Adrienne Benedicks

Erotic Lure Newsletter: November 2013

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Venial Voyagers,

Welcome to the November edition of the ERWA Erotic Lure newsletter!

I don’t know if you and I’ve met:
I go by the name ‘Lisabet’.
I’ll help you explore,
Show you all what’s in store
And make sure you leave horny and wet.

First I want to express sincere thanks
To the man who stepped up from the ranks
With the October Lure.
Mille bisous! (Though I’m sure
Master Lister would rather have spanks.)

I’ll stop there, I think, as I don’t have nearly the same facility for bawdy verse as the wonderful Ashley Lister. Thanks for your creative, naughty newsletter, Ash! Anyway, I’m back from my travels (though you’ll have to wait for my next book if you want salacious tales) and ready to guide you through the lust-laden pages of the ERWA site.

Speaking of books, I think I’ll begin with Books for Sensual Readers. (We’re talking about *you*, my friends…) Topping my personal list this month is Mitzi Szerto’s new novel WILDE PASSIONS OF DORIAN GRAY. Follow the eternally youthful wastrel around the world as he seeks increasingly extreme and forbidden sensations. A luscious morality tale brought to sizzling life by a legendary author. If you’re still feeling “wilde”, check out the new edition of Oscar Wilde’s tale TELENY (OR THE REVERSE OF THE MEDAL), homoerotic romance privately published in 1893 for a very select audience. A far more modern take on gay erotica can be found in Shane Allison’s anthology NASTY BOYS: ROUGH TRADE EROTICA. One look at the cover is enough to turn you on. (Well, I guess I can only speak for myself!) If you prefer girl-on-girl action, I can recommend Sacchi Green’s collection WILD GIRLS, WILD NIGHTS (gee, this is getting to be a theme), true life tales of lesbian lust. And if, like me, you’re sorry to see the end of the Halloween season, keep the shivers coming with TREMBLE: EROTIC TALES OF THE MYSTICAL AND SINISTER by Tobsha Learner.

You’ll encounter lots more great titles in our book pages, cleverly categorized to help you find exactly the genre you’re seeking. You might even get some ideas for holiday gift-giving. No need to worry about getting the right size or color!  When you’re ready to make a purchase, please remember to click through the links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore and our other affiliates. It doesn’t cost you a penny, but it helps keep ERWA going strong.

Fight censorship! Buy and read erotica!

Of course, ERWA remains the top site on the web for diverse, original, FREE adult fiction. For a decade and a half, more or less every month, our Erotic Fiction Gallery has been serving up a banquet of lip-smacking erotic fare, and November is no exception. The gallery is a cornucopia of sensual delights: eight full length stories, two quickies, eight sassy flashers, plus a full page of luscious poetry, with links to audio renditions by the authors themselves. You’ll find your favorite ERWA authors as well as talented newcomers, writing in moods from raw to sentimental, slutty to silly. And if you actually run out of stories, dip into the ERWA Treasure Chest for more than a decades worth of the best of the best erotica on the web.

We love giving it away:

For some fun of a less literary bent, follow me into the Sex Toy playground. Good Vibrations provides advice this month on how to use and care for anal beads, plus a special feature: a graphical time line of anal sex. (I was surprised, though, that the time line did not include LAST TANGO IN PARIS – 1972 – surely a milestone of rear-entry history!) Our regular Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column highlights some of the most innovative and popular sex-enhancing artifacts out there. Sex toys get more complicated all the time, it seems. For an example, check out the TARA Rotating Rechargeable Couples Vibrator. I think you probably have to try it out to understand it!

If you’re curious – just use our convenient links! And let me remind you that the Playground page also features dozens of objective toy reviews, to help you make those important decisions.

Just the thing for you hands-on types:

Nothing goes with a new sex toy like a steamy erotic film. “If you want something visual/that’s not too abysmal” (with apologies to Dr. Frankenfurter), drop by our “Best in Adult Movies” pages. Titles that caught my eye include the dark and dream-like “Underworld”, directed by Brad Armstrong and starring Jessica Drake; “Bitter Sweet”, a cautionary tale of ego, love, ambition and lust; and “Threesome Fantasies Fulfilled”, which needs no explanation. I noticed we have a new affiliate in our sidebar, too: gay porn video on demand from Naked Sword. I like it!

You know what they say about “one picture”…

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, our intrepid members debate the eternal question: Oral sex or Intercourse? Of course you don’t necessarily have to choose, but you may find the commentary surprising. Want to share your own opinions?  Just click on the Participate link.

You’ll feel right at home inside the erotic mind:

Authors, I haven’t forgotten you. The Calls for Submission Pages feature an abundance of opportunities for your to sell your work. New listings include “My Kinky Valentine” and “Twelve Days of KinkMas” from Ravenous Romance; Myth and Magic – Queer Fairy Tales, edited by Radclyffe and Stacia Seaman; a hustler-themed gay anthology edited Shane Allison; “Me and My Boi” edited by Sacchi Green. There are dozens of ongoing calls and publisher guidelines as well. Remember that every new call for submissions is also posted on the ERWA blog ( when we receive it.

In addition to CFS posts, the ERWA blog boasts a stellar slate of regular contributors who discuss a wide range of topics related to writing, publishing, craft, inspiration and of course, sex. Over the past month, for instance, we’ve had posts about the impact of first versus third point of view (Remittance Girl), reasons for writing (Donna George Storey), NaNoWriMo (Lucy Felthouse), the latest censorship kerfluffle (Elizabeth Black), sex magic (K.D. Grace) and art as play (me). Why not sign up for the blog and follow us?

Meanwhile, back at the website, remember that you can read archives of Author Resources columns dating back to 2006. Some of my favorites include Lousia Burton’s FictionCraft series (2008 to 2010), Shanna Germain’s The Fine Art of Submission (2010) and Vincent Diamond’s Serious About Smut (2010). There’s really some fabulous material here, for both inspiration and self-education.

Experience the thrill of submission:

Well, I think I’ve hit the high points, thought there’s plenty of good stuff I don’t have time to mention. I’ll leave you to go deeper on your own (so to speak).

