex toys! Both sections are super this lusty month. In the Sex Toy Playground, the Babeland gals showcase toys for the GLBT set. There’s the “Jolie”, and the “Lumina”… but my vote is for the aptly named “Big Red Dong”. Then Mae Schultz discusses toys that travel well – small, discreet, and deceptive. Why suffer when you’re away from your box of goodies?

All work and no play is no fun at all:

Our May Adult Movies section reinforces my perception that porn is reaching new levels of narrative sophistication and artistic creativity. “Dark City”, from Adam and Eve, is a stylish film noir revolving around the archetypes of slippery villian, hardboiled detective, and femme fatale. In the adult version, though, there’s more than mere sexual tension. “Morphine”, directed and performed by Kimberly Kane, is the raw, reality-based tale of a young women struggling against addiction to become a Nashville star. “The Doll Underground” gives us a secret movement of female sexual revolutionaries using terrorist tactics against the tyranny of Big Business. All with plenty of sex involved, of course.

Okay, if these titles sound too heavy for a night of carnal entertainment, try “Fired”, a lightweight comic romp featuring delectable brunette Carmen Hart. And if you feel like improving yourself, spend some time in our new “Sexy Sex Ed” section, where you’ll find titles like “The Expert’s Guide to the G Spot”. Let Tristan Taormino and her fun-loving demonstration couples show you how to do it – whatever it is you want to do!

Browse the best in adult film at:

If you find a title you just can’t live without, no problem. Our links to Adult DVD Empire and will have that film on your screen in no time.

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, the topic is faking orgasms. The discussion is lively and heartfelt – four pages worth of commentary! Have an opinion? Add to the discussion by clicking on “Participate”.

Wander Inside the Erotic Mind at:

Our ERWA website of the month is Friend Finder. Friend Finder is an active personals community for fun, friendship, and romance. Post a free entry, mingle in webcam chatrooms, watch video intros. You can even create your own Blog (it’s easy!) to share with people you’ve met on Friend Finder. Meet people in your city, or anywhere in the nation. There’s always chatters ready to play 24/7, so jump in and join the festivities – maybe meet your soulmate! Friend Finder is easy to navigate, and lots of fun.

There’s lots more waiting for you on the site. I haven’t talked about the Portfolio of Adult Links, or Music to Set the Mood, or the Treasure Chest… But you’ll have to explore that on your own. You’ve got plenty of time; our lovely webmistress Adrienne takes a break in June, so the next issue of the site, and this newsletter, will be in July. Just in time for fireworks and apple pie—trysts in the grass—skinny dipping—washing the car in short shorts and a skimpy halter…

You know, the way I look at it, every month is lusty…

Living la vida loca,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory
Hang out with Lisabet on MySpace
Join Lisabet’s List

Call for Submissions: update for Leatherman

Editor: Simon Sheppard
Publisher: Cleis Press
* Deadline Extended: November 5, 2007
Payment: $60 and copies upon publication

For an anthology to be published by Cleis Press in 2008, Simon Sheppard, editor of Homosex: Sixty Years of Gay Erotica, and coeditor of Rough Stuff and Roughed Up, is in search of hot queer erotica exploring the eternal lure of the leatherman.

Stories can be about leathermen having vanilla sex, or leathermen having leathersex (SM, BD, etc.). But either way, cowhide – or some variant thereof – must be present.

For more details, writers are STRONGLY encouraged to go to

Preferred length: 3,000-5,000 words. Meritorious shorter or longer work will be considered. Original stories are very strongly preferred. Let me know if a story has been previously published, and where and when. And – if I don’t know you – please enclose a short bio.

Submissions should be Word document attachments, and include, at the top, all your contact information. If you need to send hard copy, please get in touch.

* DEADLINE EXTENDED: November 5, 2007…the sooner the better, as I’ll be reading on an ongoing basis.

Payment: $60 and copies upon publication

Queries (which are encouraged) and submissions to [email protected]. Include: “Leatherman Submission” in the subject line of all antho-related e-mail.

ERWA Recommended Editorial Services

Leonard & Virginia Editorial offers administrative and editorial services—from manuscript critique, editorial guidance, copyediting, line- and content-editing, research, to layout and design, typesetting and prepress formatting, and much more—all at reasonable author-friendly/small-business rates, served up with a refreshingly professional attitude and a smile.

While our primary editorial focus is on fiction and creative nonfiction, such as memoir, we’re ready, willing, and able to assist you with almost any project. Print or electronic media, short stories or full-length manuscripts, smut, romance, or academic studies, work for pleasure or for hire, even for submission and possible publication, or for publication yourself. We’re here to do the dirty work to make your writing sparkle and be the best it can be. We have very few taboos. Our background and experience include working with sexual and erotic content, so let it rip. There’s little we may reject simply because of its nature.

Details at:

Hot Chilli Erotica

Hot Chilli Erotica


Babysitting the Baumgartners - The Movie
From Adam & Eve - Based on the Book by New York Times Bestselling Authors Selena Kitt

Affiliate Disclosure

Disclosure: We use affiliate links on our site. What are affiliate links? Affiliate (or partnership) programs are created by businesses (like Amazon) that pay sites (like ERWA) for referring visitors to the business. Affiliate programs pay the referring site a percentage of products purchased via the affiliate link. You can help keep ERWA alive and kicking by doing your online shopping for books, movies, sex toys, etc., via ERWA affiliate links. Help support ERWA.



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