You may have noticed the absence of my usual Thanksgiving jokes about randy Pilgrims, trussed up turkeys or time in the stocks. I’m under strict orders not to indulge in any silly holiday alliteration either. I’ve tried to be disciplined – but on the other hand, I really don’t *mind* being disciplined…

Priscilla, a Puritan maid
Was believed to be proper and staid
Till they found her with Jim,
His prong deep in her quim,
Giving thanks that she’d finally been laid.

Wishing a joyous Thanksgiving to all!


Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
Check out blog
Join Lisabet’s List           

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: October 2013

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Ashley Lister

 There once was a man who
wrote verse

He rhymed stuff so bad
some would curse

His friend Lisabet (uh)

Asked him to write a

And then things went
from bad to worse


My name is Ashley Lister. I’m covering the Erotic Lure
newsletter for Lisabet this month whilst she goes gallivanting on her nefarious
travels. I’m hoping she updates us all with pictures, streaming video or at
least salacious tales of her incredible adventures.

This month here at ERWA we doff our caps to Halloween,
as evidenced by the supernatural bent in the exemplary stories found in this
month’s gallery.  Or, to say that in

If you like to read sexy
sweet shorts

Tales of friction in
fiction so fraught

Visit the gallery

And there you will see

The theme this month’s ‘La
Petite Mort’

La Petite Mort

Books you say? What about Books for sensual readers?
What a timely question! I’m so glad you asked.

As always, there are plenty to choose from. Purchasing
those books through the Amazon links on these pages helps ERWA to provide a
consistently superlative service to readers and writers alike.

We’ve read books aimed
at everyone’s kinks

From cool cougars to
maddening minx

If you want these pages

To help with our wages

Buy your books through
our Amazon links


Have you written something? Or do you fancy joining
the glamorous world of the published authors? Then check out our calls for
submission this month and see if there’s a niche you might be able to fill. (NB
– Ashley, insert a joke here about filling a niche, use a clever double entendre).

If you’ve written a one-handed

And you typed till your
fingers did bleed

You have our permission

To view the calls for

You’ll find everything there
you might need.


As a writer I’ve always considered “Inside the Erotic
Mind” to be an invaluable resource. 
Being able to glean honest insights into how others approach sex, sexual
reactions and sexual responsiveness is extremely helpful and interesting. Or, saying
that in limerick form:

Our writers are terribly

And here, on these pages,
you’ll find

There’s words of wisdom

About how best to come

Click into our erotic


Describe Your Orgasm: How Does it Feel? Don’t be Shy…

Words are good. Stories can be entertaining. But
sometimes we just need a plastic companion. 
Now I’ve written a couple of narrative poems in this milieu but I won’t
bore you with those details here. Instead, I’ll say this:

In all of my travels
I’ve found

That there’s people I
like being around

But when they’re away

And I’m wanting to pay

I must visit the Sex Toy


What about films? ERWA is about all things erotic,
whether that’s words, toys or films. On a cautionary note, here’s a verse about
erotic films and why it’s important to watch them on Blu-Ray, DVD or at least a
streaming download.

The saucy things we like
to see

Are best watched from a

Cos’ the multiplex staff

Will just point and

At least, that was what
happened to me


Right, tidying up loose ends here. As always, thanks to all those hard at work behind the
scenes at ERWA who have made this resource possible. I was saying to a
colleague last week that it would be hard to imagine a world without ERWA. It
really is unlike any other writing resource in the world. I could name names
here and discuss the hard work invested by each member of the group, but I’d
likely mess up and miss out on someone important. Instead, I’ll be glib and end
with a poem.

Thank you for reading
this, member

There’s one more thing
you should remember

Whilst I loved writing
these poems

I’m now going ho-em

Lisabet will be back in

Ashley Lister


Ashley Lister is a writer, poet and columnist and the author of How to Write Erotic Fiction and Sex Scenes. Aside from being behind more than thirty pseudonymous erotic novels, Ashley also teaches creative writing. Read Ashley’s Writing Exercise right here on ERWA  blog.

Write, learn, and play on ERWA . Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: September 2013

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Erudite Explorers of Eros,

Are you excited? I’m back with September’s Erotic Lure, and if you’re not feeling – um – stimulated at the moment, I guarantee that you will be by the time we’ve finished our tour, especially if you take the time to follow my recommendations as we go along.

How could anyone *not* be thrilled by this month’s Erotica Gallery? With every Lure, I think, “this month has got to be the best gallery yet”. Then the following month, our authors up the ante. For September, they’ve produced ten amazing stories – eleven if you count C. Sanchez-Garcia’s outrageous assault on poetic forms, WABI SABI GIRL – plus six fabulous flashers and a whole page of Truly Horrible Erotikishka Pomes which you honestly have to read to believe. The fiction offers humor, pathos, insight and pure heat. A nudist funeral – a student stripper – a well-satisfied submissive – a post-apocalyptic rock star – two old friends who share literally everything… It’s like getting an award-winning anthology for free. The poems – well, they’re pretty much indescribable.

A feast for the literate lecher:

Now that we’ve got you all fired up with our free tales, you might find yourself looking for some stories to keep you satisfied when you can’t get to the Internet. Our Books for Sensual Readers pages offer a plethora of pleasurable perusals. (Ouch!) For a touch of the taboo, pick up a copy of Rachel Kramer Bussel’s new anthology of anal erotica, BABY GOT BACK. Want to live lustfully ever after? I recommend Kristina Wright’s steamy couples collection, BEDDED BLISS. Elizabeth Schechter’s HOUSE OF SABLE LOCKS is a twisted, passionate steampunk thriller. If you prefer the promise of a happy ending, CAKE by Lauren Dane serves up a tattooed bad boy artist and the art student/bicycle messenger who wants to do more than just satisfy his hunger for sensation. Looking for gay erotica? Circlet Press has just released WIRED HARD 5, a collection of gay scifi/specfic tales edited by Joy Crelin. Meanwhile, what you see is what you get with Elizabeth Coldwell’s lesbian anthology GIRLS GETTING OFF. We’re not talking about buses here!

These are just some of the September featured titles. If you’ve got the time, delve deeper. We’ve got arousing anthologies, naughty novels, risque romance, concupiscent classics, hunky homoerotica, luscious lezlit, sexy self-help. (Okay, okay, so I’m going overboard a bit…) If you see anything you like (and honestly, I can’t imagine how you could help it), just follow our links to your favorite bookstores. As you undoubtedly know by now (unless you’re new to the ERWA or have been living under a rock), every purchase you make using our affiliate links helps support the great free content we offer every month here at the Erotic Readers & Writers Association.

Grab yourself a randy read:

In the September Sex Toy Playground, our focus in on male pleasure. Charlotte from Bondara offers an informative summary of the wonderfully varied options in male masturbatory devices. If you want more details, browse the reviews and articles listed in the sidebars. The Scuttlebutt column features some fabulous products, too. I want one (at least) of those cute Pyxis Finger Vibes. And guys, check out the racecar-inspired Cobra Libre Stimulator. Vroom!

You can’t win if you don’t play:

You might think the season for summer blockbusters is more or less over, but our Adult Films section is chock full of great flicks to keep the heat turned up high as the weather cools. My top pick (as anyone who knows me might expect) is the BDSM extravaganza “Fifty Shades of Bizarre”. Filmed in Budapest and featuring Euro-porn pretties and Hungarian hunks, this movie’s more than enough to make poor little Anastasia run and hide. Then there’s “The Temptation of Eve”, starring the striking Remy Lacroix, the tale of a woman torn between loyalty and lust. Brad Armstrong is back, along with the always alluring Jessica Drake, in “Sex”, a futuristic vision of commoditized desire. Check out the classics page, always one of my favorites (being a classic myself). This month we feature the sensual Annette Haven, with a remastering of her second film, the hard-boiled, hard-pumping espionage drama “China Girl” (1974).

We’re not just teasing you with all these tantalizing titles. You can have any film that you want, just by clicking through to our affiliates. Go ahead – you know you want to!

Visit our Cinema Sensualismo:

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, our topic is “Sympathy Fucks”. Read our members’ varied stories of pity-inspired sex – some given, some received, some that turned out well, others that were disasters. Have a tale of your own to share, or just an opinion?  Click on the Participate link to add your contribution.

Arousal begins inside the erotic mind:

Writers, I haven’t forgotten you. Our Author Resources pages adds a new section this month: details on companies you can use to self-publish your work. Scroll down to the bottom of the left hand sidebar. And for more information on the topic of self-publishing, click on the Archives link to read William Gaius’ excellent series of columns on the topic, “Kill Electrons Not Trees”.

Calls for submissions include GLBT holiday stories from JMS Books, the anthology Me and My Boi, to edited by Sacchi Green, and the Red Room Journal, focusing on erotic for couples.

If you’re new to publishing, don’t be shy. The markets for erotica and erotica romance are booming. Publishers want to read your story. Whatever subgenre you write, you’re bound to find promising targets for your work at ERWA. We update the listings several times a month. In addition, we post all new calls at the ERWA blog, where you’ll also find fabulous articles about the philosophy, craft and business of erotica.

Be brave and submit:

I wanted to share the link to a site I expect many readers might enjoy. The Erotica Bibliophile is a compendium of information and illustrations related to vintage erotica and erotic art, between the 18th and early 20th century. If you’re looking for a story idea or a wank prompt, check it out. I find some of the images quite – um – inspiring.

I don’t know about you, but my pulse is elevated, I’m breathing fast, and I’m distinctly moist in various intimate areas… I hope you’ve enjoyed our monthly jaunt through the ERWA site as much as I did. I’ll be taking October off; distinguished author and poet Ashley Lister will be stepping into my shoes (the red patent leather stilettos, if I’m any judge of character) and I’m sure he’ll – um – perform admirably. I’ll see you November, with more alliteration and double entendres, including my traditional jokes about turkeys and pillories.

Until then, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. (That should give you a lot of leeway.)

Excitedly yours,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
Check out blog
Join Lisabet’s List           

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

The Dead Good Poetry Show

Hosted by Ashley Lister

The radio show is on every Saturday night – 8 until 10 pm UK time (we’re currently operating to British Summer Time which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time).  The first hour is family friendly. The second hour has a more mature content and usually includes an interview with a poet.

It’s fun. I have people tweeting poems in. I have people mailing in poems (which then get read out live on air). I play poetry and music and chat with poets. I had no idea I could do anything like this.

This is the page where the radio station keeps its links: The station is called Fylde Coast Community Radio and my show is the Dead Good Poetry show.

If ERWA contributors want to listen in and see how the show develops (and gauge whether or not they’d want their writing to be associated with the project) it would be great to know they’re adding to the supportive audience. If anyone does want to record a short, original poem of their own (4 mins max), I would need it in MP3 format. I’m also looking into including Skyped poems at some point in the future.

Ashley Lister

Erotic Lure Newsletter: August 2013

From Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Connoisseurs of Concupiscence,

Is it really August already? July simply flew by, leaving me sweaty and breathless. I have to admit that perusing the new edition of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association website did nothing whatsoever to cool me down. If you don’t mind getting a bit sticky (in a good cause), follow me for a whirlwind tour of the site’s highlights.

In the Erotica Gallery, the weather and the mood combine to turn up the temperature, and our authors have responded by stripping down. We’ve got stories, flashers and poems on the theme of undressing. Overall, this month’s fiction offerings cover the whole emotional gamut: lyrical, nostalgic, raw, sweet, ironic and delightfully silly. Step inside the consciousness of a true sadist. Marvel at the ultimate sexual weapon. Explore the allure and the consequences of infidelity. Try out a new fantasy or a toy. The consummate art of our authors leaves me wet, yearning, and a bit jealous.

Experience the word made flesh:

For more literary thrills, wander through our Books for Sensual Readers section. This month’s featured titles include EXTRAORDINARY DEVIATIONS, a collection of transgendered erotica by Raven Kaldera; HIGH OCTANE HEROES, Delilah Devlin’s anthology of erotic romance about the ultimate alpha sex objects; Sindra van Yssel’s twin-focused menage SECRETARY FOR TWO; and Stephanie Evanovich’s hilarious and sexy romance BIG GIRL PANTIES. In the gay erotica section, check out Richard Labonte’s anthology of exhibitionist-themed tales, SHOW-OFFS. My pick for F/F fiction this month is HUNGRY GHOST by Allison Moon, a tale of a college freshman fighting against her inner beast and a pack of true monsters. Dig deeper into our categorized listings for more fabulous books, including vintage and classic erotica and sexy sex education.

Of course we wouldn’t tempt you with all these great books without giving you the means to satisfy your desires. Just click on our convenient links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iBooks to buy. You’ll get what you want, while supporting the best free adult site on the ‘Net.

Books are better than Viagra:

If you’re one of us crazy folks who write erotica as well as read it, stop by the Authors Resources section to review dozens of publishing opportunities for all styles and genres of sexlit. Recently posted calls include new publishers Brickstone Publishing (erotic shorts), Ai Press (erotic romance) and Harlequine Digital First (various); marriage-themed gay erotica for a book to be edited by Neil Plakcy; Smut in the City and Smut by the Sea, from House of Erotica; and the charity anthology Coming Together for Equality. We’re not just talking about books, either. ERWA’s list includes websites that pay, magazines, audio erotica, even scholarly articles for the academic journal Porn Studies.

The Authors page also links to our extensive archives of how-to articles, to a handy list of external author resources, to Cindy Meyer’s excellent market news blog, and to ERWA’s own blog,, a fabulous source of information and inspiration. During the past month, the ERWA blog contributors have offered posts on craft (writing in the first person, writing a series, the quatern poetic form), marketing (cover letter dos and don’ts), finding a writer’s community and discovering your target reader, as well as varied commentary on sex, gender and society.

Submit! It’s the latest rage:

Speaking of trends, FSOG [Fifty Shades of Grey] mania has caught up with the porn world. Headlining our Adult Movies section this month is “Bound by Desire – Act 1: A Leap of Faith”, in which two more or less innocent young women hook up with a duo of handsome, rich older men who just happen to be lifestyle dominants. Sound familiar? In any case, I’m sure a good time is had by all. Also worthy of note is “Bridesmaids”, a new feature starring Jesse Jane and Kayden Kross. Come see what happens when the gals of the wedding party let their hair (and their panties) down. “Triple Mania” falls in to the “no plot, all action” category, with six sizzling girl-on-girl threesomes. Our classic flick this month is “Bad Penny”, the 1978 debut of award-winning adult actress Samantha Fox. Poor Penny must exchange sexual favors for the information she needs to help her claim her rich uncle’s bequest. Luscious, and funny too!

These are just a few highlights. We’ve got lots more great movies for you, and you can get’em any way you please: on DVD, on demand, even on your phone. Explore our new affiliate GameLink, a one-stop source for movies and sex toys.

See your fantasies come to life:

You’ll find some new playmates in the Sex Toy Playground this month. Sex educator Laura Anne Stuart has a great article about the rebirth of the Hitachi magic wand. Apparently the Japanese company who brought the world this masturbatory legend finally got tired of being associated with sex and porn. (How small-minded of them.) But fear not – as Ms. Stuart explains, nobody’s going to take away your magic wand! Lovely Charlotte from UK toy store Bondara also makes her debut this month, talking about five different categories of dildos and what makes them wonderful. It’s always best to get your advice from the experts.

Give your hand a break:

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, our topic is high heels. Why are those stilettos so alluring? And are they worth the pain and the damage they can inflict on a gal’s body? Opinions on the topic are diverse and explicit. Add your own – just click on Participate.

Stimulate the most sensitive erogenous zone of all:

Well, that rounds out my August tour. (I promised you a quickie, and I always keep my promises.) I’ve got to go take a shower. Writing the Lure always tends to get me hot and bothered. However, the gentlemen awaiting me in the bath have promised to remedy that situation.

See you September!


Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
Check out blog
Join Lisabet’s List           

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: July 2013

From the Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Patriotic Perverts,

Welcome to the July issue of Erotic Lure, your guide to all the latest lurid and lusty delights at the Erotica Readers & Writers Association website. I hope you’ll excuse the tardiness of this month’s Lure. I was – um – tied up until today (seeing stars and wearing stripes, you might say). I’ll try to make up for the delay by giving you an extra juicy tour of our midsummer edition. Plus a bonus slice of watermelon!

The Erotica Gallery this month offers an explosion of sparkling fiction, with eleven flashers, four quickies, four full length stories and a longer piece the author calls a “novelette”. Many of the offerings were triggered by our latest writing prompt, “Reunions”, but our creative authors have taken that notion in unexpected directions. We’ve got passionate poetry, too, including a trio of “tritinas”, an especially challenging verse form.

Declare your independence from stereotyped smut:

Heading for the beach this summer? Fill your bag or your digital device with sexy reads from our Books for Sensual Readers section. With all these delicious titles clamoring “Read me. Read ME!” I scarcely know where to start. Like short stories? Pick up Maxim Jakubowski’s MAMMOTH BOOK OF QUICK AND DIRTY EROTICA, Alison Tyler’s SUDDEN SEX, or for something a bit different, the Circlet Press collection WHAT HAPPENS AT THE TAVERN STAYS AT THE TAVERN, epic fantasy quest erotica edited by Jennifer Levine. Do you prefer longer, more – um – meaty tales? Check out Lisette Ashton’s DRAGON DESIRE, about the ultimate aphrodisiac, or try my own over-the-top steampunk opus RAJASTHANI MOON. If you’re hooked on happy endings, we’ve got sizzling erotic romance: Christina Lauren’s BEAUTIFUL BASTARD, Portia da Costa’s DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH, or Senta Holland’s romantic BDSM odyssey OUT OF THE SHADOWS. For fans of homoerotic fiction, it would be hard to find something more seasonally appropriate than Neil Plakcy’s anthology BEACH BUMS. And Sacchi Green serves up steamy true lesbian sex stories by both veteran and new authors in WILD GIRLS, WILD NIGHTS. Browse our conveniently categorized shelves for many more fabulous books, including classic erotica and sexy self-help titles.

If you see anything you want (and if you don’t, you probably shouldn’t be reading this newsletter!), please use our affiliate links to buy. Your purchases help keep ERWA alive and sizzling.

Satisfy your literary lusts:

Where do all these great books come from? In many cases, straight from the pens of ERWA subscribers. Over the years, dozens of acclaimed erotica authors have gotten their start in the ERWA Writers list and Storytime on-line critique group. My own very first erotic short story initially saw the light on ERWA.

ERWA email list subscription details at:

If you’re an author trying to share your erotic visions with the world, visit our Authors Resources page for a comprehensive, constantly updated listing of submission calls and publishers’ guidelines. Recent calls include “Me and My Boi” from award-winning editor Sacchi Green; “Men of the Manor”, homoerotic upstairs/downstairs tales to be edited by Rob Rosen; “Best Men’s Erotica 2014” from the brave new imprint Burning Books Press; and “Coming Together for Equality”, a charity anthology on the theme of bullying edited by Beth Wylde. You’ll also find general submission information for roughly four dozen publishers interested in erotic content – with the number growing monthly.

Erotica is hot – add your fuel to the fire!

Speaking of hot, don’t miss our Adult Movies section. Headlining this month is the sassy, sexy feature “Revenge of the Petites”, about a group of stature-challenged college gals getting back at the tall, nasty sorority women who’ve made the petites their victims. The delicious Jesse Jane stars in “Romance”, as an author of erotic romance whose sultry fantasy scenarios come to life. (I can identify…!) In the pure smut category, I recommend Brad Armstrong’s “Ink Girls”, a well-decorated feast for the eyes as well as areas to the south. And if (like me) you appreciate the porn of yore, you might like the 1980 flick “Fascination”, which features the debut of adult film legend Veronica Hart, as well as many other stars from porn’s golden age.

You know, of course, where and how to buy any films that catch your fancy. Enough said.

On-screen, the temperature’s rising:

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: adult movies and sex toys go together like buns and hotdogs. This month’s Sex Toy Playground features an article on finding your G-spot, from our new affiliate, British toy company Bondara. Mr. and Mrs. Toy are up to their usual mischief, experimenting – purely the sake of knowledge, of course – with the Double Delight Anal Beads, a combination anal probe and ten speed clit vibe. Mrs. Toy says this product is “a perfect example of having your cake and eating it too”. Our monthly Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column highlights the newest, nastiest and most original erotic implements. As a case in point, don’t miss the Glass Pig Tail Butt Plug. You have to see it to believe it!

Give your hand a break:

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, we have a lively discussion of cum shots. Is being splattered with semen sexy or icky? You’ll find strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Share your own thoughts by clicking on the Participate link.

No topic is forbidden inside the erotic mind:

So, is there anything you want that you CAN’T find on the ERWA site? Try our extensive page of Adult Links. We’ve surveyed the web to find the very best sites for adult content of all types, then organized all our recommendations to guide you to just the thing that turns you on. I warn you, though – don’t visit the links page unless you’re safe at home and have a lot of time available to explore.

Get linked:

Well, that about wraps up the July Lure. But wait, I promised you watermelon, didn’t I?

Okay, take off your clothes. (This is going to get messy!) Shut your eyes. I’m holding a ripe slice just under your nose. Breathe in the fruity summer scent. Does it remind you of endless days, sweat-streaked nights, skinny dipping, fireworks? Now open wide, but don’t bite down – not yet. Feel the chill against your tongue – this is fresh from the cooler. Saliva begins to flow as you anticipate the succulent pulp dissolving in your mouth, but be patient. As I’ve learned from my master, waiting makes release all the more intense.

I snatch the unseen slice away, to circle your lips with a juice-drenched finger, leaving sticky sweetness in my wake. Yes, you can lick it off now, the traces of summer I’ve left on your flesh. You want it more than ever, right? Very well. I deposit a chunk in your mouth. You sink your teeth into the morsel and the flavor explodes,  wet and sugary, like liquid sunshine. I offer the rest of the wedge now and you gobble it down, greedy for more sensation. Juice dribbles from the corners of your mouth, trails down your cheeks, lands on your chest. Chew slowly. Savor the taste, the texture. Remember that you’re naked, as I smear more fruit across your belly and down your thighs. Remember that it’s summer, and anything can happen…

See you next month!

Succulently yours,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
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Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

BDSM For Writers Workshop

3-day Intensive Workshop
August 23-25, 2013 in New York City
Register: $225 

This is an exclusive one-of-a-kind BDSM workshop specifically geared toward writers’ needs and to help you create believable characters. We’ll also have time to discuss your story ideas and how to make them work. The focus is on D/s relationships and activities not on the dynamics of writing in general. Plus we will have a day devoted to victims & villains address the psychology and reality of sadism, PTSD, and other criminal activities. There will also be hands-on demonstrations of various BDSM activities. Invest in your writing career today.

Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: May/June 2013

From the Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Lascivious Libertines and Libidinous Lasses,

It’s finally here – the lusty month of May! Of course, every month is lusty at the Erotica Readers & Writers Association, but I’ve always found the traditional May rituals particularly arousing, focusing as they do on ribbons and poles…

In case you’re a new subscriber, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Lisabet Sarai, author, editor, ardent alliterator and all-around strumpet, at your service (so to speak). It’s my delightful duty to guide you through the horny halls of this month’s ERWA site, giving you a glimpse of what awaits you when you have time for a more leisurely visit.

Let’s begin with a trip Inside the Erotic Mind. What do women think about when they’re having sex? What about men? Come read what our contributors have to say. You might be surprised at some of the taboo fantasies that arise in media res – as well as the more mundane concerns. Care to share your own private thoughts? Click on Participate and join the conversation. You can read and comment on the discussions from previous months as well, on topics from ranging from anal sex to virginity. Follow the links that interest you and add your personal perspective.

Lust begins in the mind:

If your own fantasies are getting a bit worn and dog-eared, drop by the ERWA Erotica Gallery for some fresh inspiration. This month’s stellar assembly of free fiction, by members of the ERWA Storytime list, includes everything from romantic reminiscence to paranormal perversion. We’ve got nearly two dozen titles from both familiar and new authors – that should keep you busy for a while! – as well as a page of exquisite erotic poetry.

Celebrate literary lewdness:

Want more randy reading? Let me give you a quick preview of what awaits you in our Books for Sensual Readers pages: outrageous femdom from award winning editor D.L. King in UNDER HER THUMB; transgressive woman-focused erotica in Violet Blue’s anthology VORACIOUS; hilarious yet hot BDSM in Laura Antoniou’s S/M mystery THE KILLER WORE LEATHER; the very best short erotica from the past year, in Maxim Jakubowski’s MAMMOTH BOOK OF BEST NEW EROTICA 11; kick ass heroines and kinky sex in my novel NASTY BUSINESS. We’ve got erotic romance for you – for instance, THE LIBERTINE, Saskia Walker’s tale of 18th century witches, or DOWN TO YOU, M. Leighton’s novel of a love triangle involving two very different brothers. We’ve got lesbian fiction – check out STRIPPED DOWN, edited by Tristan Taormino – and gay fiction – Jerry L. Wheeler’s TRICKS OF THE TRADE: MAGICAL GAY EROTICA caught my eye. Wet Angel Books continues its series of forbidden classics by reprinting Oscar Wilde’s SALOME and Aubrey Beardsley’s UNDER THE HILL, two fin de siecle celebrations of decadence, illustrated with Beardsley’s wonderful prints. We’ve got non-fiction, too: TAKE IT OFF! THE NAKED TRUTH ABOUT MALE STRIPPERS by Julian Whitfield and Taylor Cole, and the “ultimate guides” to pretty much everything sexual including fellatio, cunnilingus, orgasms, anal sex, prostate pleasure and kink.

Think I’ve covered it all? Think again! I’ve just scratched the surface. Every category has three or four pages of featured titles. And every single book we list can be yours, just by clicking on our affiliate links. Each purchase you make via our links helps support the best free adult site on the Web. I mean, of course, the Erotica Readers & Writers Association!

Reading is sexy – especially at ERWA:

Where do all these great books come from? In fact, many of them are penned by our members and subscribers. The ERWA Author Resources page offers a comprehensive, constantly updated listing of publishing opportunities for erotic authors. New calls this month include the anthology “Written on Skin”, edited by the legendary Remittance Girl; “Three of Hearts”, a menage erotic romance collection edited by Kristina Wright; “Stand to Attention”, military themed gay romance; and “Lasso Loving”, M/M/F cowboy menage. You’ll also find lots of ongoing open calls as well as general submission guidelines from dozens of print and ebook publishers.

The Author pages link to an extensive collection of archived articles on the craft and business of writing, as well as a list of essential resources like marketing and cover art services, online dictionaries and reference books, and so on. Have a service or a site you think would be useful to authors? Let us know!

And don’t forget to visit the ERWA blog, where we have new posts every few days on topics ranging from the craft of the short story to erotic censorship, from some of the top names in the erotica business.

Feed your readers’ fantasies:

Here at ERWA we may focus on readers and writers, but we’ve got the goods for you visual types, too. Every month we update our Adult Movies section with the latest new releases as well as timeless porn classics. Topping the bill this month is Stormy Daniels’ scorchingly hot comedy “The Divorcees”. Who says you can’t laugh and come at the same time? I’m usually not interested in porn parody’s but I think “She Hulk – XXX” starring WWF wrestling star Chyna might be worth watching. Couples looking for something to view together might enjoy “Broken Hearts”, a tale of a man and a woman damaged by their pasts who find love and sexual fulfillment in the present. My pick from the total smut category has to be “Remy 2”, featuring luscious brunette Remy La Croix and enough filthy action that the reviewer despaired of describing it. Meanwhile if you like an occasional trip back in time, don’t miss the 1976 feature THE ANALYST, featuring a very young and totally uninhibited Candida Royalle.

Seeing is believing:

And would you like a toy or two, madam, to go with that film? Head to the Sex Toy Playground for information, recommendations, and cool discounts (10% this month from both Adam & Eve and Good Vibrations). The Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column highlights the latest and greatest erotic implements, including some nipple clamps that made my mouth (and other parts) water. The folks at Adam & Eve have provided a column about using Ben Wa Balls for pleasure and health. (I wonder if you could get reimbursement from your insurance?) Looking for something in a specific category? Browse our archived reviews to get the straight talk on vibes, sleeves, and lots more. And do take advantage of our how-to columns from previous editions. Get advice on how to do the deed from the experts!

Come and play – play and come…

You could spend days on the ERWA site without exhausting its wealth of adult content (see, for instance, the Treasure Chest, dozens of the best stories ever published on ERWA), but if you do decide you want something a little different, check out our nicely classified Portfolio of Links. Erotic art and photos, animation, kink, GLBT sites, porn portals, lingerie, sex toys, hook-ups – whatever you’re seeking, I’ll bet you’ll find it in our portfolio. Click with confidence – we only list the best of the best.

Browse the best sex on the web:

Whew! That was fast – I’m out of breath! I’m always up for a quickie, but I do hope you’ll take the time to explore the ERWA site in more detail over the next two months. Two months? Yes, as usual, Webmistress Adrienne and we, her loyal minions, take off during the month of June, for vacation and – um – training. The next full update to the site, and the next edition of this newsletter, will be out in the beginning of July. Try not to get too lonely. Just think about me in my traditional red-white-and-blue holiday corset.

Remember – don’t dream it, be it.

Brazenly yours,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
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Write, learn, and play on ERWA . Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: April 2013

From the Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Insatiable Satyrs and Naughty Nymphomaniacs,

Welcome to the April edition of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association. As is typical for this time of year, we’re in for an extremely wet period. This is especially true if you join me on our monthly tour of ERWA’s lubricious delights.

I usually head to the Erotica Gallery first, to see what sort of mischief my fellow authors have been up to. This month’s offerings are both abundant and exceptionally varied, with seven stories, four quickies (1200 words or under), twelve flashers (200 words) and a quartet of gorgeous poems.

From romance to raunch to sweet regret, Our authors work to keep you wet.
Sorry – reading poetry always triggers a temptation to rhyme…

Do you write erotic fiction or verse? Want a chance to see your work featured in the Gallery? Join the ERWA Storytime list, an online crit group where you can share your sensual or smutty visions with a sympathetic and skilled audience, and perhaps, find yourself published on our pages.For more information on our email discussion lists, go here:

Experience the many moods of Eros:

Perhaps our talented contributors can’t completely satisfy your literary lusts. Fortunately, our Books for Sensual Readers section features dozens of fabulous anthologies and novels to help you scratch that persistent itch. Browsing this month’s stellar selection, I honed in on LA DOLCE VITA: CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN EROTICA BY WOMEN, translated and edited by Maxim Jakubowski. We don’t often get to read erotic tales from non-English sources; this book is a breath of fresh air. Fans of femdom erotica won’t want to miss UNDER HER THUMB, edited by the illustrious D.L. King – a serious afficionado of the genre, as anyone who has read her Melinoe series can attest. GAIJIN, Remittance Girl’s eloquent, disturbing novella, is now available in ebook form from Burning Book Press. Elise Hepner exploits the erotic possibilities of the Snow White story – seven men! – in her romance NOT SO PURE.

If you’re looking for new gay titles, check out Jay Kirkpatrick’s science fiction erotic romance, FREEDOM, about a pair of empaths struggling against the constraints of an oppressive future society. My pick for lesbian fiction is Delilah Devlin’s SHE SHIFTERS, a Sapphic recasting of a sub-genre too long monopolized by alpha males. And if you’re in the mood for a mystery, pick up a copy of my re-released erotic thriller EXPOSURE – which started life as a short story in the ERWA Gallery!

Please remember to click on our links to Amazon or Barnes and Noble if you’re tempted to buy – books, video, toys, or whatever. Every penny you spend at our affiliate sites supports ERWA. We’ve been feeding your fantasies for sixteen years now. Help us keep up the – um – good work!

Reading is sexy – especially here at ERWA:

Speaking of movies, we’ve got some fabulous films in the Adult Movies section picked out for you this month. Topping the bill is Dana Vespoli’s dramatic fetish-packed odyssey “Forsaken”. A young woman awakens in the forest, bloodied, amnesiac and alone. Who is she?  Her bizarre search for the truth leads her into extremes of passion and degradation.

Also of note is “Female Fantasies”, a delicious compendium of wildly sensual triple-X encounters instantiating women’s favorite wet dreams. Come wander in this not-so-secret garden. In the pure porn category, I recommend “Secretary’s Day 6”, a playful, explicit paean to those unsung ladies of typing and dictation that’s guaranteed to please the working stiff. And if you appreciate the classics, don’t miss the 1976 debut of busty blonde Carol Connors, in the vampiric flick “The Bride’s Initiation”.

As usual, our video affiliates are ready (and eager!) to fulfill your cinematic desires. All you have to do is choose – not a trivial feat given all the flicks we feature!

Movies to maximize the moisture:

Nothing goes better with a sexy film than a saucy sex toy, and, as usual, we’ve got you covered in that department. From Kegel balls to anal beads, the monthly Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column fills you in (so to speak) with the latest buzz on top erotic implements. This month, we also feature an informative column on how to use cock rings to maximize both safety and pleasure. And before we head over to the next stop on our tour, allow me to call your attention to all the archived articles in the Sex Toy Playground section. Got questions about penis pumps, lubricants, strap-ons, spanking? Get the facts from the experts.

Visit the Playground, to swing and slide:

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, our denizens discuss the question of impotency. It happens to every man at some point; how should you react? We’ve got four fascinating pages of answers to that question, but as one guy puts it, “When all else fails, use your head.”Want to share your thoughts? Just click the Participate link.

Don’t be shy!You’re always welcome Inside the Erotic Mind:

Finally, if you’re one of us perves who are brave enough to bare our fantasies to the world at large, visit our Author Resources page. We’ve added lots of new calls for submissions recently. Maxim Jakubowski is editing the Mammoth Book of Erotic Romance and Dominance. Lucy Felthouse and Kevin Mitnick want urban lesbian fiction for Smut in the City – Sapphic Edition, while LadyLit Publishing wants lesbian erotica for Anything She Wants. Shane Allison is seeking true gay erotic stories for his Men on the Make collection. There’s also a call from Harlequin for “Cosmo Red Hot Reads”, novella length fiction featuring twenty-something “Cosmo Girls”.

We publish every new call on the ERWA blog as soon as it arrives. Meanwhile, a dozen seasoned authors blog each month on topics ranging from the formal structure of stories to the future of erotica. Follow the blog, or subscribe by email, and you can be the first to read monthly columns by sex-writing superstars like M. Christian, Remittance Girl, K.D. Grace and Ashley Lister. Speaking of Master Ashley, he has a new non-fiction book out entitled HOW TO WRITE EROTIC FICTION AND SEX SCENES – a practical, non-nonsense tutorial to help you get through the hard parts to the good parts. Available at Amazon & Amazon UK.

Take the publishing plunge:

Our April Web Gem is Dreamspinner Press , winner of the 2013 EPIC eBook Award, publisher of quality M/M romance novels, novellas, short stories, and anthologies.

Launched in May 2007, Dreamspinner Press‘ focus is on romance, supernatural passion, out-of-this-world lovers, kinky explorations, and heated dreams–a little taste to whet your appetite for romantic homoerotica. We hope you take a little time to be enchanted, romanced, and loved by enjoying the publications of Dreamspinner Press.

Authors: Dreamspinner Press seeks gay male romance stories in all genres. We encourage tales that cross genres; for example, a science-fiction mystery or romantic fantasy. Stories can stand alone or be part of a well-developed series. Submission details at:

So, are you as damp as I am? To be honest, after reviewing all the ERWA attractions, I need a cold shower – and not just because I live in the tropics! Think I’ll ask at least one of my lovers to join me…

See you next month – the lusty month of May!

Sinfully yours,

Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory   
Check out blog
Join Lisabet’s List           

Write, learn, and play on ERWA . Details at:

Erotic Lure Newsletter: March 2013

From the Erotica Readers & Writers Association
By Lisabet Sarai

Dear Lascivious Leprechauns,

Welcome to the March edition of the Erotic Lure, your personal guided tour of the smuttiest and most sinful sections of the Erotica Readers & Writers Association website. Although I’m not Irish, I’ve always loved the tipsy exuberance of St. Patrick’s Day. I’ve donned my shamrock-colored corset, bowler and boots for the occasion. If you’re lucky, I just might lead you to the fabled sexpot of gold.

Let’s start in the Gallery, where once again our editors have assembled an astonishing collection of original fiction in every mood, from playful and humorous to chillingly dark. We have cherry-hued Dior lingerie, a sexy Irish barrista complete with swoon-worthy brogue, an MILF who learns a thing or two from her young conquest, a visitor from the future with a sex ray gun, a man haunted and warped by his past deeds, and a reanimated Goth beauty with an insatiable appetite for both sex and horror. You’ll also find a raft of clever flashers – full stories in 200 words or less – and exquisite erotic poetry. If you like your erotica smooth, surprising and unapologetically hot, spend some time with the incredibly talented authors of ERWA.

Read your way to release:

And how did our authors get so darned good? Visit the Authors Resources pages for some clues. Follow our link to the ERWA blog to read posts from veteran authors on a wide range of topics related to erotica, writing and publishing. Visit the archives for fabulous articles on the business and craft of authorship, dating all the way back to 2006. Then browse our calls for submissions list to find the inspiration for your next story or novel. This month’s listings include anthologies on the themes of “campus sexploits”, “sex with sporty queers”, zombie lust, cowboys, knights and men in kilts. Check out the guidelines for new erotic romance house Scarlet Petals Press and webzine Peaches magazine, which is seeking both fiction and non-fiction.

Get off your butt and get published:

Whether you’re an author or not, you’re bound to be inspired by our Books for Sensual Readers. This month we feature Joan Price’s groundbreaking anthology AGELESS EROTICA, a collection of tales by authors over fifty that celebrates mature sex. Violet Blue edits VORACIOUS, a typically transgressive collection of tales about women hungry for carnal delights. Don’t miss Jean Roberta’s bawdy historical tale FLIGHT OF THE BLACK SWAN, featuring an all-orientations cast of horny pirates. Laura Antoniou takes a break from the Marketplace to offer up THE KILLER WORE LEATHER: A S/M MYSTERY, in which a lesbian police detective goes underground at the Mr. and Ms. Global Leather competition to ferret out the fetishist who murdered last year’s winner. BARBAROSSA’S BITCH, gay erotica from Angelia Sparrow and Naomi Brooks, is a post-apocalyptic tale of passion and submission. L.T. Marie’s THREE DAYS centers on a lesbian Vegas wedding and the two guests who can’t afford to gamble with love. And I’ve added THE FEMINIST PORN BOOK to my personal wish-list – an intelligent and provocative collection of essays by female directors and authors of adult film including Nina Hartley and Candida Royale.

All these fabulous titles and dozens more can be yours faster than you can say “cornbeef and cabbage”. Just click on our links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or All Romance Ebooks and browse to your heart’s content. Every penny you spend helps keep ERWA alive and kicking.

Expand the horizons of your imagination:

What do sex toys have to do with St. Patty’s Day? I think someone missed the boat by not featuring green lube this month. Anyway, you don’t need a holiday to enjoy the delightful implements showcased in the Sex Toy Playground. Our regular Sex Toy Scuttlebutt column keeps you well-informed about the latest developments in erotic technology. Honestly, sex toys get more exotic all the time – check out the Sqweel Oral Sex Simulator if you don’t believe me. Then there’s Mr. and Mrs. Toy’s review of the Verspanken Masturbator and Water Weiners. It does come in green…

There’s always time to play:

Oscar winners, eat your hearts out. Our top billing in the Adult Films section goes to “Wasteland”, directed by Graham Travis. This gorgeous, emotionally wrenching tale of a lovers’ one-night reunion won an amazing seven awards in the 2013 AVN competition, including Movie of the Year, Best Actress and Best Screenplay. Also of note is Stormy Daniels’ couples flick “Unfaithful”, a cautionary story of love and deception, and “Against Her Will”, a smutty extravaganza of Sapphic dominance and submission. The 1978 classic “Easy” follows the adventures of Kate (Jesie St. James), a woman whose sexual desires are truly insatiable. And if you like to mix a bit of education in with your sex, check out “Jessica Drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex: Anal Play for Men”. Bend over, baby!

We’re not just teasing you with all these great movies. You can buy anything that piques your interest from our reputable affiliates. Just click, and come.

Live your dreams on the silver screen:

Inside the Erotic Mind this month, our members take about faking orgasms. You’ll find some fascinating differences between the male and female perspectives on this question. To add your thoughts, click on the link labeled Participate.

There are no limits inside the erotic mind:

Our featured web gem this month is legendary erotica and romance publisher Ellora’s Cave.

Ellora’s Cave was established in 2000 and remains at the vanguard of both the erotic romance and digital publishing revolutions. The company works hard to retain its leading edge by continually discovering fresh talent, blazing new genre trails, and paying some of the highest royalty rates in the industry. With books in six languages and authors and editors around the world, we are truly an international publisher.

We accept both agented and unagented manuscripts, and as an author-owned company are very author-friendly. For submission guidelines and calls for submissions, visit

Authors, editors, fans, aspiring authors, Caveman cover models and other industry professionals from around the world gather at our annual convention RomantiCon for fun, inspiration, education and networking:

It’s time for me to wrap this up. As usual, I’ve only hit the highlights of the ERWA site. Have fun exploring all the back alleys! As for me, I’m going out for a green beer, hoping I’ll meet someone with the gift of blarney – you know what I mean, someone with a really talented tongue…


Visit Lisabet Sarai’s Fantasy Factory
Check out Lisabet’s blog
Join Lisabet’s List

Write, learn, and play on ERWA. Details at:

Hot Chilli Erotica

Hot Chilli Erotica


Babysitting the Baumgartners - The Movie
From Adam & Eve - Based on the Book by New York Times Bestselling Authors Selena Kitt

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Disclosure: We use affiliate links on our site. What are affiliate links? Affiliate (or partnership) programs are created by businesses (like Amazon) that pay sites (like ERWA) for referring visitors to the business. Affiliate programs pay the referring site a percentage of products purchased via the affiliate link. You can help keep ERWA alive and kicking by doing your online shopping for books, movies, sex toys, etc., via ERWA affiliate links. Help support ERWA.



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